Team Renegade. New Mascot is Scrafty! How was states?

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RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

I know this is a TCG clan, but what do you think about the 3D aspect of the new games?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Henry, remember to bring the Luxray! :O

What is the address for today, can you PM it to me?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

PM sent and Imma be bring the lux.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Bring pokewalkers i wanna farm Rare candys! Wow its already almost regionals.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Done. Do you have a regice Austin?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Ya who doesn't not multiples though my dad's gonna play so.... Srry :(
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

I will. I thought you said you weren't coming Austin. :F
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

I meant bring pokewalkers to Regionals im not coming to the pre Regionals.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Oh, OK, well c you at regs.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

TPO3+619: ill be there....
Try and get everyone to bring their DS's and pokewalkers. then we can get a ton of items.... i've got 2 now :D

EDIT: piplup: im going for more defense.....
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Why is everyone going to bring their DS + Pokewalker? To find each other?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

If you connect you get a free item.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

you can also battle them at the place in vermilion.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Oh cool. Btw, what's the itme? :O
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Where r u from Richkid? Its Random. I think it has to be 1 from the route your on though.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

WI. which is probably a good thing. i would get murdered in OH.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Oh.. So your not coming to our Regionals?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

no. unless for some reason we take a random trip to OH next weekend.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

Its in Indiana and good luck at your regionals! =)
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of States. Come discuss Pokemon Black and White if you want to. Join Now!

What do you guys think of Claydol in Gyra. I like it, but what do you think?
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