swine flu

It's nothing to make a fuss about.
Last time this happened one person died, 25 from the jabs they were given.
Oooh a person died, they may of had a long term illness and the swine flu just pushed them over the line...
I am not worried and my someone on my island has it, someone in my school in fact...

And my island is what, 5 miles long?
wow your brave, hahaha. but then again, it really isnt that big of deal. the regular flu kills 36,000 people a year, the swine flu is hardly anything worse with the exception of Mexico. i was worried, but not anymore
I believe that there is nothing to worry about, the regular flu is worse than Swine, and it's not spreading as if it were a pandemic.
Yeah, I'm bringing this thread back up.

Anyway, I found out that there is about 5 cases in my town. Consisering it's a town of only about 20,000, that's scary.

Please, don't close the schools. Especially when we only have 8 days left, and our district makes SURE you don't miss a minute.
Well, I had it so I guess I can tell you my experiences

The standard flu usually lasts for 24 hours. Swine Flu lasts a week.
The standard flu is less contagious then the Swine Flu.
The standard flu is much more potent then the swine flu, but the swine flu lasts longer.
Bippa201 said:
Well, I had it so I guess I can tell you my experiences

The standard flu usually lasts for 24 hours. Swine Flu lasts a week.
The standard flu is less contagious then the Swine Flu.
The standard flu is much more potent then the swine flu, but the swine flu lasts longer.

There is still the chance, however, that it could evolve into a more potent threat. However, some say that the swine flu probably isn't going to evolve into something as scary as the Spainish Flu of 1918-19.

For now, we should just keep our eyes peeled to see how this thing turns out. If it hardly changes, then we can get it off our minds. If it evolves into Spainish Flu 2, we'll REALLY need to be careful.
Theoretically any virus can become deadly. However that doesn't mean it will. There's other things we should worry about, and closing school's over it is dumb.
There is no point in this thread. It is just the media making a big deal out of it. I bet there are people who are making money off of this. The media have no lives and decided to turn this into a big deal.

MichaelRocks2 just came back from hospital. He was one of the lucky ones who survived.