Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Jungletoad said:
GameXplain has confirmed that Mr. Game & Watch only appeared as a joke referencing his spot in video game history alongside Pac-Man.

Can confirm. Sakurai was asked if the trailer confirmed Mr. Game & Watch's return, but he just shook his head. There is no indication what he meant by that, since he didn't say anything. We don't know if thought that question was stupid since the answer was obvious, or if it was the answer being "no".
I'm sorry, but I'm VERY confused about this whole 'moveset customization' thing. Was it implied that you required the use of the amiibo figures to utilize them? The Mii Fighters don't seem to need the figures, but what of the other characters?
don()shinobi said:
I'm sorry, but I'm VERY confused about this whole 'moveset customization' thing. Was it implied that you required the use of the amiibo figures to utilize them? The Mii Fighters don't seem to need the figures, but what of the other characters?

You can customize movesets and stats in-game to use them during that session. Amiibo saves that moveset and your stats so you don't have to change them every time. It also allows you to bring your character over to your friend's game. Amiibo adapts to your playstyle and the playstyles of those you play against. It's similar in a sense to Forza's Drivatars, which is the computer driving for you against real players when you aren't there, and adapting to your driving habits.

Mii Fighters are just different movesets that utilize whatever style Fighter you chose to use.

EDIT: I should clarify the Mii moveset thing. Each style of Mii Fighter has a default 4 moves. That's a total of 12 movies. Each of the 3 can use any of the 12 moves, using whatever Fighter style to use the move. For example, one of the moves is a downward meteor strike. The Brawler will punch downwards with great force, the Swordmaster will launch downwards with his sword (think Link down-aerial), and the Gunner will blast downwards (not sure to what extent, didn't get to see much of the Gunner using special attacks).
That makes more sense, thank you SO much. I've been asking around everywhere and haven't gotten a response until now. :D
I really hope they bring game and watch into this.
He was my favorite non competitive player and if thy give him a good moveset I will main him all day long XD
The only down side to G & W is that fry pan thing that can badly backfire and his double jump is not very accurate. At least in Melee it was not accurate

#WOOT? Looks like we have a new Smashbros site 3 new characters and launch dates coming soon. Well the 3DDS date has been confirmed and now we are up to 33 characters XD. Wonder how many more are left? Hopefully another 17 to make it an even 50 characters.:)
RE: Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion

Haunted Water said:
Characters they need (More like the ones I want):
-Shin from Sin & Punishment (He appeared as an Assist Trophy in Brawl)
-Another Sonic character
-Grey Fox
-They need to have Razgriz Squadron from Ace Combat 5: Unsung War as an Assist Trophy. Namco, this is your most successful franchise right now. Ace Combat needs to be in SSB4.
-Of course, they will probably add Victini in somewhere.

There are many others, even Waluigi is rumored to have a Playable Character role! However, I want to have the above be featured in-game.

Also, just remembered, but:


Make it happen.

Are you saying you want Megaman in Smash Bros. 4?

Or a new Megaman game?

I'd be down for the latter, but the first is already a thing.

If there's any one character I would choose if given the choice, it would totally be Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. Let him be customized ala Palutena and all would be right in the world.
Just got back from the Smash-Fest at my local Best Buy. Me and my brother arrived a little before 4:00pm and saw a huge line. We had to wait +2 hours to actually play because they only had 1 system set up. So we were in front of the most annoying group of people just being loud and obnoxious. The wait was miserable. By the time we were next I was tired but excited to play. So first round I picked Mega Man. Well, Mega Man kinda' sucked. Granted, I had absolutely no time to see his moveset because I had only 2 minutes for the round and 3 other people fighting. So I tried to stay out of the fray and check out his attacks. The only thing that I remember that was weird about him was the fact that his neutral ground was lemons (standard shooting). That was a bit strange to me but I got over it and won the first round in an amazing Sudden Death match with another Mega Man and people in the back going crazy.
The second (again only 2 minute) match I played Marth and "teamed up" with my brother but ending up killing him twice. His moveset is pretty much the same as brawl (which imho is not good). So the match went on with people yelling stuff like "That Ain't Ken" and stuff about Sonic sucking.
The whole experience was short lived and not really worth the 2 hour wait in line. However, the game looked gorgeous, it was definitely faster that Brawl but still slower than Melee and I am still looking forward to going again this Saturday (hopefully with less people) and owning it later this year.
At smash fear. Shiny greninja confirmed.
Warrior colored Mario too. Wonder if ratio is returning
*Wario sorry on phone

Edit 2 hours later: Aaaaaaaah. Smash fear. Why did I not notice earlier after 3 edits from green jar to the wario color and ratio. Also, just now realized I said Warrior lol. xD

Get hype.
RE: Super Smash Bros. 4 Discussion

SotS said:
Haunted Water said:
Characters they need (More like the ones I want):
-Shin from Sin & Punishment (He appeared as an Assist Trophy in Brawl)
-Another Sonic character
-Grey Fox
-They need to have Razgriz Squadron from Ace Combat 5: Unsung War as an Assist Trophy. Namco, this is your most successful franchise right now. Ace Combat needs to be in SSB4.
-Of course, they will probably add Victini in somewhere.

