A same-sex attracted person was already equal before the law prior this ruling: such a person had the same freedom to find an opposite sex spouse as anyone else. You can be treated equally by the law but in being treated equally, find you have options that you have little to no desire to actually exercise. That is why this has been about redefining marriage, an institution both civil and religious: there are people that don't like the options the definition of marriage affords and so have been pushing for the law to change the definition so that someone they would consider as a spouse would be a legal option. There have been those who wish to alter the definition to accommodate more than just same sex attraction as well. If that is the discussion someone wishes to have, then PM me. I didn't even start this thread.
That actually leads us to the two big points:
1) How often do these kinds of discussions go well on a message board, especially a message board not specifically set-up for general discussion but instead dedicated to a specific hobby? My experience is that they go quite poorly, whether I am in agreement with the majority or not. I would not have brought this up here, but someone did and the way the board is set up and the thread is titled, I was given a choice between ignoring something I knew to be wrong or pointing it out even though it would not be the popular opinion.
2) I have been trying not to focus on whether or not marriage should be redefined. Why?
a) It is a complicated issue and worthy of its own, separate topic... or would be if I thought this was a prudent venue in which to discuss it (I do not think that PokéBeach is where I go to have such conversations).
b) Since the subject has already been brought up, the process by which marriage is redefined is as important as whatever definition is selected and that affects us all in the United States of America. The method matters regardless of your stance on the underlying issue.
The Supreme Court
did not legalize "gay marriage". It struck down state laws reaffirming the established definition of marriage, specifically that it was an institution between one man and one woman. The court does not have the power to legalize gay marriage; yes even on this thread some have attempted legal arguments to the contrary, but they rest on notions that themselves have to be proven... like that marriage is somehow a "right" even though a right does not require the consent of another individual.
For those of you actually still reading this post... imagine if there had been a court case where the four states that had voted to redefine marriage to include same sex couples had been sued, claiming the states did not have that right. That it went all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States and in the end, those state laws were struck down. Now imagine someone decided to make a post celebrating how "Same sex marriage banned throughout the United States of America!", cracking jokes about it while also throwing in the hashtag "GoodWins"... which of course means that if you disagree with the outcome, your view must not be "good".
I probably just should have reported the post because it contained a factually inaccurate title and instead of approaching a hot button issue from as neutral and respectful a position as it could... it chose to celebrate, and in a manner that was disrespectful towards those in disagreement.