XY Team Flare: Creating a Beautiful World or Having a Secret Motive?

Ghost King

I am the Ruler of all Ghost Pokemon.

Usually other teams goals were to take over the world and trainers Pokemon. Why is it that there is money? Does it have to do something with the legendaries? What do you think?

I think it symbolizes the creation and destruction theme, corruption of money or charity with money, that brings out legendaries, I think. (its just a stretch)
RE: Why do you think team flare goal is money?

Probably so they can buy more ridiculous looking outfits.
RE: Why do you think team flare goal is money?

Given that Game Freak made the conscious choice of making Team Flare (or at the very least only revealing them to be) interestred in money alone, I get the feeling they're either going to play a lesser role to the overall plot than past villainous teams, or it's a means of concealing their true goal. One has to wonder what they'd use the money for; it's likely in my opinion that it'll ultimately be made clear with a late-stage plot device. When thinking of how Xerneas and Yveltal may play into it, perhaps they intend to monopolize their abilities through technological means? (Life force production akin to Xerneas or destructive power akin to Yveltal?)
RE: Why do you think team flare goal is money?

Obviously you need the money to get the women. That's the first rule in the pimp business. Hell, why else would they dress so classy? Because they're pimps, that's why.
RE: Why do you think team flare goal is money?

AuraKshatriya said:
When thinking of how Xerneas and Yveltal may play into it, perhaps they intend to monopolize their abilities through technological means? (Life force production akin to Xerneas or destructive power akin to Yveltal?)

One idea I had would be that:
-in X, Flare summon Xerneas to create a new region out of Kalos for them to rule/control
-in Y, Flare summon Yveltal to destroy the Kalos region and they can control it
just a theory, probably won't happen
(altho I'm thinking we may actually have the mascot legendaries not involved in the storyline, just have Flare do their stuff and Xern/Yvel are 'epic legendaries that reside in this place', and can be caught after Flare have been defeated)

I'm also thinking that Flare will predominantly use Fire and Dark types.
RE: Why do you think team flare goal is money?

P.DelSlayer said:
I'm also thinking that Flare will predominantly use Fire and Dark types.

I hope more Fire than Dark. If its just Houndours that's no different than Magma (just Numels) or Galactic (in Pt)..

-something that's Fire/Poison <3
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

I think that GameFreak might just be going back to its roots. Remember the goal of Team Rocket? Maybe this could hint that they might do a second connecting region next gen. I am probably taking this way too far, but who knows?
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Man! All the good jokes were taken!

Probably to help afford they're base or something. They're probably doing something that seems bad, but is actually good.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

They have to pay for little timmy's back operation.

An evil back operation, of course.

Also, they are not pimps, if that were the case, they would have only minccino and cinccino, which are the pimpingest pokemon out there.

Man, the more I look at them, the more ridiculous they seem.
Any chance we'll get to use a gun this time around to stop the bad guys? they'd make great target practice with those shiny suits.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

While money is one of the more realistic reasons for an organization as such, it doesn't make the plot surrounding them as interesting.

Perhaps the desired acquisition of monetary wealth will evolve into a larger plan as the game goes forward.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Anyone else notice how the female Flare... Person, is dancing to Vogue? :p

Maybe they're saving up to buy a Dimensional Traveller to visit Earth and kidnap Madonna?

EDIT: Wow, I'm Ninja'ing everyone tonight...
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Jay said:
While money is one of the more realistic reasons for an organization as such, it doesn't make the plot surrounding them as interesting.

Perhaps the desired acquisition of monetary wealth will evolve into a larger plan as the game goes forward.

True, that could be possible, such ad getting a giant machine to harness energy or something of the sort.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Ghost King said:
Jay said:
While money is one of the more realistic reasons for an organization as such, it doesn't make the plot surrounding them as interesting.

Perhaps the desired acquisition of monetary wealth will evolve into a larger plan as the game goes forward.

True, that could be possible, such ad getting a giant machine to harness energy or something of the sort.


there's a huge thing in the Kalos desert that is widely speculated to be an energy farm

Team Flare could be getting money to buy the energy farm
Failing that, they use machinery and stuff to steal the energy
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

P.DelSlayer said:
Ghost King said:
True, that could be possible, such ad getting a giant machine to harness energy or something of the sort.


there's a huge thing in the Kalos desert that is widely speculated to be an energy farm

Team Flare could be getting money to buy the energy farm
Failing that, they use machinery and stuff to steal the energy

The red room could be part of it as the red pillars are the ciphering of energy.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

P.DelSlayer said:
Ghost King said:
True, that could be possible, such ad getting a giant machine to harness energy or something of the sort.


there's a huge thing in the Kalos desert that is widely speculated to be an energy farm

Team Flare could be getting money to buy the energy farm
Failing that, they use machinery and stuff to steal the energy

Evil teams don't buy energy farms... evil teams take over energy farms.
That's why a evil team wanting only money is stupid; evil corporation, sure, they are properly underhanded (and don't go around in bright red suits and ridiculous red hair), but evil team?
At least team rocket was like the mafia (a less awesome version), they robbed, steal, threaten and took over saffron just to get the master ball, plus, they had awesome underground lairs, that's some evil shit right there.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Maybe they need money more than anything, but their leader has other plans and the leader doesn't tell them about it?
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Money is always a great motivating factor for people, I just hope the plot doesn't consist of you stopping various heists throughout the region.
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

Tsukeo said:
Maybe they need money more than anything, but their leader has other plans and the leader doesn't tell them about it?

I can see that being the case.
it could go something like
leader: "we must collect money to build some kind of something that helps people"
grunts: "yeah whatever we'll go collect money"
leader: "now we have the money you can get lost I'm using it for my own nefarious plans"
player: *stops leader*
leader: "learned the error of my ways bladiblah I'm gonna go somewhere else"

I've seen speculation that there may be 2 teams; I can kinda see this.
What would be interesting is if Flare were getting money for their own purposes, but team2 were some kind of charity.

then in one version the charity team would be told by Flare that they shouldn't waste money on charity, there's better things to spend it on etc
then in the other Flare would be told by the charity team they're doing the wrong thing and should donate the money to a good cause

(2 teams = aqua+magma = hoenn = R/S/E remakes confirmed!!!111!eleven!)
RE: Why do you think Team Flare's goal is money?

I hope Team Flare's goal is elaborated on, rather than just wanting money. Wanting money alone is just...is just really lame and overdone.