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Team Plasma Turbo Lugia (Version 3.01) (Lugia EX / Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX)


Financial Genius
Deck List
Pokemon: 11
  • 2 Lugia EX
  • 4 Deoxys EX
  • 3 Thundurus EX
  • 1 Latias EX
  • 1 Virizion EX

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 36
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 2 N
  • 4 Colress
  • 1 Skyla
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 3 Bicycle
  • 3 Colress Machine
  • 3 Switch
  • 2 Startling Megaphone
  • 4 Muscle Band
  • 2 Roller Skates
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Frozen City
  • 1 ACESPEC: Dowsing Machine

Energy: 13
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 4 Plasma Energy
  • 4 Prism Energy
  • 1 Rainbow Energy

Total: 60
Modifications & Edits
Deck Modification 1.1
  • Removed 1 Mewtwo Ex. Added 1 Genesect EX
  • Removed 1 Kyurem. Added 1 Snorlax
  • Removed 2 Pokemon Catcher. Added 2 Energy Switch
  • Removed 1 Lightning Energy. Added 1 Prism Energy

Modifications 2.1
  • -1 Max potion for +1 Muscle Band
  • -1 Ghetsis for +1 Colress

Deck Modifications 3.01
  • -1 Absol, +1 Rainbow Energy

Summary: Open Thundurus EX, use your arsenal of item cards to fill the bench and maximize an open Raiden Knuckle to recover and accelerate energies to Lugia EX. Swing with a Plasma Gale against EX Pokemon the following turn with the power of Deoxys EX and muscle band to take three prizes. Thundurus EX can be re-promoted to recover lost energies / knocked out Lugia EX OR Lysandre out another target and swing with another Plasma Gale to take the last 3 prizes.

Additional Info on the Deck:
The complete strategy of the deck is broken down in this video, it includes an explanation of EACH Card and the amount I run in there. If you want to skip to different sections of the video, I do Pokemon first, then energies, then trainers/supporters.

Video: Deck Version 1.0 NXD-PLB

Video: Deck Version 2.0 (Yeti) NXD-XY

Video: Deck Version 3.0 (Turbo) NXD-FLF

Feel free to comment your thoughts here or YT
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX Variant

Hi JungleBeatz,

Nice deck. Maybe consider to run Keldeo Ex and all special energies if enhanched hammer became less common as mentioned in the video. He could work well with Prism and Blend Energy. In addition he is a permant switch and also alows you to run Escape Rope instead of Pokemon Catcher and Switch. Not sure on Ghetsis since N would do the same and does not take a supporter space.
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX Variant

looks pretty good! only a few suggestions i would make...
-1 Thunderus EX
-1 Kyurm
-2 Prisim Energy

+1 Lugia EX
+2 Bouffalant
+2 Lightning
In my experiences playing Plasma (many Variations) Thunderus EX is just for late game recovery/early setup so more then two isn't really necessary. I would drop 1 for another Lugia EX since its your main attacker you want the best odds of keeping it in play/getting it out ASAP. The Kyurm I'm not so sure about for spread i guess it works, but with only 1 in the deck and only 2 prisim the odds of getting what you need when you need it is slim. instead I added Bouffelant in the initial open slot and then a second for replacing Kyurim it also allows you to take out the prisims for more lighting energy to add consistency.
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX Variant

Cortel II said:
looks pretty good! only a few suggestions i would make...
-1 Thunderus EX
-1 Kyurm
-2 Prisim Energy

+1 Lugia EX
+2 Bouffalant
+2 Lightning
In my experiences playing Plasma (many Variations) Thunderus EX is just for late game recovery/early setup so more then two isn't really necessary. I would drop 1 for another Lugia EX since its your main attacker you want the best odds of keeping it in play/getting it out ASAP. The Kyurm I'm not so sure about for spread i guess it works, but with only 1 in the deck and only 2 prisim the odds of getting what you need when you need it is slim. instead I added Bouffelant in the initial open slot and then a second for replacing Kyurim it also allows you to take out the prisims for more lighting energy to add consistency.
I'd have to disagree with some of your modifications. I have two prism energies for when I need to hit with Deoxys. Deoxys EX can 1HKO a mewtwo ex that has 2 energies on it and Mewtwo is growing once again in popularity.

As for adding two more Lightning and drop another Thundurus EX, that wouldnt be ideal. I can see running a total of 5 Lightning Energy if i had 3 or more Thundurus. Since primarly I will be running raid knuckle & leaving in prisms, I would only need 3 Lightning since it will be difficult to Crushing Hammer all those off.

However, I would consider dropping a Kyurem for a 2nd Flex non plasma attacker like Bouffalant since I run lots of DCE. But Ive also had the idea of running TP Snorlax to keep things in the active and run the catcher.

