Succumb To The Dark Side

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RE: Official Newbie Topic

I like Pokemon, and I'll be getting back to runescape once I get a better computer. So you certainly are cool times two sir. Welcome.
RE: Official Newbie Topic

Hii guys, I'm the Fangking. If you're a card faker, you'll know who I am, because it's my blanks and stuff you're using! I've only just found my way onto here though, and I'm bringing with me the upcoming EX: Acanthite project. You'll see me around - I'm involved with a major game making project or 2 which are getting off the ground, and I'll be regularly updating the fake card set :)

I'm a music and rugby league fan also, I like to write, and I'm not that interesting really. Happy times.
RE: Official Newbie Topic

Hello, I'm Crazy Weavile, a Pokemon fanatic (not) known for his experimental decks, bad fanfics, and downright bizzare sense of humor.
RE: Official Newbie Topic

I just decided to register here, having heard of these forums for a long time but veering for a bit away from them.

I hope that some people won't recognise my username, and some will. I don't think I know anyone here, though.
RE: Official Newbie Topic

I've been lurking for a while, but I figured it was time to join the fun. Thanks for putting up another great forum for us to get involved with.
RE: Official Newbie Topic

Hi, I'm getting back into pokemon after leaving YGO and I also like The TransFormers, as you can tell from my Delta RaichuXHot Rod(Cybertron Exellion) Avi ^_^
RE: Official Newbie Topic

hi guys, i'm getting back into the game.
hoping i can learn new things (like all the new pokemon available now). . .how to build more effective decks.
and most of all to have fun.
i'm really glad i've found this place. . .it's quite lively here (all the other pokemon forums i've been too are dead).
i'll admit i'm a bit old to be playing this game. . .i'm 23. but i just like to have fun.
now if only i can get my friend to join in the fun with me (he's 33. . .lol, but fortunently he loves tcgs just about as much as i do. . .so i'm sure i'll eventualy get him into it with me.)
can't wait to meet you guys.
RE: Official Newbie Topic

My name is Brad Paine, My nickname is DJ 9-Volt.

I am just now returning to the world of pokemon after a 8 year hiatus from it.

I am currently learning how to play the tcg, I am also trying to make a deck

My favorite pokemon are:


I am also a huge May (Haruka) Fan :p

til then
RE: Official Newbie Topic

Wow, I finally found the newbie topic... ^^;;

Hey there everyone! I joined yesterday, and I've posted a bit... but that before I new this thread exsisted... Hehe.
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