There are many others, even Waluigi is rumored to have a Playable Character role! However, I want to have the above be featured in-game.

Also, just remembered, but:


Make it happen.

Are you saying you want Megaman in Smash Bros. 4?

Or a new Megaman game?

I'd be down for the latter, but the first is already a thing.

If there's any one character I would choose if given the choice, it would totally be Robin from Fire Emblem Awakening. Let him be customized ala Palutena and all would be right in the world.

Mega Man is in Smash Bros 4 XD. Not sure if there will be the same format like in his classic series. I see he has a great deal of moves to choose from and you can fight the Rock Monster in some parts of the game.:)
This is going to make a lot of people happy:

I didn't hear about it until I reserved the game yesterday (and ended up reserving the bundle instead). Even though I don't use the GC Controller it's kind of necessary if you're going to have a bunch of people over playing.

I was just going to play the 3DS version and hope for the best due to the lack of GC controllers for the Wii U, but then the adapter comes out at a very good price. I'm glad they are still supporting the classic way to play this series, and it's a cool touch to have the logo on the controller to confirm that support.

All in all, I could never get used to the Wii Remote, and I was going to give up when I saw the gamepad, but I'm good now :D
20$ for the adapter is really nice and cheap; I'll probably pick up the bundle since I'd like one of the smash controllers, but I'm glad it's not going to be something outrageous.
Uralya said:

I was just going to play the 3DS version and hope for the best due to the lack of GC controllers for the Wii U, but then the adapter comes out at a very good price. I'm glad they are still supporting the classic way to play this series, and it's a cool touch to have the logo on the controller to confirm that support.

All in all, I could never get used to the Wii Remote, and I was going to give up when I saw the gamepad, but I'm good now :D

The things Nintendo are doing for Smash 4 is amazing. I never thought I'd see the day that they acknowledge the competitive Smash Bros. scene, the want for Gamecube Controllers, and attempt to achieve a balance online between the serious and the more casual. And all in one go, at that!

I don't think anybody who actually wanted to excel in any way could use the Wii Remote. Such a poor control scheme for Smash. Couldn't vary your speeds all that well, couldn't tilt your attacks up or down, couldn't do a lot of the more advanced techs... It was nice for multiplayer groups and to teach players how to play, but you never wanted to be the guy stuck with it as P4, lol.

Trying the game this past Saturday at Best Buy, I must say that I'm excited. While not a competitive player by any means, I will say that I could tell the game is leaning more towards the Brawl side of things. A lot slower than Melee, characters are still a bit floaty. But hitstun is actually a thing again, edge game is more difficult, and it seems it's an all-around faster game again. Though air-game sucks now, and dashes are a bit wonky, so hopefully that doesn't encourage camping once more.

It's a whole lot funner playing it yourself, rather than watching. Especially picking a character. It's one thing to know a character is in, it's another to pick and play as them. It also looks a WHOLE LOT nicer than you'll see online. Youtube videos are locked at 30FPS, so you can't get to appreciate the smooth 60FPS they've achieved here. The colors pop a lot better as well.

I just wish we could have had more than two minutes of play! It's worse getting a taste and not having it than it would have been to just wait it out ahaha.
Hey, so, I was scouring the net for stuff and found a few pics from someone's smashfest experience. This happened to show up.

No, jk, but I was gonna ask, is that Daily Update pic with the 4 swordfighter Mii attacks supposed to be the same attack but customized, or... Are they supposed to be different ones?
That looks fan made. I doubt Goku and one of the Shrek dudes are in the game. It's wishful thinking XD.:)
Chocolate Death said:
Hey, so, I was scouring the net for stuff and found a few pics from someone's smashfest experience. This happened to show up.

No, jk, but I was gonna ask, is that Daily Update pic with the 4 swordfighter Mii attacks supposed to be the same attack but customized, or... Are they supposed to be different ones?

McDonalds scares the competition!

Shadow joins for Maria!

Goku charges into battle!

It's all ogre, Layers Shreks in!

I'm pretty sure all of the moves are the same button (Probably Side-B) that have been customized with the Mii's larger pool of attacks. So different ones most likely.
Come on guys this cannot be real though. If these guys were in the game we would have heard by now right?:)
I don't think anybody would try to pass it off as anything other than a joke. Shrek and Goku aren't 3D models like all the other fighters.