Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I did ok today, I ran eeveelutions, with Glaceon X as main attacker, found out I REALLY needed Floatzel GL X, ah well... Cities Results
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

LOL, read your report, don't say I told you so :p(JK)
You still did alright considering eevee's is usually inconsistent, I ran eevee's last year and got 4th in a BR so you did good(w/ Glacy X as main attacker, no DGX at the time it was in DP-SF era)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Actually, I have a counter for Dilaga G, Flareon, my backup attacker, sadly, after I KO'd Dialga G, or got it out against Sally, it couldn't last long enough, which is why I need Floatzel GL X, which will help the deck a LOT
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

jirachinick said:
I did ok today, I ran eeveelutions, with Glaceon X as main attacker, found out I REALLY needed Floatzel GL X, ah well... Cities Results

I ran eeveelutions last season withought leafeon glaceon or umbreon, and it did pretty well.

thats a pretty good record for eeveelutions though. Yeah, add floatzel NOW xD.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I'll ad Floatzel once I GET Floatzel, I don't run Leafeon because, I think if i have Floatzel, I don't NEED Leafeon
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Hey guys, I just got back from my Cities. I used the Stallgon that got 2nd at Worlds, and got second at cities. lol. At least I beat someone that got T8 at Worlds last year and a very high ranked player that's won 5 cities this season, same as the other. Anybody going to another Cities on the last weekend?

I lost to a Dialga G X in swiss, the Garchomp C X is annoying against Stallgon. -.-
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I might go this weekend, using the same deck, but with Floatzel GL X(Card needed if you use Glaceon X as main)
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

@Azul: I am, but I am either playing Flchamp, Gechamp, or some SP rogue, because Shadoworganoid or whatever his name is(lol sowwy) inspired me to whip out Absol G for some more testing.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

NICE JOB! azul I'm testing the varient of the #2 and #3 deck's of flygon at worlds..I know the guy who got #3 so I guess it helps? Also you should change it up a bit for the meta. I'm taking out the queen tech for now and adding tomb with 2 dark energy. Tomb srlsy Stalls sp's. I tested it against my lady gaga(it won me a cities) and my new sp deck(like gaga but umm beats it's booty) and the flygon always wins.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Thanks, unfortunately, I had no Spiritomb available for cities. wish I did because my next tournament is the HGSS Pre-Release, and then States.

Glaceon, well, is not a good deck because of all the Dialga out there which is kind of pointless unless you have a counter to it. FlyChamp is a good play I say, more SPs are being played than ever, well almost.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I do have a counter for Dialga G actually, Flareon RR. Read my article, it might explain
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Dialga G will deafen you, and possibly spray you when you try to devolve. However, if you pull that off, you will have 0 stadiums, and have to wait a turn, leaving a weak eevee sitting there for them to second strike or remove lost for KO.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Umm dialga decks are too fierce for eveelution xD. They hit big while stopping bodies and such, did I mention turns, special darks, techs like chomp/lux/blaze.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Flareon defeats Dialga G in 1-2 shots, and Luxray's powers are blocked, same as Garchomp, and I can easily ko Blaziken.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

...1-2 shots? im not going to even continue this discussion.
What are people's records in cities and which decks did they use?
I went second, tenth, first, and the last is this weekend..Gaga, gaga, gaga, and lastly either kingdra or flychamp
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I got 7th with eeveelutions, but without floatzel gl, so it isn't good, aw well, I have one more weekend, I like to try not to use the metagame, so my records aren't always so great, but I'll use it at big tourneys like nationals and worlds... anybody have plans for states?
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

I usually don't use meta for small stuff either..or try to change it up. Gaga when I played it was a week old lol. now it is meta so meh. for states I'm playing either medicham/haryiama, gechamp, or toolbox
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

Flychamp, Flytrap, Dialga G/ Garchomp C, or Gengar. Got 4 choices for me
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

go with blaze lux and chop no good. Or one know the flychamp that leans towards a lock is rly good.
RE: Team Transform- TOPIC: CITIES ARE UNDERWAY! What have you seen so far?

That narrows my choices, I was thinking Dialga G would be smart though, for HGSS pokemon, like Ampharos, Donphan, ect. but I'm leaning towards your opinion
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