swine flu

I just figured out someone in my school had it but someone didn't want to report it and covered it up. Next week we are having state testing and I think the person covered it up so we have to go to school and take the test because my school is at the top of our district and I'm assuming that the person wants us to still be at the top. T_T
Red said:
Obama said he'd close schools if it got worse.

And another great decision made by our wonderful President.
Seriously why shut down schools? Just take the kid that has the flu out.
Shutting down schools isn't going to stop it from spreading, it's just going to create less education for us Kids.
(Randy) said:
Red said:
Obama said he'd close schools if it got worse.

And another great decision made by our wonderful President.
Seriously why shut down schools? Just take the kid that has the flu out.
Shutting down schools isn't going to stop it from spreading, it's just going to create less education for us Kids.

Well how many months of school left?
Less than a month. Its only about two weeks for me.
Anyways it's not true. Obama didn't say anything about closing the schools.
Just kidding, but Obama has done a lot more in 100 days than Bush has in 8 years.
Holy hell this is being blown way out of proportion.

There are 23 confirmed cases in England at the moment, and everyone is doing fine. However, the Government insists on television broadcasts teaching us how to protect against viral spreading, and are handing out pamphlets to everyone.

How much is all of that costing? I have no idea. But I bet that the money we are wasting on this overblown nonsense could be better spent in a hundred different ways; namely on people who are dieing from more serious diseases.
Apparently it's not as bad as everyone thinks it is, it might be just as bad as a common cold ;O
I think Swine Flu is overrated. Nobody has died from it in UK, anyways if we do get infected by it there are cures and doctors.
People in school are soo worked up about this haha
Me and my friends all wore masks to school that said SWINE FLU and the ANTI symbol around it.
Priceless :]
We got in trouble though :[
But think about it, its gonna be summer. Meaning Flu season is over. So we have nothing to worry about for now.
Theyre making vaccines for it already so we dont have to worry about until next year. And by then wed have a vaccine for it.
Technology = OWNAGE.
Punch Swine Flu in the face.
We're overeacting.....now.

Some say that this virus could remerge in the fall. However, what will be the difference between swine flu now and swine flu then? The virus could become more deadly by that time, all due to mutations. It could also become immune to these vaccines and these medicines.

Swine flu is already starting to die down. However, we can't just think it ends now. It could last MUCH longer. Maybe even for 2 to 3 years.

However, the bottom line is that swine flu doesn't need to be all over the media now. Right now, we should just take precautions and hope it doesn't mutate into something more serious.
Honestly, I think the WHO started this whole blowing out of proportion thing. They're the first people that said this could be absolutely dire to all of mankind. >___> The media was just reporting what the WHO said.

dmaster out.
Wow. Here in Arizona, the number of cases rose from 17 to 49, but not from spreading, they just tested more people. The swine flu panic is down since it took like 5 seconds on the news and they didn't make it a big deal..
Ok so, apparently something called "swine flu" was a big scare in 1976.


This is just ridiculous.
I live in CA, and the way I see it the chances of me getting the swine flu instead of anyne else is around.... 1 to 1,000,000?
A kid in the high school I'll be going to next year was found to have it. But he just came back from Mexico.

First case in my city :B
Fridge is correct. Here in the philippines, which is more than 10000 km away from america, 3 people have been confirmed positive of symptoms of swine flu. no one is safe now. Just take all the safety precautions. Just avoid too much contact with people and pigs. If you have the symptoms...

I don't know what to do. Maybe you can lock yourself up in the hospital?
I wouldn't worry.
I just saw a bunch of kids on my way to school wearing those stupid plastic masks, also a teacher had one aswell, I felt sorry for the embarrisment of them.
I will only be worried when it starts killing thousands of people. It probably is just a normal flu that has just gone a bit out of control, and yes it has been proven that other types of flu's can kill.