Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

DrEspeon said:
TwistedTurtwig said:
So help me god, if Professor Layton isn't a playable character, I will personally throw Sakurai into the deepest darkest trench and doom him to a life of endless suffering. Or write Nintendo an angry email. Probably the latter.

I am so hoping Professor Layton makes it. He could fence.

Professor Layton? Now that would be interesting.
Reggie McGigas said:
I'd like

Bowser's relatives

to be in this game. This game certanly has alot of potential to be a great game!

Bowser's kids seem more likely to appear in some background stuff in a stage, as that would make too many mario characters.
Waluigi's a good choice.
Zoroark is a bad choice, as it's been known to look exactly like the enemy, but how could you do that in SSB? The only time it would work is in a final smash, but only if there's teams.

Deoxys would work well, but it's time was long ago. It's kinda too late for it, which is why it was a Pokeball.
Pffft. You guys are just complaining.

ily Melee Mario/Dr.Mario/Luigi. <3

I never really saw them as clones, but apparently everyone else on earth does. They didn't have complete differences, but they were good enough for me... Though I was pretty young, so maybe that opinion would be different if the game released today.
SotS said:
Pffft. You guys are just complaining.

ily Melee Mario/Dr.Mario/Luigi. <3

I never really saw them as clones, but apparently everyone else on earth does. They didn't have complete differences, but they were good enough for me... Though I was pretty young, so maybe that opinion would be different if the game released today.

Mario and Dr Mario are clones, but Mario and Luigi aren't.
Different final smashes, different movesets, different speeds and effects, etc. They're not the whole Ryu and Ken thing.
The difference between Mario and Dr. Mario is like the difference between Fox and Falco...they are pretty much exactly the same with subtle differences. Not like Fox and Wolf, which really ARE exact clones.
regigigas said:
The difference between Mario and Dr. Mario is like the difference between Fox and Falco...they are pretty much exactly the same with subtle differences. Not like Fox and Wolf, which really ARE exact clones.

Um...what? I think you've got that backwards.

Fox and Falco are more similar to each other than Wolf is to either of them. All of the Star Fox characters are too similar, though, they need to give at least one of them a completely different fighting style.
Bolt the Cat said:
regigigas said:
The difference between Mario and Dr. Mario is like the difference between Fox and Falco...they are pretty much exactly the same with subtle differences. Not like Fox and Wolf, which really ARE exact clones.

Um...what? I think you've got that backwards.

Fox and Falco are more similar to each other than Wolf is to either of them. All of the Star Fox characters are too similar, though, they need to give at least one of them a completely different fighting style.

Really? I always thought...well I guess I haven't played it enough then...I mean Falco's moves look different than Fox's...and my brother doesn't have Wolf unlocked but my cousin does. Blech, nonetheless I agree, the clones should be changed.
regigigas said:
Really? I always thought...well I guess I haven't played it enough then...I mean Falco's moves look different than Fox's...and my brother doesn't have Wolf unlocked but my cousin does. Blech, nonetheless I agree, the clones should be changed.

Fox and Falco use the same moves, but they're a bit different in terms of control (IIRC, Fox is faster, but Falco can jump higher), and Falco's shield can be thrown a short distance. Wolf has a different moveset, but his moves function similarly to Fox and Falco's.
Fox and Falco are only different when you consider their style. Falco is more fast, while Fox is more of a mediation. Wolf is similar, but I wouldn't mind keeping him. He is different enough for me, since his side smash is directional, doesn't have much length to his recovery smash, and his blaster is much slower. Wolf is more power-based and is heavier. But please, get a different Final Smash.
I personally like the Landmaster for all 3, it was well thought out.

Just another example of Sakurai being lazy and instead puts in two new characters from his world instead of fixing 3 technical clones - as well as Ganondorf the King of Evil having same moves as Falcon? Absurdity. It will be great day for us all when Sakurai quits Smash Bros, but I know many disagree with me. I think he did a great job in Smash Bros and Melee, but Brawl - no thank you!

