Team Nintendo!! Join Today *Reopened*

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I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks Donkey Kong Country Returns is hard. I'm still on World 2, and I've had to use the Super Guide to play through the levels for me. Darn Octopus/Squid level. >.<

I'm excited for Mario Party 9. Its been in development for 2 years, longer than any other game in the series, so I hope its good.
Heehee I beat DKC Returns and I think I only really needed Super Guide on that god-forsaken level with the rocket barrel in the bat cave in world 4....
I love Donkey Kong country returns. My dad played it and used the super guide on that same round once, but beat it later.

And for Kirby's Epic Yarn I have a tiny story. I invited my friend over to my grandmas house and I brought KEY (hehe, key stands for Kirby's Epic Yarn, cool.). So she was like 'OMG!!! Lets play that right away!' I popped in the disc. She then tried to play but failed, so I taught her. When it was time for her to leave she was like 'Next time I come over bring KEY or else.'

So yeah, both of those games are awesome.
This group is still open?! O_O

I only played KEY once, but it seemed kind of lame to me. Not dying is sort of lacking challenge. And my two best friends both bought it, and said it was fun but easy... but I'm not a primary source so don't judge off of me :3
KEY is extremely easy, but once you get to the higher levels and want to get Gold and the other bonuses, it can be frustrating hard. The thing I like most about it is the music. I wish Club Nintendo would release a soundtrack for KEY like they did for OoT...
Sorry DX internet was down.
That would be nice. Let's discuss the new info on the 3DS.
I have a 3DS, so I get the free stuff, but what do YOU guys want to do?
I'm so excited about the price drop! I think I posted a few days ago that I was only going to get it when the price dropped. The Ambassador Program is really good for people who payed 250 for it, all those virtual console games are cool.
My friend and I were talking about the 3DS free games and Pokemon games on the eshop, I suggested Red and Blue. Then my friend said something I really want. 3D Classics Red and Blue. Imagine how amazing that would be.

The eshop is getting it's first 3DS Ware game this week (other than the Pokedex which doesn't count) with Let's Golf 3D, one of the top selling games for the iPhone and other devices. Does anyone know how much it costs? I saw that the European version was about 7 Pounds, which I thought was about 8 American Dollars, but does anyone have an actual price?
Well, I actually lost my old 3DS, so this is good news that I can replace it this easily by the holidays. I still hope there's a bundle sort of thing and a new design.
^ OLD 3DS? It's only been out for 4 months! And yes, I want a Pokemon themed DS like the ones they had before in Japan. Almost as much as notch-eared Pichu sleeves.

My friend and I were talking about the 3DS free games and Pokemon games on the eshop, I suggested Red and Blue. Then my friend said something I really want. 3D Classics Red and Blue. Imagine how amazing that would be.

My friend and I were talking about the 3DS free games and Pokemon games on the eshop, I suggested Red and Blue. Then my friend said something I really want. 3D Classics Red and Blue. Imagine how amazing that would be.

My old GBC games sometimes freeze and fail, so if that would happen, I would be

Estatic. To say the least.

Although I'd rather wait for a bigger screen IMO. DSiXL was the epitome of viewing pleasure. If Nintendo can't match it again, I say I would rather skip out for now...I don't have much money anyways LOL.

KEY is easy, being a perfectionist is not. Getting perfect on everything is hard.
For 3DS Pokemon games, I really hope they release Gold and Silver. Those games were amazing, the 3DS versions could add wireless trading, and very few of the original games save anymore because of the failing clocks.

I don't know about any of you, but it's surprising to me that they are adding GBA Virtual Console games. I don't know, I just wasn't expecting it.
Most GBA games are around 10 years old. It's not that surprising. When the Wii came out, it had N64 downloads on the Virtual Console and those were about 10 years old at the time as well.

dmaster out.
With the price drop on the 3DS I now know that I will get one around the holiday season. So many great games are coming out and I will definitely get most of them. If I have the time I will post links to all the good games coming out.
So, the question is, is an extra $80 worth it to becoming a Nintendo Ambassador?

I reckon that they'll be giving AT LEAST $80 worth in free rewards and gifts, probably more. 20 free virtual console games would be about $80, however I don't think that's the last we've seen of the Nintendo Ambassador program. Who knows, maybe Nintendo will give them some crazy awesome reward that people would pay hundreds for. Like free limited edition skins, styluses, etc.
For those of you who have not seen all the trailers for some of the great new 3DS games here they are!
Super Mario 3DS
Mario Kart 3DS
Paper Mario 3DS
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS
Kid Icarus 3DS
Luigi's Mansion 2 3DS
Starfox 64 3DS
Animal Crossing 3DS

I watched through all the videos and all the games look good, except for Animal Crossing which I just don't think is my kind of game anyway. I'll probably get a 3DS because these games are looking really good.

This Kirby game for DS also looks good:
Kirby: Mass Attack DS
I probably can't afford more than one at the moment so my one choice I would say is.....kid Icarus. I already have ocarina of time and I might get Kirby mass attack if I have enough money. When they come out with a new metroid game I'll get that too. Good thing I'm in the ambassadors program. That way I'll have way more games to keep me busy. :)
I won't be able to afford more than 3 when I first get a 3DS so I would say my first choices would probably be... Kid Icarus, Kirby, and Super Mario/Legend of Zelda/ or Mario Kart. Can't decide between the last three for what my first three games would be. It'll be around Christmas when I get my 3DS so I may be able to buy more. I really want all of the games I put videos for except Animal Crossing.
I think you should go for Zelda. I just beat it and I'm proud to say it's one of the best games I've ever played. I've played more than 100 games at least. So yeah it's way up there.
Oh... Somehow I didn't realize that. It still looks like a good game with the multiplying Kirbys :p
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