Team Pokebeach

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dmaster said:
Everyone should be PMing their applications. This thread is already getting mucky.

dmaster out.

Already here, too lazy to do that...

Shoddy name: CCloud or CClood
Age: 17
Reason: As some other poser said, "Can't be the best without me now, can it? ;D"
Pfft, as if. I'll show you who's posing around here, poser! >:eek:

So yeah, anyhow, seems like Blake's tourney is gonna restart soon. Hopefully we get the matches done in time this time! D:
Plato hasn't even been on for a week lol. Not to be patronising or anything, but it's kinda obvious why there has been no activity in here lately :p

So anyhow, with Salamence apparently on the verge of banning (from what I've been told), has anyone got any intelligent views they want to share on it? I know there's a thread for that already, but you know what the average level of post in that sort of thing is like... how about some intelligible views from us here?
I can sum it up in one sentence.

Do we really need MORE banning?

Opinion wise, though I haven't battled much lately, Salamence has been around since forever and I don't know why they start complaining just now. <_<
Mostly because it has slipped under the radar. If you look at the way the game has been until now. Something bigger than Salamence has always been around (Garchomp, Deoxys, Latias). Salamence is a huge threat, but those guys were bigger, so they got tested first.

Also, Salamence was only considerable for Uber after Pt, where Outrage came in. Before that it was more than manageable since it was in pretty much the same position as Gyarados. If Gyara suddenly got a 120 BP Water STAB move with 100% accuracy I'm pretty sure people would begin to question him as well (however ill-founded that might be, that isn't the point). I know a lot of people, myself included, who had reservations when we heard Mence was getting Outrage, because we saw the damage it was capable of after DD (Garchomp with SD is pretty much at the same level as DD LO Mence). The main difference is in survivability, but it is far from impossible for Mence to live for a fair while (Roost, when used well).

Course, it's all really about the whole "how much power is too much" thing. Salamence pretty much defines the borderline as it stands. One could (and frequently does) argue DNite is on the same plane, but the speed difference really really hurts, since DNite can't hope to even tie with the main "checks" for Salamence (Scarf Rachi and Flygon are the killers). Hell, even GYARADOS outspeeds it, and it's definitely not afraid of launching Ice Fangs or Stone Edges at it. That isn't to say Nite is useless (it's been the mainstay of my offensive force for almost all of my teams lately). Dragonite simply occupies different niches, and I feel it lacks the sense of pure terror that Mence brings.

(It could also be noted that Mence acts as an emergency check to Lucario, thanks to Intimidate - something DNite would KILL to have under most circumstances).
Sorry guys, had some issues irl. I'll be back in a few days after I regroup and whatnot.
CCloud is also accepted into Team Pokebeach!

I'll arrange a war soon vs some other clan.
I guess it's against the rules to just have me and pride beat two of them huh :p. Not to mention sorta mean...

idk, I don't tend to pay too much attention to clans so I don't know of many peeps that aren't already in one.
Why dont you allow some of the dozen others who applied in? Or is this just a mod or exmod only clan?
Shoddy Username: Muse , The Assassin , SUNFLORA WEAKNESS
Age: 15
Reason for joining: I felt that this community needed someone who can bring color to a match. Someone who uses creative sets, that are still good, and not noobish. I pull that off to perfection.
You didn't get accepted, no need to get angry.

Also, welcome The Assassin, Limitless and Gale!

EDIT; I got his application through pm.
gamercal said:
I guess it's against the rules to just have CC and pride beat two of them huh :p. Not to mention sorta mean...

idk, I don't tend to pay too much attention to clans so I don't know of many peeps that aren't already in one.


So let's get this war started now that we've got who we need. 8)
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