Team ShadowForce ~ Looking for members.

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RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Sorry guys, but I'm going to have to drop. This is is all Wi-Fi and all I have is shoddy. I'm going to join up with my first friend ever on here, PDC, on Team Dimensional. Go ahead and take me off the roster. I have no regrets, for this was fun and I met alot of good people here. So, good-bye Rising Suns Clan. Hope your future is bright!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

I agree with ash..i mean look at me ive been without wifi for around 5 months but im still not giving up on the clan. You could have done both shoddy and wi-fi.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

palkia dialga clash said:
Its just more fun than taking 40 Min on Wi-Fi just to D/C.I will do it again,but for now Shoddy.

You would rather have more fun cheating than actually taking the time to make an effort to EV train? That is basically saying I want to cut in line to get the good stuff before anything else. You have to learn to be patient. Patience is a virtue and if you are patient the good will come. You have not learned that yet probably. Yeah it takes longer but it pays off man.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

That is a life lesson. That helped me a little bit thanks haha even though it wasnt meant for me
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

xxashxx said:
You would rather have more fun cheating than actually taking the time to make an effort to EV train? That is basically saying I want to cut in line to get the good stuff before anything else. You have to learn to be patient. Patience is a virtue and if you are patient the good will come. You have not learned that yet probably. Yeah it takes longer but it pays off man.:)
Well,I know patience.However,Its really the only way to get better.When the Acadamey Reopens then I'll rejoin.It should soon.I'll ask D9 tommrow about it though.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

palkia dialga clash said:
Well,I know patience.However,Its really the only way to get better.When the Acadamey Reopens then I'll rejoin.It should soon.I'll ask D9 tommrow about it though.

Well I hope you trade on Wi-Fi again very soon. Thanks.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

heh, it's just as I feared... One internet battle system would become more dominant than the other... It happened to be shoddy to boot... I agree with the, "cheating" xxashxx mentioned, but it also accounts for laziness and bordem... (40% laziness 60% bordem) Hopefully things will pick back up once HG SS arrives. I'm sure Wi-Fi will pick up it's value a bit. And I also fear that ShadowG might just drop this thing entirely @.@ That's my personal paranoia lol.

All that aside, you're all really trying to keep this alive, and the ideas are great, it's just when we post them... It's far and in between and those posts get overlooked most of the time. Regaurding the shop, I've been thinking and, what do you need in order to run that thing? I'm getting tired of hearing (reading) well if the shop was open blah, blah, blah.... but I don't have the time or this or whatever... Look just tell me what's needed to run it, and I'll see if I can adapt to the situation and learn how to run it. Don't expect too much though!!! I'm totally going in with no experience what so ever.

And the inner-clan tourny, might actually work... But just for bragging rights and to help keep our senses sharp and our style in check. Heck we can even theme it if we wanted to. I'm not talking about OU, BL, UU... nah like type themes, or certian evolution themes... Heck! even have a battle with pokemon who don't evolve! Now that would be something xD

Those are my ideas tossed onto the table. I'll just wait and see what the latter says when it has been scrutinized for a period of time.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Eevee Freak said:
heh, it's just as I feared... One internet battle system would become more dominant than the other... It happened to be shoddy to boot... I agree with the, "cheating" xxashxx mentioned, but it also accounts for laziness and bordem... (40% laziness 60% bordem) Hopefully things will pick back up once HG SS arrives. I'm sure Wi-Fi will pick up it's value a bit. And I also fear that ShadowG might just drop this thing entirely @.@ That's my personal paranoia lol.

All that aside, you're all really trying to keep this alive, and the ideas are great, it's just when we post them... It's far and in between and those posts get overlooked most of the time. Regaurding the shop, I've been thinking and, what do you need in order to run that thing? I'm getting tired of hearing (reading) well if the shop was open blah, blah, blah.... but I don't have the time or this or whatever... Look just tell me what's needed to run it, and I'll see if I can adapt to the situation and learn how to run it. Don't expect too much though!!! I'm totally going in with no experience what so ever.

