Straight Edge


Aspiring Trainer
Does anyone here live the straight edge lifestyle? I know that most of the members here are probably pretty young and haven't been tempted by these things yet, but I'm currently a junior in high school and I think its a smart thing to do and I want to control my life.

For those of you that don't know what it is, here is an exert from Wikipedia:
Straight Edge refers to a lifestyle that started within the hardcore punk subculture whose adherents make a commitment to refrain from drinking alcohol, using tobacco products, and using recreational drugs. The term was coined by the 1980s hardcore punk band Minor Threat in the song "Straight Edge".

Most people in my grade get high and drink normally, and for me, this is a way of rebelling from it all and being healthy, happy, and free. But its also a challenge. Most young adults will have a really rough day, go home, and drink to forget about it. But if I have a really rough day, I go home and deal with it and think about it and what went wrong and try to correct my problems.
But everyone has their own reasons. If you do, what are yours?
Australia has a relatively smaller drug influence compared to the states, but I still am not touching most alcohol or drugs. Possibly a small glass of wine later on, but probably not anything else. Considering the death rates that it piles up. Also it's a counter to what everyone else does. Can't say I like doing what everyone else does much.
I wouldn't calll it going straight edge, but I am 300% sure I won't touch drugs or ciggarettes. Alchohol maybe a tiny bit, but not properly
im kind of straight edge, i only drink wine and rum (rum very rarely, and wine with a festive dinner) and i only smoke a cigar when im with my buddy from boston. I hate drugs whether hard core or not, i will not touch them.
They call it abstinent here (Florida), and yes, that has been my lifestyle since, well, I could make those kinds of choices. I find it silly to cause harm to oneself, so naturally, that's the way I choose to live my life, and I follow the guidelines of abstinence to the letter.
I personally don't do much with Tobacco, as it is the most disgusting thing ever made. Recreational drugs, I don't use either. Alcohol I have had a little of, but I really try to limit myself because my family (on my father's side) has a bad reaction to alcohol, and I don't really want to risk most of it. I'm not really going to say no to a glass of wine from time to time, but I don't see that being a problem.
I usually limit myself to champagne because I can.

Nah, seriously, I barely ever drink, because I just don't see the point, you don't need alcohol to enjoy yourself (and I'd rather remember it and not have a headache the next day). I'm not really party or bar visiting kind-of-guy either, so yeah.
This doesn't mean I never drink, though, just rarely and not much. A glass of red wine a day is said to even lengthen your life, IIRC.

And others drugs, never. No way am I going waste money on poison. Just say no kids, just say no.
To this date i've never drank, smoked or done drugs and I intend to keep it that way. It really is anoying that basically most people in my year at school always go out at nights and get drunk and smoke a lot. Even though we are taught about how bad they are they still can see past it.

This boy in my class once threw a house party with alcohal and ended up getting his house completely trashed, he was so very mad lol. So at risk of that happing I'm fine with being straight edged :)
Hmm. I understand where you guys are coming from, but an outright ban on alchohol/ciggarettes is extreme in my opinion (yar, drugs are bad and all that, don't do those). I think it's Ok to expose yourself to things like this, so long as you don't make a habit of it. You will most likely share my opinion in the future, I've known a lot of people with similar ideas to yours. :p
Maybe a smoke here and there but definately no booze or alcohol. I find it very rare that everyone is a non-touched being i.e. a straight edge.

dmaster out.
Most people actually don't drink. Recently study at my college (relitively small one) showed only 50%ish of kids had ever drunk before, period. :/ While its respectable, straight edge is just what most people live (though very broad).
Straight edge is a fad.

Obviously it's wonderful that you're not smoking and drinking and all that, but in my opinion, the title and rebellious attitude of being straight edge is just the "cool new thing."
^Well, I don't think striaght edgfe is all good :/

Drugs, no way ever. Just no. IF I here anyone remotely talkign about drugs (and taking them) I immediately blank them. I'm extremely cautious about screwing up my life with that stuff.

Smoking, neva either. People don't realise how bad smoking really is. You might say 'well, just once or twice' but you can't stop. Its addictive. You get hooked, and beforfe oyu know it you're doing 40 a day and have niccotine slabs ll the way up your arm. Next thing you have a stroke or lung cancer. In many ways, its AS dangerous as drugs. More deadly, however, because people aren't as afraid as they are of drugs.

Alchochol, however, is fine in moderation. As a minor anyway, I don't drink, but when I'm older I probably won't say no to a glass of wine occasionally, but I think moderation is important. Getting drunk is just stupid. Its not on the scale of evil as smoking or drugs, but its deadly if used wrong. There are one or two occasions in my religion, where it is encouraged to have alchohol (only small amounts) as part of ritual services/whatevers. Nothing wrong with it, just don't go OTT.
I'm not saing smoking is good, but smoking a cigar is not as bad as smoking cigerits. With cigars you doin't inhaile the smoke into your lungs, so you can only get gum, tounge and esphoges canser. Alchoholo in moderation is good, I'v never understood why people get wasted drunk, but a drink every now and then is not bad.
ssman0017 said:
With cigars you doing't inhaile the smoke into your lungs, so you can only get gum, tounge and esphoges canser.

Yeah who wants that pesky old lung cancer when you can have a rotting mouth instead.
Noob Sandwich said:
ssman0017 said:
With cigars you doing't inhaile the smoke into your lungs, so you can only get gum, tounge and esphoges canser.

Yeah who wants that pesky old lung cancer when you can have a rotting mouth instead.

I know, come on, roting lung or roting mouth. How much better can it get?
When people in England claim to be straight-edge before they're actually legal to buy alcoholic beverages or tobacco products, I simply let them know they're only following the law. I'm not straight-edge and I don't think I ever will be, I smoke, I drink and I do the veeery occasional recreational drugs (marijuana, basically)
Hey my science teacher told me today that one glass of red wine a day can actually be good for your heart. 0_o How?
A small amount of alcohol helps to relieve stress, so that's probably the reason why.
In fact, since stress supposedly leads to a shortened lifespan, I'd imagine that taking alcohol occasionly isn't bad for the body at all. It only damages the body when taken in excess.
..I think.

Well anyway, as for me, I will never take cigarettes or drugs, but a little alcohol on occasion when I'm old enough.
Red wine has something in it with antioxidents which slow the rate of aging among other things. It might be the grape things. I don't think it's the alcohol, but it's defenitely not the worst beverage to be taking.