Team Hurricane - The storm is coming | Accepting Applications!

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RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Last time I checked, both do the same damage output w/ the same energy, just one of them does it for 2 w/ e-gain and the other does it for 3 w/ egain. So its the same effect, unless your talking terms of charging speed.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Seth1789110 said:
Last time I checked, both do the same damage output w/ the same energy, just one of them does it for 2 w/ e-gain and the other does it for 3 w/ egain. So its the same effect, unless your talking terms of charging speed.

Yeah, I meant charging speed.

Just curious, but will this team begin to develop any SDs? If so, I would be glad to contribute.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

PokeChamp said:
Yeah, I meant charging speed.

Just curious, but will this team begin to develop any SDs? If so, I would be glad to contribute.

I got a few of those, one of them being incredibly broken and powerful and fast. That one I will never reveal, but I have some others I could share.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

I saw a thread on a different forum, and this is what won Cities so far:

2 Blazeray
1 Glistomb
1 Luxray Toolbox

Second place:
1 Blazeray
1 G and G w/ Weavile
1 Blaziken

So far, Blazeray has done the best. Gyarados is popular, too, but it hasn't won much yet.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Blazeray is good, but why is it doing so well? And Glistomb is a little expected to me.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Why does Blazeray do so well?

I'm not sure, but I would suspect that the deck now takes advantage of Expert Belt. They already attack for only two Energy, so an Expert Belt helps a bit more than Gain, if you think about it.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Jet shoot is a High risk, high return attack. Adding belt to it would make it a larger target.

I think it's all with the metagames personally. Blaziken just seems safe to them, so they play it- and they win. I don't think I will see it in my area though. I hope not anyway.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Brawler said:
Join the forums. We can plot evil things there :)

oyez, oyez.

I'm playing Flygon for Cities now. Don't know whether to go with FlyChamp, Straight Flygon, or a rogue one. [need ideas if rogue.] Any ideas? [Meta in my area is GlisTomb and SP.]
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

^gechamp destroys both of those and has decEnt matchups against most other stuff and with gengar lvx it no longer has an auto loss to flygon
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Uh, GeChamp kills FlyChamp? Since when? :p

In my area, the only thing I've seen turnout of any Gengar Variant against any Flygon variant is loss, however, you are right with the lv. X. There could be a new form of SpeedGar out in my area, it plays the Lv. X w/ Crobat G's, and eats things up. [Also seen with ObamaSnow and Manectric PT.]
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Obamasnow? Is it time for change? Lol.

As for Fly variants, I tried an Empoleon Flygon variant, using MD to snipe around at the beginning, and then Flygon one shot everything cause it was weakened w/ consistent power swings. Also, its almost ALWAYS a good idea for a late game Flygon to run dusk. Especially against Bees, which is almost an autoloss for Flygon. I played someone w/ dusk. Bees eventually runs out of fuel to recover everything...
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

The Power of Three said:
oyez, oyez.

I'm playing Flygon for Cities now. Don't know whether to go with FlyChamp, Straight Flygon, or a rogue one. [need ideas if rogue.] Any ideas? [Meta in my area is GlisTomb and SP.]

Flygon/Machamp/Nidoqueen handles those decks pretty well already. Maybe switch the Nidoqueen for a Xatu SW just to make it an auto-win (can help against Blaziken FB, too)?

Perhaps you could try Flygon/Gyarados? Just a thought... it would certainly destroy Glistomb.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

PokeChamp said:
Flygon/Machamp/Nidoqueen handles those decks pretty well already. Maybe switch the Nidoqueen for a Xatu SW just to make it an auto-win (can help against Blaziken FB, too)?

Perhaps you could try Flygon/Gyarados? Just a thought... it would certainly destroy Glistomb.

I don't see how the combo works... maybe I'm forgetting an attack. *goes off to look at scans*

Dusknoir is definitely gonna be in there, I destroyed my friend's beedrill deck with it.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Well if you expect beedrill then that could be an okay play but Nidoqueen allows you to cycle between machamps flygons and nidos to keep your self healthy. And it makes your gengar matchup almost an autowin.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Anything with Cyclone/Warp energy lols at glistomb. It's true :D

I am testing more and more, and I feel confident for my city on saturday.
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

Ugh... I'm having Trainers block... I don't know what deck to play... T_T Gengar isn't my style anymore, Salamence was too unreliable, Flygon... meh... I could do it but prefer not, My dad is already playing Gyarados, Gliscor Spiritomb is too boring, iPlox is too slow and.... UGH!!! I don't know what to play... Any help please? :3
RE: Team Hurricane- The storm is coming

What kind of Flygon deck are you using? I've heard that the most popular decks right now are Gengar X and Stallgon.
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