Luigi should have his own move set as well, I find it ridiculous that he had his own game and they couldn't give him any move sets. Talk about being in the shadows of your older brother haha
The only reason Ganondorf got into Melee was because he had a similar body shape to Captain Falcon.

And Sakurai avoided changing characters too much between Melee and Brawl because he wanted the transition between the games to be easy when it came to reclaiming your main from the past game. He felt like if he changed Ganondorf too much, the Melee fans of Ganondorf wouldn't play as him because he was too different.

Though hopefully that changes between Brawl and Wii U/3DS. And I think it will just by looking at Bowser and Pit.
Wait uh... Isn't Smash Bros Sakurai's game? Like, I thought it was his IP and everything. (I mean obviously it's Nintendo's since he works under them, but I hope you get what I'm saying.) Wanting Sakurai to leave is like wanting Miyamoto to never touch a Mario, Zelda, Donkey Kong, whathaveyou.

I do think that characters could all be different. I'm not saying that the idea of clones is perfect; I'd much rather everyone is completely unique. Although at the same time I'm completely fine with them... What I'm trying to say is: Don't mind if you do, don't mind if you don't.

Also now that you bring the point of character mix-ups, I'm really loving that (ESPECIALLY Bowser!). I mean having continuity is cool, making everyone roughly the same game after game... But that was before the roster was so big. Now that the roster is large enough, mixing up the way characters play seems cooler than just adding new people. I'm excited for the Villager because he's new, but I'm just as excited to try out new Pit, because on a gameplay standpoint... New moves and stuff is basically the same as a new character.
I would rather that Ganondorf not be in the game than be a clone, same with Luigi, Falco, Wolf, Lucas, Roy...did I miss any? Again, personal opinion - I'm sure many people enjoy the clones/slight variations but I really don't.

Again, I disagree with Sakurai. Worrying about transition? Has he played Melee and Brawl? Completely different games, completely different mechanics. If he said that then I am even more disappointed with him than I already am.

Ok, I don't agree with having to keep Sakurai on the project just because he started it. That's like saying a band shouldn't fire their drummer if he's smoking crack and not showing for concerts just because "he was with us when we started and made the band" - doesn't make sense to me and I would be much more interested to see what someone else could do with Smash Bros even if it would be a complete flop.

I do agree with move variations for veteran characters, it's boring when you know exactly what they will do every game - and it could help with balancing characters (Yes Mario I'm looking at your down B).

I think I am just disappointed because I like games that are more difficult and Brawl seemed really slowed/dumbed down for me. I mean my friend who can't play very well at all can get by with Pikachu's Down B spamming in Brawl while in Melee that wasn't possible because of the speed of the game. For me personally fighting 1 vs 3 against LV9 CPU is much more difficult on Melee than Brawl so that's also another point to note.
Bagoly, I'm beginning to think your main problem is with Sakurai, not with Hal, or the franchise itself.
Nobody is forcing you to play the game, so your whole point and argument is pretty much unneeded.
Also, I heard that they may be putting Chrom in Ike's place, which isn't surprising. However, this is more of a fan rumor. Considering how Nintendo seems to be keeping all of their big games under wraps lately, I don't think we'll hear much in the upcoming months.
bagoly14 said:
Luigi should have his own move set as well, I find it ridiculous that he had his own game and they couldn't give him any move sets. Talk about being in the shadows of your older brother haha

I feel the same about peach. She has her very own game now, so I hope sakurai wises up and give the princess the moves she deserves.
Haunted Water said:
Nobody is forcing you to play the game, so your whole point and argument is pretty much unneeded.

It's called a forum - people have opinions. Not everybody is going to agree with everything you and I say so I don't see why you had to say that.

Let me just sign up for a forum and not say anything...wait that doesn't make sense :p