Wi-Fi Trades SvN's Player Thread

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RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

If you want to. I'll do that. I am in need of an extra Leftovers :]

Sure you dont want any items ?
I have to go now anyway but just leave a reply or something ;]
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

SvN, when did you say you'd get Wi-Fi?
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

Once I get the version 1.06 for the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector. The guy at the store gave my mom the version 1.05, and that doesnt work with Windows Vista (my laptop) and none of the versions work with Windows 2000 (the comp I'm on now)
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

Can't you just return it and get the other one then? :S
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

It's not so easy, my mom was shopping in England, we're in France. You can't find anything in the inferior marketing country known as France so my mom goes to England where we can actually find something >.>
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

I know, hopefully, France might somehow (can't promise, and that's an understatement) have version 1.06. I will have to check during the last 5 days I have of my hols. It's Tuesday night now 10pm :/
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

Unless you get some good IVd Pokémon with the right natures, or a TM I need, or an item, I won't want anything.
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

What's UT by the way ?

Well, my Starmie is being traded soon. So you'll have to choose either Staraptor, Bibarel or Dustox
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

UT = Untouched or Untrained, IIRC.
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

Oh okay, it's the first time I've ever seen someone use that so I didn't know what it was. Thanks Amt =]
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

how 'bout staraptor (my victreebel is lv35)
yay I just caugght a shiny fearow lv51!!
RE: SvN's brand new Player Thread.

Hum, many people want a Staraptor, I'm going to have to clone them both a few times and then people can tell me if they want the Gentle or the Impish Staraptor. Hum, I don't really like Victreebel or Fearow.

Updated now with a fresh Rotom
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