Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Hey wait a minute,The banner dosn't work! the picture dosn't show up,all that apears is the code and a bunch of theese:---------------------------------------------


(there goes my advritising...)
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

May I have a banner? I would like a black backround with an R like Team Rocket. On it I need databases for Arbok, Weezing, Seviper, Cacturne, Mewtwo, Carnivine, and Mr. Junior. Mewtwo in the center please. It needs to say Team Rocket in big red print. This is not for my signature. Thanks.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

a database is a pokemon sprite, that has the out line in a color like red, and then everything else is black, I could do the databases, and then you could make the banner.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Well, this is my first database, and it's alot harder than I thought I would be. Jason Rules: I guess its up to you.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

hi guys thanx for what you did i haven't been on for a while because i have been busy packing. everything looks great just one thing flygon ruler the code didn't show fo the trophy
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

woops sorry. Forgot
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

just to remind you still have to do the avatar sorry!
it's just your like the best shop and the fastest
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

sorry, but I seriously hate when people say can I have a leafeon avy? Please be more specific, or I can just give you a picture of a leafeon sprite. Please tell me exactly what you want.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

oh and the egg and flag won't show up in my sig
i want a picture of leafeon's head and can i also have the writing leafean with that on my avatar please?
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

pokemonfreak359 said:
Why aren;t there requests?

I'm sorry but you don't work here
You did not post within the last
2 weeks...

Oh yeah,You know that dot
in the code for the flag-->>3644.<---Change the dot to a Slash-->/
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Jason Rules said:

I changed the backround to
match the title,so here.
I did the link just click on the banner and you got it.

To CC123
You know that Number next to png,
Did you think that was an "L"?
Because that's a 1.
Lance and Salamence said:
May I have a banner? I would like a black backround with an R like Team Rocket. On it I need databases for Arbok, Weezing, Seviper, Cacturne, Mewtwo, Carnivine, and Mr. Junior. Mewtwo in the center please. It needs to say Team Rocket in big red print. This is not for my signature. Thanks.

I need to fix everything that
everyone has requested and
the ones already gotten it
but doesn't work.

To FlygonRuler,
Can you do the background
and the R?

I'll do the others.
RE: Stop 'n' Shop

Can you make a banner with the stuff described below on it:

*Wobbuffet Sugimori Image* > *As many Uber and OU sprites as you can put on this side*

Use a very simple background, or leave the background out altogether. Just BE SURE to stuff as many small sprites as possible (from the first three competitive tiers) on the right side (the left and right sides do not have to be of equal size). Also, put the credits in the banner, please, and give me the line of code.

These are the Pokemon that should be put on the right side:
Arceus, Darkrai, Deoxys, Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Ho-Oh, Kyogre, Latias, Latios, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Palkia, Rayquaza, Aerodactyl ,Alakazam Azelf, Blissey, Bronzong, Celebi, Claydol, Cresselia, Donphan, Dragonite, Dugtrio, Dusknoir, Electivire, Gallade, Garchomp, Gengar, Gliscor, Gyarados, Heatran, Heracross, Hippowdon, Infernape, Jirachi, Jolteon, Lucario, Machamp, Magnezone, Manaphy, Medicham, Metagross, Milotic, Ninjask, Porygon-Z, Raikou, Regice, Rhyperior, Salamence, Skarmory, Slaking, Slowbro, Snorlax, Staraptor, Starmie, Suicune, Swampert, Tauros, Togekiss, Tyranitar, Umbreon, Weavile, Weezing, Zapdos