Supreme Victors Box Breaks...Breaking the code


Aspiring Trainer
I originally posted videos on Youtube opening a couple boxes of Rising Rivals and calling my pulls under my friend's name...'jaguar043786.'...and they each got over 3,000 views. I more recently made a new account, tcgbreaker, and reposted those videos.

Dozens commented/messaged/etc asking what's the code, whats the barcode, WTF!?!?, how you do that....

A thread was also started on here that wound up being 13 pages!

Well...with supreme victors, I'll reveal my techniques or whatever you want to say of breaking 'the code' in videos I will post to Youtube.

Just did half of the first box and that is uploading now. Waiting for my camera battery to fully charge to continue.

Videos will be posted at

Now that I'm doing that a 'code' no longer exists or something and I'll look really stupid :p

Box 1 Left Side
Box 1 Right Side...currently uploading...saying another 35 minutes...went over 10 minutes on accident so I don't know if it will cut off at that point or what...I think youtube has a 10 minute limit?
I think it's 6 boxes per case IIRC, and usually around 500 USD.

I also do not know how you afford this, but it's cool that you've taken it upon yourself to "break" the box and figure out how the production works. I don't exactly agree with the process when used to take all of the good stuff out of new boxes (as it seems unfair to the rest of the people that buy from the box) but from a research standpoint, it's pretty cool!

Good luck in your pursuits, and I like how you explained the "reset" part on the left side. Keep things like that in your vids, as they are highly interesting.
Yeah, when I go to the card shop tomorrow, I'm getting the packs in front of, in, and behind the reset.
I remeber you! =D I've seen the RR boxes before, but it didn't work for me D=. It would really help me going to a store and taking all their X/Shiny/Reprint packs LOLZ.
^Are you sure you had an untainted box adn that you knew the code 100%?

I think I get the code as portraited in video 2, i'm checking part 1 to confirm and then trying this on Sunday xD
Box 1 Right Side is uploading...wound up being close to 12 minutes so part of it might get cut off...I think youtube has a 10 minute limit or something?

Now off to open/film box 2 and see if a code exists for this set....

Box 2 already threw a curveball. When I opened it...a couple packs at the back were intertwined and I wound up with 17 on one side and 19 on the other. Also...1 side of the box has 2 resets. So...had to cut my video on box 2 short to do some analyzing. Being that some boxes have 3 X and some have 4...there may be 2 different patterns within a case or something...figuring it out as I go....
It got rejected because it was too long. I don't have any way/program to cut/edit any suggestions? I can email the video to someone if someone can shorten it to 10 minutes :-\
Do you have Windows? If so then I think Movie Maker should be able to seperate the video into shorter segments. I would say nice pulls but you pulled everything from the set and got 3 cases, thus getting a year's supply of firecardboard.
ragingphantom said:
Do you have Windows? If so then I think Movie Maker should be able to seperate the video into shorter segments. I would say nice pulls but you pulled everything from the set and got 3 cases, thus getting a year's supply of firecardboard.

I have that but doesn't look like the file is compatible for the program or something :-\
Maybe try converting the video into a .wmv or .avi (i think those are the extensions) file if you can. Or try re-downloading the video (to your computer/ hard drive) and maybe saving as .avi or .wmv I guess.
ragingphantom said:
Maybe try converting the video into a .wmv or .avi (I think those are the extensions) file if you can. Or try re-uploading the video and maybe saving as .avi or .wmv I guess.

idk how to convert files. Does have a 10min limit? Or any other site I could upload to.
Box 3...epic success! Video uploading...takes awhile :-\

Now, will box 4 match box 2 or be a unique mess/monster of its own...
The last time it was a hoax, but this time it's not, it's been confirmen on the Gym already that some boxes have pretty much the same cards in the same places (Think of all the tin LV.X). But why doesn't anyone want to share the 'secret' with the world? Do those people feel almighty?
Great for breaking the code but is it possible for me to do it individually? I usually buy 3 boxes but in the space of 5 weeks. So they won't come from the same case. I will look at your videos again to see if the patterns on each box I get correlate with 1,3,5 or 2,4,6. But congrats on breaking the code.
All the videos box the 6 boxes of the 1st case have been uploaded. Transferring the 1 that was too long to a friend that can shorten it and will upload once that's taken care of. That's box 1 right side.

I'll open the 2nd case today...not sure if I'll video any of it or not though.