swine flu

Gamefreak734 said:
I live in Ireland and since England is right next to Ireland and England has it I'm a bit worried:(
Like, 11 or something of the 60,943,912 inhabitants.

Seriously, people, educate yourselves before you start freaking out. All of this uneducated paranoia is useless, silly and downright sickening. I've said it before, if you're worried about swine flu that much, be afraid of just walking around, anywhere. The chances of being randomly hit by a car are far greater than even getting Swine flu ATM, let alone dying because of it.
ESPECIALLY if you live in Ireland, if you'd live in Mexico City, I'd be like "sure, staying at home probably wouldn't be a bad idea", but being worried in ireland, no.

Sure we must be careful, but freaking out is helping no-one. Everything which can be done is being done, don't worry (yet, at least, we'll see how things turn out).

Washing your hands and stuff is of course never a bad idea, so go ahead and do that.
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
In Israel, they want this to be called "Mexican Influenza" because the consider the term "swine flu" to be racist.

Absolute rubbis. Either quit spreading your prpaganda or go find some official proof (of which there is none). As well as this, how is mexican flu racist? I mean, what about 'spanish flu' and the Black deat' doesnt' sound racist to you, but if you choose to look at it from a stupid angle, it can be.
I guess you guys are right. It isn't that big of a deal, and like that article someone posted said- it sells. Papers and news programs need stuff to promote their show with, so this is kind of good for them. (Kind of like the completely pointless, I think, Obama's first 100 days). It's not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be.
It's not that big of a deal. I live in Ontario (Canada) and there may be over 10 cases, but I'm not worried. I rarely get the regular flu, and the regular flu causes over 130, 000 deaths a year in the US. Plus, a vaccine for the Swine Flu is scheduled to be out before July 2009. I'm not worried, but I still am washing my hands more than usual, and keeping my hands away from my mouth, nose, and eyes.

However, it could turn into a pandemic soon.

But really. Remember the whole issue regarding SARS a few years ago? I doubt this is going to be worse. The only reason so many people who live in Mexico are dying because of this flu is because Mexico has pretty bad health care, or so I've heard. North America, and other places outside of Mexico who've been affected by the flu, have much better health care. I just don't see why it's such a big deal. The media is over exaggerating it.
Red said:
It's not that big of a deal. I live in Ontario (Canada) and there may be over 10 cases, but I'm not worried. I rarely get the regular flu, and the regular flu causes over 130, 000 deaths a year in the US. Plus, a vaccine for the Swine Flu is scheduled to be out before July 2009. I'm not worried, but I still am washing my hands more than usual, and keeping my hands away from my mouth, nose, and eyes.

However, it could turn into a pandemic soon.

But really. Remember the whole issue regarding SARS a few years ago? I doubt this is going to be worse. The only reason so many people who live in Mexico are dying because of this flu is because Mexico has pretty bad health care, or so I've heard. North America, and other places outside of Mexico who've been affected by the flu, have much better health care. I just don't see why it's such a big deal. The media is over exaggerating it.

Not to mention that there are probably a plethora of other diseases people in Mexico are vulnerable to because of the health care quality. Combine those with Swine Flu and ta-da! Death.
loz its funny to read the first few posts tha say its not confirmed to spread and they arent woied but now it really has spread and people are worried.
my school sent out a big letter about how to prevent the spread and to stay home if your sick.
this is serious stuff
Well finding out in the news that it isnt that bad and finding out that England is the most protected country from this disease in the world makes me feel alot better.
Obama said he'd close schools if it got worse.

One of my friends who lives in Texas has had some schools around her closed...
Well, we've got two confirmed cases in Bowling Green, which is about an hour or two's drive from where I live. I'm still not worried, since the people who have it in countries with good health care systems are getting better. Besides, fear sells newspapers and get ratings. I'm sure the media will find another pandemic to scare us with a couple years down the road.
kashmaster said:
I think its 5 but im not sure, luckily no one has died from it :)


UK has 13 without a doubt confirmed cases as of May 02. :V
Mexico has revised down the suspected death toll from swine flu from 176 to 101, indicating that the outbreak may not be as bad as was initially feared. This is from www.bbc.co.uk

Also it has the same death rate as human flu.
I'm not worried. Remember the Large Hadron Colider? Everyone was freaking out, because they misinformed, and only heard "GIGANTIC WORLD DESTROYING MACHINE". People need to read the fine print, and take things into perspective. And we can actually DO something about this "epidemic". Wash your hands, stay healthy, etc. With the LHC, all we could do was hope that we didn't all die. We have the power to make this into an epidemic or not.
greeniax said:
And we can actually DO something about this "epidemic". Wash your hands, stay healthy, etc. With the LHC, all we could do was hope that we didn't all die. We have the power to make this into an epidemic or not.

Unfortunately, people should do this all the time. Not just for this H1N1.

dmaster out.
d master342 said:
greeniax said:
And we can actually DO something about this "epidemic". Wash your hands, stay healthy, etc. With the LHC, all we could do was hope that we didn't all die. We have the power to make this into an epidemic or not.

Unfortunately, people should do this all the time. Not just for this H1N1.

dmaster out.

That is the benefit of these sorts of things. They tend to improve our habits.

Even though washing your hands and all that jazz seems pretty common sense. :S
DogMaster40 said:
Well, we've got two confirmed cases in Bowling Green, which is about an hour or two's drive from where I live. I'm still not worried, since the people who have it in countries with good health care systems are getting better. Besides, fear sells newspapers and get ratings. I'm sure the media will find another pandemic to scare us with a couple years down the road.

Unfortunately, this is true. The swine flu was blown way out of proportion from the very beginning. Most of us understand now that this won't have much of an impact on the United States and other countries that have adequate health care.

As stated by several before, doing simple things like washing your hands (thoroughly) can go a long way. In turn, you keep yourself and other people safer from infection. Washing your hands does seem like common sense, but you'd be surprised how many don't care or are just too lazy (as if their health was something you could take for granted). I do admit I don't wash my hands as often as I should. :p