And the inner-clan tourny, might actually work... But just for bragging rights and to help keep our senses sharp and our style in check. Heck we can even theme it if we wanted to. I'm not talking about OU, BL, UU... nah like type themes, or certian evolution themes... Heck! even have a battle with pokemon who don't evolve! Now that would be something xD

Those are my ideas tossed onto the table. I'll just wait and see what the latter says when it has been scrutinized for a period of time.

See I have been trying to tell everyone I know that Shoddy is cheating and I agree 100% with you on the laziness and bordom part. Shoddy is just another way to CHEAT AND BE LAZY. Therefore those who use shoddy will find out what it is like if you got to VGC. If you got to VGC after not even trying to EV train the you will be toast because THEY DO NOT USE SHODDY AND IS 100% Wi-FI. I can see the rest would rather cheat and be lazy. That is all shoddy is good for. If you want a real battle start training for next years VGC convention.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Hahaha, nice that you agree with me xxashxx, but you mustn't bash so harshly on shoddy... After all PDC did EV train and everything... So he has knowledge on both sides. What I would recommend is that we try and balance it out... For those who went to shoddy, keep your VGC skill high just in case.

As for me, I haven't had a Wi-Fi battle in a while... And I expect that to remain for the time being, since my schedule is still being worked out. If all goes well though, you might see me on more often during the school year! lol. Well anywho, I just pray this won't hamper our clan...

Night all! See ya sometime during the week!
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Eevee Freak said:
Hahaha, nice that you agree with me xxashxx, but you mustn't bash so harshly on shoddy... After all PDC did EV train and everything... So he has knowledge on both sides. What I would recommend is that we try and balance it out... For those who went to shoddy, keep your VGC skill high just in case.

As for me, I haven't had a Wi-Fi battle in a while... And I expect that to remain for the time being, since my schedule is still being worked out. If all goes well though, you might see me on more often during the school year! lol. Well anywho, I just pray this won't hamper our clan...

Night all! See ya sometime during the week!

Yeah I guess you are right. I don't think Shoddy is a fair way to play battles at all because it does cheat the rule badly. I just have never liked Shoddy and have never ever used it but from what I have been hearing it is not that great in any way shape or form. I don't think it is a great program. If they add an EV training part to Shoddy I might think about using it but not until then.:)
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

It's been a real long time since I've posted anything. I still play, but not as much, hoping to get back in Pokemon once HG/SS comes out. For now I'm mostly playing Combat Arms. Shoddy isn't "cheating" per say, it's just that some people don't use wifi or they are simply too lazy to actually breed and do the work in the game.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

So, what are your expectations for the New HG SS games hmm? They high, low, or just so-so. For me, they're high. I want them to achieve the way it felt playing in the Johoto region. There was just something about it that made me feel, like I was really there! Inside the game, fantisizing the areas of where I traveled, the sounds that would come along with it. The clear weather, and crisp fresh air. Lol I guess I really enjoyed the originals. But still, I hope it stays close to the original G/S/C concept.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Hi can i join your clan
FC: 4941 4043 0383
I will try to be active. But i can only be active on weekends and holidays. If you need another ev trainer i can do that. I just started playing so i need experience.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Well, I'm not sure if we're taking sign-ups right now, but I can always test you at some time if we are.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

If you can test me can you please test me tomorrow. But if you can't we can battle today. Just pm me. Thanks
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

I wanted to join but no one has tested battled me is there anyone that can test me today?
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Toolbox, check when one of the FAs is active and send a PM, we really can't tell otherwise.

ShayminSky, fill out the app in the OP, as I said, I don't know if we are accepting apps, but you might as well do it.
RE: The TEMPORARY Rising Sun Clan.

Hey guys, hows the clan doing? I haven't been on in months, and im sorry for that. Most of you probably dont remember me I still know a few of you and I think there are a lot of new memebers since I last checked. My platinum version got messed up and all the pokemon got killed so I have no competetive pokemon at the moment. I started my platinum again and its working fine. I havent really played it at all since I got Soul Silver so after I beat SS I will start training competitvly again. Oh and can I please be taken off of the cloners list I have stopped using my AR because people have accused me of cheating and I dont like being called a cheater. Thanks :)
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