Team Renegade. New Mascot is Scrafty! How was states?

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RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

7Lucario7Master7 said:
what decks did you guys play?
I bet it was SP lol, its very hard to play them and if you misplay at all it will cost you game.

I was running my Shiftry lock deck again. I went 5-2 at states with it, but went 3-4 at regs?

Weird. And to think I actually played Luxchomp/Dialtone at this and beat them lol.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

I got 8th at the VA Regionals. I went 4-2 during the swiss, losing only because of terrible starts (Azelf start, no Call until T5; Unown G start, no Collector until T4.) During the top cut match, I played against the guy I played during round 6th and lost the first match thanks to an epic misplay, and the second game because I attempted a reckless move but failed.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Just wondering, my app for this team was on the last page or something but you guys never said im in or that im not so just to conferm im in?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

:) I went 9-0 at Indiana regionals they give u a free nationals hotel when you win. =D
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

The Legend said:
:) I went 9-0 at Indiana regionals they give u a free nationals hotel when you win. =D

>:O Nice. What deck did you play?

@MR 619: States is a lot easier than regs is. It doesn't surprise me that it would go 5-2 at states, but 3-4 at regs.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

I had an interesting deck idea. It's basically Donphan Prime with Let Loose Giratina. I set up a t1 Donphan, let loose, Refresh hand and then EarthQuake. I'm currently testing it with 3 'Tina and 2 TGW. Thoughts?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Zangoose said:
I had an interesting deck idea. It's basically Donphan Prime with Let Loose Giratina. I set up a t1 Donphan, let loose, Refresh hand and then EarthQuake. I'm currently testing it with 3 'Tina and 2 TGW. Thoughts?

It could be a great idea against Gyarados. T1 Disrupt them to give you more time for the setup, while with the constant Giratina/TGW you could continuously disrupt Gyarados. With that, you can get out Donphan Prime and start KO'ing before Gyarados has a chance to setup. It also gives you draw too. Not too bad Zangoose!
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Gliscor said:
It could be a great idea against Gyarados. T1 Disrupt them to give you more time for the setup, while with the constant Giratina/TGW you could continuously disrupt Gyarados. With that, you can get out Donphan Prime and start KO'ing before Gyarados has a chance to setup. It also gives you draw too. Not too bad Zangoose!

Lol thanx. Here's my list.

4-4 Donphan
3-1 Uxie
3 GiraTina Let Loose

3 Bebe's
2 LuxBall
4 Rose
4 PlusPower
4 Reversal
3 Belt
2 Communication
3 Collector
1 Devolouter
1 Warp Point
1 NM

8 {F}

Basically use Tina to ruin your opponent while setting up a Donphan. I don't get going well If they bring up Tina, and SSU's are hard to draw some times. Btw Gliscor we're playing for the RedShark tourney.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

I know that. I haven't sent you a PM or anything because, TBH, I'm still preparing my deck. I've currently been testing a certain deck for a new article, but the deck doesn't seem to be turning out to be doing so good (it's a rogue, and I should probably wait until HSU comes out since this article is DP-HS :/) So yeah, I'll PM you when another deck is ready.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

I would say add mesprits and maybe a azelf MT, if you can power lock them and make SPs need another energy then you will have a fairly good deck,i remember people testing this for states but i never heard if it did well.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

7Lucario7Master7 said:
I would say add mesprits and maybe a azelf MT, if you can power lock them and make SPs need another energy then you will have a fairly good deck,i remember people testing this for states but i never heard if it did well.

Was this directed towards me? If so sounds interesting.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Zangoose said:
Lol thanx. Here's my list.

4-4 Donphan
3-1 Uxie
3 GiraTina Let Loose

3 Bebe's
2 LuxBall
4 Rose
4 PlusPower
4 Reversal
3 Belt
2 Communication
3 Collector
1 Devolouter
1 Warp Point
1 NM

8 {F}

Basically use Tina to ruin your opponent while setting up a Donphan. I don't get going well If they bring up Tina, and SSU's are hard to draw some times. Btw Gliscor we're playing for the RedShark tourney.

I would try crobat G so you don't get a horrible start every time.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Well Phanpy starts are decent. But I do feel that I'm ten damage short without playing Buck's anymore. So should I cut the:

1 NM
2 Communication
1 Collector

For 1 Bat 3 turn? Does that sound decent?
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

How do you guys like Skarmory FB, Miasma Valley, Bats, Spiritomb LA, and other spread crap like Raichu GL
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

crobat G in jumpluff? im not sure if i should or not. considering my failure at regs im thinking it would be good. all i need is 2 poketurns(piplup do you have any) then i am set. i have also thought of this:

Garchomp C X/Jumpluff
you snipe for 80. you can mass attack with jumpluff during powerup turns. thats almost a constant 80 if you can get it.
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Zangoose said:
Well Phanpy starts are decent. But I do feel that I'm ten damage short without playing Buck's anymore. So should I cut the:

1 NM
2 Communication
1 Collector

For 1 Bat 3 turn? Does that sound decent?

I would do:
- Devoluter
- 1 plus power
- 2 reversal
- 1 lux ball
- 1 collector
- 1 belt
- 1 SSU
- 2 {F}

+ 4 crobat
+ 3 poketurn
+ 1-1 luxray GL

Hope it helps! PS: Maybe tech in Energy gain and multi energy
RE: Team Renegade. Winner of Regionals. Join Now!

Seems interesting. i'll definitely Try it out as soon as I get my Luxrays back tommorow.
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