BW/BW2 Team Plasma! (They look ridiculous)

Team Plasma looks pretty cool. A lot more menacing in appearance than Team Galactic, which is my least favorite villain team. I'd say Plasma is about on the level of Magma and Aqua for me, but no one beats Team Rocket.
Team Rocket was soo simple. I like Team Galactic. Their goal was very defined and worked well in the plot. I'm looking forward to getting a definite scope of Team Plasma's goal, and also why they are called Team Plasma. . . ?
They look like stupid knights. The name doesn't suit them. What do metal knight suits have to do with plasma? Fail. I don't know, they just look bulgy, I guess. The outfits don't fit them, but I think that's the point.

I just don't like these outfits, just like I didn't like TG's outfits. Magma, Aqua and Rocket were cool, because they're outfits were just clothing. If you were a Magma grunt, then you wore a red hoodie and black pants. Simple. Same deal with Aqua and Rocket. These metal suits lookm uncomfortable and dorky. Just go back to the cool clothing of RSE!
I think the idea might be to make them look stupid. Why else would you design a character with a blue bob cut??
well i have hopes for Team Plasma... TBH i disliked Team Rocket. I like unrealistic villains in an unrealistic world. Galactic was my favourite so far
yeah Team Rocket was boring. All they do is steal stuff. I mean Team Aqua, Team Magma and Team Galactic are lookng at the bigger picture here - WORLD DOMINATION!
Well they look like space men or robot suits but I like them totally diff from every other evil team
with just boring style clothes
The design really doesn't compliment there team name.I mean seriously!Orange hair in a knight esque type of clothing.Usually plasma has something to do with scientific type relation.Knight really doesn't do it much justice.:(
RocketNorth said:
Plasma - Laughed uncontrollably, to the point where I shot Mountain Dew out my nose. ^^;;;

I didn't have Mountain Dew going out my nose, but I laughed a bit too. Not a big fan on their clothes either, but I guess it's cool that they're making a statement with it. Is it just me, or do the the bad groups in Pokemon remind you of Black Bloc?
SinnohTrainer17 said:
I'm pretty sure Team Galactic's bowl cuts are quite laughable too xD
yeah, if i ran into team galactic in a dark alley id say"nice bowlcuts, f**gots!" then kick em in the castform weather balls, then lmao and run away b4 they tried 2 give me a terrible haircut, too!
Shadow Arceus said:
yeah, if i ran into team galactic in a dark alley id say"nice bowlcuts, f**gots!" then kick em in the castform weather balls, then lmao and run away b4 they tried 2 give me a terrible haircut, too!

ROFLCOPTER! Anyways, I didn't like the plot of Team Galactic, they did something for their leader when they could have just disbanded him. I didn't understand, and also, it was a cheesy kids-villain plotline. I hope Team Plasma is really good because what I'm seeing of them really isn't as bad as most people think it is. Let's hope I like them!