SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* Sprite GIF Avatar! 3/20/13


I'm a Ninja that makes Art. Super.
Hi I'm SuperArtNinja and this is my gallery thread as the title implies. I draw both original pieces and fanart, but mostly original. I work with both digital and traditional mediums.

*Update 2*
I've decided to open my gallery up as part shop now! I'll draw just about anything! Just make sure to follow the ArtNinja's rules so that she doesn't get over worked or angry! Nobody likes an overworked or angry ArtNinja!

1. It doesn't matter to me where you post your request. Do it in the thread or PM me, it won't matter. DeviantArt is another good place to ask for stuff since I'll be pretty much guaranteed to see your request, so if for some reason I don't see your request here, put it in through my gallery on DeviantArt here:

2. Don't bug me. I have a life outside of the internet. School is hard and I don't want someone breathing down my neck for art. I'm a college student with just enough time to do my work, and since I'm not charging money for my work, it will not be my priority.

3. If you want something posted in a specific place, tell me. I'm not a mind reader. Another thing, if you want me to color something a specific way, tell me. I like to cel-shade, paint, mix and do all sort of things digitally.

4. I will likely post it on DeviantArt. While I will give you credit if it's your OC, I like to put it in my gallery of work that I've made for other people. If you absolutely can't or don't want it there, tell me. I won't post it or I'll remove it ASAP. However, if you use my version of a picture, please credit me, or I'll make a blacklist and you'll be on it. I don't wanna do that...

I've gone through a bunch of threads and thought to myself, "How can I help other others and myself improve?" Well I want to host a sort of "How To" thread on drawing aspects that can be very difficult for young artists. This includes things like drawing certain angles of the head, learning about bodies and more! I am in no way trying to insult ANY artist here on this board, rather offer some helpful advice and guides to help those who just "can't seem to draw that profile view!" and things like that. I am in no way a "perfect" artist myself. In fact, if there is a guide that could be done better, please tell me. If you have any requests about things you would like a "How To" on, please ask.

This is both a Gallery and a "How To".

THE SuperArtNinja

Fake 6th Gen Evolutions LOL

What if the first and second gen fire starters were also part fighting...


Serene Xerneas (Lineart)
Serene Xerneas (Finished)
Shimmering Vulpix

Cute Dragons

Fire/Wind Dragon

Earth Dragon

OC Chibi

OC Concept Art

More OC Concept Art

If you click on the picture, you will be able to view it larger!

Keep on drawing and never give up!​

If a part two is needed, please tell me!​

VulpixCore's OC

Feel free to critique, you won't hurt my feelings. B)

All artwork is property of me SuperArtNinja.
RE: SuperArtNinja-Gallery

Nice! I like your Japanese-art style. Let me begin:

First, the artwork at the top: honestly, I can't say I don't like it. It's pretty good (and could be even better with color). I like how the Chinese dragon is slithering around in most of the drawing. But I've found the Lucario's nose to be a bit odd. His nose should be angled a bit more upward, sort of like a dog's nose, not downward.

The fanart you created: nice! I like the color in the background of the Fennekin's art, but I think the way its head is angled too acutely. Try angling it more like 90-degree-ish or something. The Whimsicott art doesn't seem like it has any mistakes to me.

Original art: great! All the dragon art were excellent. And both of your OCs' concept art look good. I like the shading.

Looking forward to seeing more from you! - Luckyfire
RE: SuperArtNinja-Gallery

I agree with everything Luckyfire said. Your artwork is wonderful and I'd love to see more! My favorites are the dragons.

The only thing I'd like to add is the male OC in the full body drawing of him looks awkward. He's leaning his torso in a strange way which if you were standing that way you'd be very uncomfortable. His arm in that is also to small, at least in the ulna/radius part. Considering the fact that he's a strong and more muscular character his hands and arm should be wider. Also his head is awkwardly forward, which may be an effect of his torso's position. The last thing is his feet are very small and not defined.

