I'm not seeing the idea behind Articuno. It just seems like another attacker, and it isn't really that great of an attacker at that. Plus, by replacing Articuno with Electrode, you cut down on the deck's Energy acceleration, which is vital for this deck's fast spread. Also, you lack draw support, and you are running too much Energy. Assuming you'll be running this with Electrode, you need about 16 Energy.
So, to start things off, drop the Articuno line. As stated before, it's another attacker that isn't that good, and Coke already has enough attackers. You should also take out Interviewer's Questions, since with Electrode, Interviewer's Questions is an unnecessary addition. Also, assuming the last "x4" in the Energy part is Prism Energy, you don't need Rainbow Energy, so drop that as well. I'd also drop two Fighting Energy, since 4 Fighting Energy and 4 Prism Energy is enough to allow Terrakion to attack. Three Super Rod is also too much; you only need two.
Looking at your other deck decisions, three Cleffa and two Pichu is not the way to go. Although decks such as these do have a lot of Basic Pokemon, opening up with a 30 HP Pokémon can result in an easy donk, and you rarely need more than one of each. I'd actually cut the Cleffa line down to one, and cut the Pichu altogether. With all of these changes (and if I can count), you should have taken out 18 cards.
From here, you need three Voltorb and three Electrode. With Voltorb and Electrode, you can quickly setup your Kyurem, Terrakion, or Cobalion for an attack, resulting in either a quick spread or attack lock. With three, it helps your chances of drawing into one, and you have more Electrode to use later in the game (although you shouldn't be booming more than once on a regular basis).
Your support lineup, as stated before, could use some work. Two N will only get you so far. Add in two PokeGear 3.0, four Professor Oak's New Theory, three Professor Juniper, and another N. With PokeGear, Professor Oak's New Theory, Professor Juniper, and N, you can constantly draw cards throughout the game, helping the consistency of the deck, and ultimately making sure you aren't put into a situation where you have a hand with unneeded cards.
For the last two cards, considering that this decklist is looking like an HS-ND decklist due to the Articuno, you could try to tech in some Exp Share from Next Destinies (if it comes out, its release is currently unconfirmed). With Exp Share, it helps you keep Energy in play, so you don't have to go boom with Electrode too many times to setup more attackers. Or, you can add in Jirachi with a Psychic Energy to complement Kyurem's spread. I'd also try to max out your Pokémon Collector count to four, since it helps to open up with a Collector. By playing Collector instead of Pichu, you can get out your Basic Pokémon without having your opponent easily get out his or her Basics as well, since as long as this deck can get an attacker and two Voltorb in play at the beginning of the game, you're fine.
This pretty much makes the decklist a very basic Coke-like list. The only difference is that it runs a higher Terrakion count for your Zekrom and Magnezone matchups. If you feel that you don't need three Terrakion, you can cut it for some other cards.