Pokemon Strange-looking Pokemon

RE: Has anyone else noticed...

shitzon said:
MrSquarepants said:
Did you know in Germany that on the 18th birthday of a daughter the Dad makes her umbilical cord that was frozen for 18 years into stew? Hah! That just from a play Woody Harrelson wrote. I don't know if it's actually true or not...

Ehw, of course, it isn't true at all oô

* Scary Pokémon... Did you know that the actual Pokémon "Parasect" is the mushroom? You know, it controls the insect. And if the insect is going to die, the parasite infects the eggs of it! Besides, it explains the blank eyes of Parasect...
* Or according to D/P/Pt Pokédex, Farfetch'd dies without its stick... But it do eat it in times of need. Suicide?
* Dodri got every organ three times, not only brains =0
* And nobody knows how Tangela and Cloyster look under the tentacles / shell, I think that's kind of creepy (Tangela looks more creepy to me... Just imagine so many tentacles!).
* Guess that Cubone wears the skull of its mother is known...
* Ah, Delibird doesn't have a bag like Santa, it is its tail.
* And Slugma is made of magma, so it can die by cooling a bit... And Magcargos shell breaks by a little touch...

Well, isn't that creepy, but couldn't think of more by now, sorry ;D
Delibird made me say: Oh crap
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

spiritomb said:
Stunfisk is a flounder. I haven't found a creepy Pokémon yet.
THANK YOU. There's one mystery solved lol.
frostwind said:
^^ I'm with you on Bannete being the creepiest. Its just so disturbing to have a living toy that feeds off of bad emotions, but I guess that's why I like it so much.
And the fact that it holds a grudge against the kid who abandoned it and wants to find the kid for revenge... o__o
It is a pretty sweet looking Pokemon though!
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

oh dude i love the baclk franje whitewanna hit em uP?
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

hmmm... Spiritomb, definitely. I'll never forget the first time I saw it when Gen 4 pokémon were revealed and thought "wow, what the...? what is this?" but not in a bad sense. The fact that it has such a strange look and an unusual design is what got me into it and I like its concept a lot.
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

I only like pokemon for the strange ones. I'm a monster fan, and consider things like Garbodor, Exeggcutor and Spiritomb "proper" monsters. I like a lot of the normal animal ones too, sure, but I always prefer bizarre and freaky.

pokemon has really run out ideas, hasn't it? I mean, Darumaka? 'It's droppings are hot so people used to put them in their clothes to keep warm' -___- really? who in their right mind would put poop in their clothes to keep warm?

Actually, this is highly realistic. MANY cultures make use of animal dung in all sorts of surprising ways. There are places where people use it to make bricks for their houses, rub it on themselves to protect against the sun, or chew it like gum.

It's entirely possible that Darumaka's aren't as filthy as normal animal droppings. The heat would kill most microorganisms, which are also what causes the bad smell of feces.

THANK YOU. There's one mystery solved lol.

I'm surprised you didn't realize that.

This is a real flounder:


Actually much weirder looking than Stunfisk. I love Stunfisk, but I wish it had the completely asymmetrical face of the real thing. A flounder technically lives on its side, but one of its eyes moves all the way around its head (starting out normal when they hatch) until it has both eyes on the same side. They're by far one of my favorite animal groups.
RE: Strange looking Pokemon


Dusknoir takes souls to the spirit world...
Yay pokemon isn't real!
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Bogleech said:
I'm surprised you didn't realize that.

This is a real flounder:


Actually much weirder looking than Stunfisk. I love Stunfisk, but I wish it had the completely asymmetrical face of the real thing. A flounder technically lives on its side, but one of its eyes moves all the way around its head (starting out normal when they hatch) until it has both eyes on the same side. They're by far one of my favorite animal groups.

Well I live in Nebraska and I've only seen a flounder maybe a couple of times at the zoo, so they're not really something I've seen, heard, or thought much about. :p That's some interesting information though, nature is so crazy!
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Delta Nite said:
Lickitung. Just look at it. I hate it.

That's a pretty childish thing to say, isn't it? You hate something because it's "strange?"

Strange = fun, cool and imaginative. Strange is an almost inherently positive thing.

A wacky pink salamander with creepy beady eyes and a giant tongue is awesome, classic, and like all other pokemon, just adds diversity.

Try opening your mind a little. Everything doesn't need to be "cute" or "cool" in a generic, predictable way to be good.
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Bogleech said:
Delta Nite said:
Lickitung. Just look at it. I hate it.

That's a pretty childish thing to say, isn't it? You hate something because it's "strange?"

Strange = fun, cool and imaginative. Strange is an almost inherently positive thing.

A wacky pink salamander with creepy beady eyes and a giant tongue is awesome, classic, and like all other pokemon, just adds diversity.

Try opening your mind a little. Everything doesn't need to be "cute" or "cool" in a generic, predictable way to be good.
Actually, the childish thing to do is bash other people because of their opinions. Just because someone doesn't like a Pokemon that you do, doesn't mean they need to "open their mind a little." If anything, you do to be more accepting of other peoples' opinions.

There's nothing that hasn't already been mentioned, but I've always (and still do) believe that if Pokemon were real, the one Pokemon that would screw the human race the most would be Ditto. Also, Chandelure's kind of creepy, creating zombies and all.
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

pokemonjoe said:
the one Pokemon that would screw the human race the most would be Ditto.

I never even thought about Ditto, but that's so true.. o__o
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

One that has always made me a little uneasy is Shellder. I mean, it's just black in there, and you see eyes. Kinda freaky.

Then Cloyster looks like Gastly made a little home in a shell. >_>
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Shining Raikou said:
One that has always made me a little uneasy is Shellder. I mean, it's just black in there, and you see eyes. Kinda freaky.

Then Cloyster looks like Gastly made a little home in a shell. >_>

Yeah, kind of like Forretress or Cubone, it's kind of creepy that you never see what the Pokemon ACTUALLY look like, and it could be something horrendous.
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

pokemonjoe said:
if Pokemon were real, the one Pokemon that would screw the human race the most would be Ditto.

Hahaha I see what you did there....

I always thought that the pokemon who wear "clothes" are the strangest/creepiest. Like Sawk and Throh. Where did they get them? If they are intelligent enough to wear and possibly make clothes on their own, is it moral to capture them and make them our pets?
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

I don't know if someone has already mentioned this but Shedinja is creepy.

The B/W/B2/W2 pokedex entry for it says:

"A discarded bug shell that came to life. Peering into the crack on its back is said to steal one's spirit."

It is an immovable empty shell that came to life, it doesn't breath and steals your soul!
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Actually, the childish thing to do is bash other people because of their opinions. Just because someone doesn't like a Pokemon that you do, doesn't mean they need to "open their mind a little." If anything, you do to be more accepting of other peoples' opinions.
Eesh. I was JUST ranting earlier today about what a bad line of thinking this is... The regrettably popular notion that all "opinions" deserve respect or acceptance just for being opinions at all is a terrible pox on the internet, and not proper conversation or debate etiquette at all, actually. Opinions are never above criticism, especially excessively negative ones about something completely harmless and silly. It is childish to think you "hate" something just because it doesn't fit into your idea of cool or interesting. Anyone who has ever said they "hated" a pokemon, a comic book character, a song, a style of dress, a movie, a book, anything at all that just isn't their cup of tea most certainly needs to open their mind and grow up some. The very worst a sane person should be capable of feeling towards such a little thing is ambivalence.
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Don't turn this into an argument.... -_- I don't care if you guys like or dislike strange Pokemon, and nobody else should care either because it really doesn't matter in a Pokemon thread.
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Bogleech said:
Actually, the childish thing to do is bash other people because of their opinions. Just because someone doesn't like a Pokemon that you do, doesn't mean they need to "open their mind a little." If anything, you do to be more accepting of other peoples' opinions.
Eesh. I was JUST ranting earlier today about what a bad line of thinking this is... The regrettably popular notion that all "opinions" deserve respect or acceptance just for being opinions at all is a terrible pox on the internet, and not proper conversation or debate etiquette at all, actually. Opinions are never above criticism, especially excessively negative ones about something completely harmless and silly. It is childish to think you "hate" something just because it doesn't fit into your idea of cool or interesting. Anyone who has ever said they "hated" a pokemon, a comic book character, a song, a style of dress, a movie, a book, anything at all that just isn't their cup of tea most certainly needs to open their mind and grow up some. The very worst a sane person should be capable of feeling towards such a little thing is ambivalence.
If anything, your opinions are the negative ones, as you're getting all angry at someone for disliking a Pokemon. I never said his opinions were above criticism, but you have no warrants for bashing on this person's opinions. You also say that no sane person should be capable of feelings toward such a little thing, but then you're the one having angry feelings because of his opinion. Maybe I should start getting angry because you like Likitung? No, that'd be silly, just like getting angry because someone dislikes it.

...Hypocrite much?
RE: Strange looking Pokemon

Uh, what? Where did I say anything "angry" or "bash" anyone? I just said their choice of words was childish, because there's never any good reason to say you "hate" something just because you don't find it cool. I'm telling them to just lighten up, and I haven't used a harsh or upset tone anywhere. I can understand if you think I'm really emotionally invested in such a minor exchange just because I type a whole lot, but that's all that is - I type a whole lot. I write for pay and as a hobby and I find it hard to say anything in only one brief paragraph. I just cut this very post down from four :p

Back onto the general subject of the thread, it's always been confusing to me how allegedly "weird" pokemon are often the least popular. Weird is well-liked just about everywhere else...kids love freaky aliens, monsters, demons and wacky surreal stuff, yet a huge chunk of the Pokemon fandom has this inexplicable standard where anything that goes over a certain threshold of strangeness is considered "stupid" or "uncreative." People love fox, dinosaur, dragon and cat pokemon no matter how many are made over and over again (and, you must admit, all look roughly alike), but something like an ice-cream shaped frost creature or a giant Moai with a mustache becomes extremely polarizing, and some people even get mad that they exist, insistent that these ideas somehow bring down the quality of the whole series. It's like people are opposed to diversity or something, or just don't like a pokemon design to be humorous and peculiar...even though the basic premise of pokemon is inherently ridiculous and whimsical, which is what everyone likes it for, isn't it?