Teching against Umbreon UD


Hi, I'm a scrub
Hey everyone. Lately I've been hearing a lot of hype about Umbreon UD techs and decks. There are so many counters to this guy and I just was curious to see your people's opinion. How do you tech against Umbreon UD if you have trouble with it?


(Also, on the topic of Umbreon, does anyone know why a lot of Umbreon cards have rooftops as a backround?)
Well one of my decks does really bad aginst umbreon but i do have haunter that can put them asleep and poison them.
You can tech by having no pokemon with bodies or powers or use stuff to stop them from attacking
In CurseGar I move damage on it until it is within KO range by damage counter placement or poison.

With Charizard I used a combo of Infernape 4 X and Typhlosion non Prime to either get it out of the active or one-shot it.

Warp Points are great because they get rid of the effect and leave it susceptible to getting sniped.
There are a bunch of ways to counter Umbreon. Pokémon with no Powers or Bodies, attacks that disregard all effects on the defending Pokémon, Bright Look + snipe, warp energy, Pokémon reversal, etc...
Any Fighting Pokemon that can do 50 damage for low energy and lacks a body/power? Preferably Basic.
Same or even Ambipom G can play around it(tail code) especially if it's a tech.
Or just warp point/bright look/circulator
Most decks can cope with it rather comfortably. For the common luxchomp deck just don't use level X's unless you're bright looking it. It only requires a little bit of rethink when playing it. Much like with Mr Mime in the old days where it wasn't allowed to take 30+ damage, pretty much every deck has a natural counter to it.
I personally use Machamp SF, so I don't really need to tech against it, BUT if I did...
It may sound odd, but Phanpy HGSS can work. It's basic, has no 'body or 'power, works on colorless energy, and if Umbreon attacks it, you hit next turn for 60, unless Umbreon decides not to use its first attack, leaving it vulnerable next turn (of course, if it gets heads on its 2nd attack, it's a OHKO unless it has E-Belt attached, which gives your opponent a OHKO. That being said, I haven't seen too many Umbreon with E-Belts...). Otherwise, Machoke TR works; hits for 60 with 1 energy. That's all that comes to mind right now, but there are some others that work (otherwise, Warp point/energy, circulator, and reversal work too).
Relicanth is better – can't believe I forgot that >.< Either attack is killer, particularly Amnesia on its first attack... then use it again or retreat into something else (or warp point, yadda yadda). Primeape takes 2 turns to KO Umbreon also (Unless you decide to belt it, but still, it's a tech), and it's a stage one. Less room for other needed cards, and space is an issue for lots of decks.
one thing is if they have umbreon MD out
usually if umbreon UD is a tech, you dont have to worry about the MD one
but if its the main thing in the deck, it makes it a lot harder to counter without a fighting weakness and free retreat
Well I suppose you could always run a 1-1 Donphan and a relicanth; donphan for MD OHKO and relicanth for UD.
Why tech for it at all? Why not just use a basic form or something from your own deck?
lol, I played against if with DialgaChomp. I know how hard it is. I belted a Dialga G, attached a Sp.Metal, and next turn a DCE. Double flashbite, then Second Strike for the KO. They only got 1 attack in that way and I only took 20 damage.