Otherwise great job!
RE: SuperArtNinja-Gallery

cinnaminbuns said:
I agree with everything Luckyfire said. Your artwork is wonderful and I'd love to see more! My favorites are the dragons.

The only thing I'd like to add is the male OC in the full body drawing of him looks awkward. He's leaning his torso in a strange way which if you were standing that way you'd be very uncomfortable. His arm in that is also to small, at least in the ulna/radius part. Considering the fact that he's a strong and more muscular character his hands and arm should be wider. Also his head is awkwardly forward, which may be an effect of his torso's position. The last thing is his feet are very small and not defined.

Otherwise great job!

Yeah, that wasn't my favorite full body drawing of him... But that sheet was more about his face than anything. I was pretty lazy on the full body, plus the space was a little tight. I should of planned it out better. Thanks for the input as well!

I'm thinking about taking requests, but I'm not sure...
RE: SuperArtNinja-Gallery

Dude, this artwork is really imressive. I most like the color work you did on fennekin. It blends really well. I little more contrast with the backgraound could be ok, though.

Your mountain dragon is pretty boss to.
RE: SuperArtNinja-Gallery

Rockspet said:
Dude, this artwork is really imressive. I most like the color work you did on fennekin. It blends really well. I little more contrast with the backgraound could be ok, though.

Your mountain dragon is pretty boss to.

Heheh! Thanks!
New Piece!

Here's most of the line art for a digital painting I'm doing. The back ground feels like it's taken a long time...

RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* New Art!

Wow. I love it.
The little touches like the ripples in the water and the Zoroark are drawn very well although I would suggest the Zoroark to be drawn in a more natural pose.

From the pieces you have posted, it's my favorite.
RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* New Art!

Since I don't have it in color yet, it's hard to see what the Zoroark is doing, but I was trying to put one of its claws on the tree in front. If it still looks weird in color, I'll definitely change it though.

I'm also going to throw in a few other Pokemon in the upper right section of the picture, since it feels a little too barren.

RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* New Art!

Nice sketch you have there. :)

I really love all the small details you included and I really like how you did them. The ripples on the water are a good example, including the background Pokemon. c:

I would like to see a finished version of this piece.
RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* New Art!

Agreed. I like all those small details. Unlike others, you focus on all of the details and as the Turtle said, "slow and steady wins the race".
RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* New Art!

Lol, I'm gonna add a Ninfia to my Xerneas pic now...
RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* 2/12/13 New Piece!

Nicely done. The only thing I will suggest is to use the Smudge tool and blur tool on the tree leaves to blend it in better. Varying the opacity and levels will also work.
RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* 2/16/13 New How To Poses

Here's a "How To" for poses that someone asked for. This on dynamic poses.

Click on the picture a few times to enlarge it.

If another guide on poses is needed, please say! I'll be happy to provide more knowledge if I can!
RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* 2/16/13 How To Poses

I feel like I've commented on some of these before, but I could be imagining things.

I really, really enjoy your Serene Xerneas lineart. The color version is nice as well, but there's something about the sketchiness that I really like. I do wonder how it would look if you blended the original lineart with the colored version.

I also love the Fire/Wind Dragon. It looks really cool and somehow reminds me of Acanine...

The tutorials are very handy, especially the poses one. I'm not all that great with poses, myself. Also love the humor!
RE: SuperArtNinja's Gallery and *How To Guide!* 2/16/13 How To Poses

Nekoban Ryo said:
I feel like I've commented on some of these before, but I could be imagining things.

I really, really enjoy your Serene Xerneas lineart. The color version is nice as well, but there's something about the sketchiness that I really like. I do wonder how it would look if you blended the original lineart with the colored version.

I also love the Fire/Wind Dragon. It looks really cool and somehow reminds me of Acanine...

The tutorials are very handy, especially the poses one. I'm not all that great with poses, myself. Also love the humor!

If there is anything you'd like to see a small tutorial on, I'll make one. I enjoy making them. :cool:
