Stupid things you have done

I was snowboarding right, and there was this person sitting right in the middle of it. So, I decided to try and jump her. I cleared her alright, but I did a full flip off of my board. I broke my finger, got a huge abrasion on my face, and suffered a concussion.
Wow. Speaking of that, I once went to make smores on a 5th grade field trip, my friend was telling a story and I dropped my smore. :(
LOLz. I just flipped a four-wheeler and cracked my rib. LIVING ON THE EDGE! I flew like 5 feet after it flipped, and I landed in a creek and I also hit my head, and I have a black-and-blue bruise there. And it busted this tree down, at least slowing it down while I rolled out of the four-wheeler's way. LOL.

At art class I kept breaking my pencil over and over again by accdent and in 4th grade on the first day I stapled my thumb... Lol

Once I took a big handful of salt('cause I thought it was sugar =__=), and ate it. I had to drink like, 60 glasses of water... DO NOT ingest salt in large proportions...

Once, I got a toy for Christmas and I didn't know it needed batteries, so I tried to play with it. It didn't work, so I got mad. Then I started playing with it like it was an action figure. It was supposed to fly like on TV, so I threw it so it could fly. It hit the wall, broke, and I saw that the batteries were in it, I just didn't hit the on button.
LOL, what was it?

But, I just remembered this time when I slipped off of some stairs outside and fell onto some sharp metal. It slit my wrists...:/
Water Rayquaza said:
LOL, what was it?

But, I just remembered this time when I slipped off of some stairs outside and fell onto some sharp metal. It slit my wrists...:/
Its a sign, you must go Emo :O JK

Once when I was little, I ate a whole lot of coffee sweetner thinking it was suger, and I started screaming....

flygon jedi master said:
Once I took a big handful of salt('cause I thought it was sugar =__=), and ate it. I had to drink like, 60 glasses of water... DO NOT ingest salt in large proportions...

Does a whole handful of pretzel salt count? I ate a whole handful, with no drink, and kept a straight face. :)

Water Rayquaza said:
But, I just remembered this time when I slipped off of some stairs outside and fell onto some sharp metal. It slit my wrists...:/

Emo... LOL.

That must of hurt. Did it feel good?
I can't help it. Sorry.

I remeber once (last year), I wrote on my walls and signed my name and the date.

And it all went downhill after that. :(
But, that was when I was 5. :/ And, yes, Cynthiafan, it hurt.

Plus, when I was like...7, I stubbed my toe on a brick, and my entire toenail came off and stabbed the back of my where my toenail should have been, then it grinded the skin off of the tips of my toes. God, it hurt.
PokemonPhantom3 said:
Tofu was that at ski club -_-

I placed my hand on a hot stove when I was young :p

That would be correct Jordan.

Remember when I came back all banged up?
I tried to bowl with a 10 pound bowling ball... when I was in 1st grade. I dropped it, and broke my finger :O

Oh, I pranked my cabin leader when my church went to camp. Afterwards, I ended up in the womens bathroom, with my hands duct-taped together, my feet tied with rope, and an orange stuffed in my face. :p My cabin leader was originally going to tie me to a stick, and then stick an apple in my mouth, like you see in the movies, but they couldn't find a good stick, or an apple.

I'm totally getting re-revenge on him when we go to stay in a hotel for the weekend after New Years.
Water Rayquaza said:
LOL, what was it?

But, I just remembered this time when I slipped off of some stairs outside and fell onto some sharp metal. It slit my wrists...:/

It was a toy helicopter. That must have hurt.
I remember I was at my grandma's house and I found a lizard in her room, so I decided to take it outside. She saw me with it and I got hit very, very hard with her broom.
She said she was trying to get the lizard yeah right. >.<

And at my 4th birthday party I was running around screaming and having a fun time and my brother thought I was annoying so he hit me and I fell and hit my head on the concrete and I had scrapped a lot of skin off.
Your grandmother was aiming for the lizard(yeah, right). I think she was hitting you because you HAD the lizard in your hand.

Wow, that must've hurt.

I was riding my bike once, and I made to sharp of a turn, crashed into a rock,(I was going REALLY fast) and flew into a pond.
OOOOOOOh, sounds like fun, to hit your head on concrete, especially for a 4-yr.-old! :p

I decided to get in a wagon with my 2 friends when I still lived in North Carolina. We then proceeded to ride down a small hill. I left with a bruised head, and 1 of my friends left with a sprained wrist >.<

My church group (same one as in the post above) went to stay in a hotel. We had a pillow fight. I got smashed in the face, which bent my glasses basically in half, and my friend got a minor concussion. =/

We plan on giving him a concussion again this year :p
Putting a leftover burrito from Taco Bell with the wrapper on in the microwave. You can guess the result.

dmaster out.