Like, 11 or something of the 60,943,912 inhabitants.Gamefreak734 said:I live in Ireland and since England is right next to Ireland and England has it I'm a bit worried![]()
Seriously, people, educate yourselves before you start freaking out. All of this uneducated paranoia is useless, silly and downright sickening. I've said it before, if you're worried about swine flu that much, be afraid of just walking around, anywhere. The chances of being randomly hit by a car are far greater than even getting Swine flu ATM, let alone dying because of it.
ESPECIALLY if you live in Ireland, if you'd live in Mexico City, I'd be like "sure, staying at home probably wouldn't be a bad idea", but being worried in ireland, no.
Sure we must be careful, but freaking out is helping no-one. Everything which can be done is being done, don't worry (yet, at least, we'll see how things turn out).
Washing your hands and stuff is of course never a bad idea, so go ahead and do that.