Team Seadra - The Real Pros! Topic: LOST WORLD

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Just do absol lvx. It takes one more turn to set up, but it's attack helps you instead of hurting you, and it has a cute power that could be deadly.
Also, Absol X's art is a little bit better IMO. I gotta say I wouldn't run either though.

Nothing I test is as fun to play as Promogon and it makes me sad. The way Promogon is played is tailor made to fit the way my mind works.
You'd best watch your mouth about Yugioh 'round these parts.
But it's understandable I guess.
Oh man oh man the prerelease is tomorrow and I'm strangely not excited. Probably cuz CoL is a bad set and my girlfriend can't come.
Well, what a terrible set.
I would honestly trade an unopened pack of that set for a couple Spheal RR.
The trading was alright though, I scored a Professor binder and a RH Energy Gain.

Oh, I also found out that I'm third in my state for Seniors. Not so impressive since I live in NM but hey, it's something.
hmm, the night teleporter seems a little unnecessary, but in testing it might work. needs moar bebes and energy.
Yeah, fixed.
It's actually running really smoothly now.
Not State's smoothly, but smoothly.
More playtesting tonight.
Hey all, switching back to Promogon because Lostgar isn't a problem with it and I've got a feeling Dialga will be rare in NM.
I was thinking of putting in Regice as a Spiritomb counter, opinions?
I also need to bump my SSU up to 3 or 4, cuz running 2 is person, and SSU is almost never a dead draw.

If this thread doesn't get any posts soon I'll probably quit.
Team Typhoon has tons more members! Well that is what makes us better.

just because something is popular, doesn't make it better. Better will always be an opinion ^_^ just thought i would point that out.

but for the real reason im here. I just read a rather nice article on the pros and cons of LostGar and suffice to say, i dont really expect it to become a GOOD deck till maybe after states next month. there is still too much speculation on how the deck will work, too many anti-Gengar Prime cards and Palkia G is just too slow in the build so far. Plus running more than 1-2 Lost Worlds is simply foolish. It would take up too much room for stuff you could really use, like a Honchkrow G to search out that 1-2 lost world cards, and maybe an SP radar to search for that Honchkrow. (Thats just an example, so dont crucify me for it.) And maybe you want to go in a different direction and use cards like Blissy Prime to prahaps slow down the opposition's prizes. the point is that building an entire meta-deck around one card is kinda silly which will, more often than not, leave you with no prizes and no win at the end of time.
Argh, i have not been on due to school guys, sorry 'bout that. I am still steadfast in my usage of dialgachomp, it's just too good IMHO.
Oh man. I guess I lost my source of good advice and am presently running Promogon-Z again. Which I need to playtest more cuz I'm not winning enough with it.
Also, I agree with Azurial's thing about the members.
You guys don't even know.
Am I even allowed to bump this thread?
Am I the only one who cares about this group?
EDIT: Also, if anyone has a vilegar list they want to PM me I'd really appreciate it.
Really Team Seadra? Not even any posts after states?
My last game in swiss kept me out of top 4 cut, it was against Jessica Shand (she ended up winning the tournament). Really close game, came down to one prize one both sides and we timed out. I totally had it in the bag but she pulled a Lucario out of nowhere for like the fourth time that game and won. She really is a great player.
Less than 5 people have posted in this thread in a month, therefor it will be locked for inactivity. The leader of this group may PM me to negotiate.
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