I did however have escape ropes in this deck at one time, the problem with it is that it is only ideal early game or when your opponent has one pokemon powered up. Pokemon Catcher gives me the choice to pick who I want to send up even if it is based on chance. The thing about catcher is that people are running less switches and they are not going to see the catcher coming. Ghetsis and Catcher in the current meta are good cards that people aren't playing that can really screw your opponent over. (I screwed over a Blastoise deck by turn 1 Ghetsis him forcing him to throw in his rare candies, comp search and other items & ended up beating him because of it).

Also 3 Lugia is excessive since the odds of a Thundurus or Deoxys EX getting knocked out in mid game is likely, it would be that ideal to have a 3rd lugia that wont see play. I have the max potions if i need to get out of a pickle.

Dark Espeon said:
Hi JungleBeatz,

Nice deck. Maybe consider to run Keldeo Ex and all special energies if enhanched hammer became less common as mentioned in the video. He could work well with Prism and Blend Energy. In addition he is a permant switch and also alows you to run Escape Rope instead of Pokemon Catcher and Switch. Not sure on Ghetsis since N would do the same and does not take a supporter space.

Keldeo EX is only really good for Kyurem based decks since you need to rush-in & retreat to reset blizzard burn. Keldeo EX isnt really worth the bench space in this sort of deck since i run plenty of switches and everyone has 2 or lower retreat cost (Thundurus EX having 1 is even better). Keldeo isnt always a permanent switch since people typically run 2 tool scrappers so if i put two float stones in the deck, they will be more than likely scrapper'd off.

As for Enhanced Hammers, they are were more common as people played plasma but they are still very prominent in Darkrai/Sableye decks. I like to run a few basic energy for that energy search and to raiden knuckle for energies back if i need to recover from a hammer. Ghetsis is in the deck instead of 4 N's is that I am taking prizes quickly and N is no good to me late game, Ghetsis however is good anytime if my opponent has a large hand, especially darkrai decks.
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX Variant/Yeti

This deck will be insanely good with Muscle Band, as you can hit for 180 with Lugia, if you have the 4 deoxys on the bench
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX Variant/Yeti

I might have to reconstruct it just to try out with muscle band. Be a strong alternative to the upcoming dark/Yvelt & fairy/fern decks
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX Variant/Yeti

You need to run a 3 deoxys and 3 thunderus split, this will ensure that you get set up quickly. 3 deoxys is all you need since it's a liability if you start with it and is not really all that useful since you often set up damage with thunderus early game. Also I would consider running genesect ex and an extra frozen city since an extra frozen city allows you to consistently win the stadium war and genesect can be so useful with its non-flip catcher ability.
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX Variant/Yeti

Joltic said:
You need to run a 3 deoxys and 3 thunderus split, this will ensure that you get set up quickly. 3 deoxys is all you need since it's a liability if you start with it and is not really all that useful since you often set up damage with thunderus early game. Also I would consider running genesect ex and an extra frozen city since an extra frozen city allows you to consistently win the stadium war and genesect can be so useful with its non-flip catcher ability.
I will have to adjust the list. I just recently came into a Genesect EX and it would be very good to select targets now that catcher has been nerf'd.

As for 3-3 split. I like having the 4th Deoxys in there so that i have that extra assurance that i will hit 170 and 180 EX Pokemon. Being 10 short sucks and ill take all precautions to make sure Im not wasting Plasma Gales.

Added the New Modifications/Edits
-Original content that has been edited out is Slashed Text
-Newest edits are bold
-All modifications are in a set section
RE: Team Plasma - Lugia-EX/Yeti (Version 2.0)

The list has been fully updated for XY and is available to use for upcoming states
RE: Team Plasma Lugia (Turbo) (Version 3.0)

The final Lugia list of the 2014 Play! Pokemon Season. Next Lugia Video will probably be post-Worlds
IMHO, 1, lone Latias EX will not be a sufficient counter to Pyroar decks. The prize exchange will definitely be in favor of Pyroar.
1 Latias EX is not going to be enough for Pyroar. If it is 4-4 pyroar they will be able to come back pretty quick.
Thats' right, but don't derail the thread, there is an specific thread for Pyroar counters.

But Latias is useful, many Pokémon like Keldeo, Darkrai, Pyroar, etc. can't hit you, but you can, the only problem is that when you KO 1 Pyroar, the opponent will surely put something else rather than Pyroar as active Pokémon.
How am I derailing by saying his pyroar counter isn't enough?

I would suggest adding two Latias EX if you can. Your only defense to it should be beefed up because Pyroar/Charizard is becoming a major deck.
Eron, he wasn't derailing the thread -- he was just stating his opinion on what he believed to be a lacking counter in a specific field. It's fine.