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--T45's TradingThread-- Have Roseanne's and Arceus Lv.X

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RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS for sale

Thanks for looking out for me Limitless.
But for now, I'm looking to pay some of my bills.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

I have: RH Blastoise

I want: Rare Candy/Roseanne's Research

PM me!
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

From ur wants I have
Brock's Ninetales
Ninetales(PT) RH
Pls cml

Black DS (not really aming for this)
Miasma Valley (RH)
Bebe's Search (RH)
Pokemon Rescue (RH)
Roseanne's Research x3 (RH)
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

UGH! I really want to buy your Roseanne's and Rare Candies, but I only have $8 on me. o_O

Is there anything I could throw in to even it up? I'd love to take those off of your hands! :p
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

CML for your Black Ds. I'm not sure if you will trade cards for it or not. Sorry if you wont.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

I want: Lucario GL RR RH, Bebe's Search RR RH, Miasma Valley PT RH, Roserade SW RH, Mothim RH SW, and Mew SW.

If you have: 3x Gastly SF, 2x Haunter SF, I would like those too.

CML! You can also gimme a price if you'd like, but it would have to be a good deal.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

Deep Balance - Sorry man but i've already got the Blastoise from somebody else.

SSBB Daisy - I doubt I would trade any of those cards for the Ninetales but let me know what you would be willing to buy them for.

DarkSoul - Do you have any of my wants?

EspeonRox - I definitely shoooulld have those commons. But i didn't see anything I needed. Sorry.
Also you're only allowed to list cards that are definitely for trade. So your SW section should probably be deleted.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

CML for X2 rare candy, i have tons of RR RH's
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

Flying Pikachu - RR [$6]
Scizor 4 RH

Blaine's Arcanine HOLO
Kyogre EX
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

Eddie - Sorry but I wouldn't want to trade those for very minor wants.

Alex - Please take notice that nowhere on my wants list is a Blaine's Arcanine or a Kyogre ex.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

Taylor45 said:
Eddie - Sorry but I wouldn't want to trade those for very minor wants.

Alex - Please take notice that nowhere on my wants list is a Blaine's Arcanine or a Kyogre ex.

k thanks anyway
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Have a black Nintendo DS + Rare Candy + Roseanne's!!

Would you do 2X rare candy and 4X poketurn for $10.50
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Giving up my collections, have tons of Lv.X

Tough times are tough. putting up my valuable collection items for sale/trade but I dont know what you have that I would trade them for.
Bumpin it up.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Giving up my collections, have tons of Lv.X

CML for your

Azelf Lv X

http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Giving up my collections, have tons of Lv.X

Hey Taylor, can you please CML or give me a price for Luxray X and Cresselia X. Thanks!
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Giving up my collections, have tons of Lv.X

Crippler - read my rules

zephilim - sure thing man
Looking at Ebay, luxray gl lv.x goes about $35+. Wow, websites sell them way more. I'll sell mine to you for 30. Feel free to make an offer for the Cresselia based on your taste.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- Giving up my collections, have tons of Lv.X

Taylor45 said:
Crippler - read my rules

zephilim - sure thing man
Looking at Ebay, luxray gl lv.x goes about $35+. Wow, websites sell them way more. I'll sell mine to you for 30. Feel free to make an offer for the Cresselia based on your taste.

You have a deal on the Luxray my friend! That's exactly how much I expected to pay for one. If you don't mind just let me go home (I'm at the library with no checks) and set up a PayPal and I can pay you that way. I'll get back to you on the Cresselia once I get paid, only because I'm not sure exactly how much I wanna pay for her.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- almost all MT-PT LV.X's plus RR, with Claydol/Uxie/Candy/Roseanne's

Sounds good.
The total for Paypal will be $30.50 because they levy a fee for direct transfers.
Send me a PM when you're ready.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- almost all MT-PT LV.X's plus RR, with Claydol/Uxie/Candy/Roseanne's

Do you have any Machamp (SF)?

If so cml for 2 of those and:
64. Machop x2 [RH] SF
41. Machoke [RH] SF

I also might be willing to buy if you don't see anything.
RE: --T45's Trading/Selling Thread-- almost all MT-PT LV.X's plus RR, with Claydol/Uxie/Candy/Roseanne's

Ah i must have forgotten to take the Machop's off. I don't have those anymore.
All I have for you is a RH Machoke. But I do have many of your other wants if you're interested.
I didn't see anything on your list I was interested in, but if you would like to buy, I'm sure we can work something out.
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