Teching against Umbreon UD

Well, it's sort of easy with SP because you can snipe around it (3 SP Pokemon that are played in every meta SP deck) or use the basic form. In evolution decks like Steelix Prime, you have to rely on Onix UL, which can be tricky.
hmm... not all of us run a 'mon regularly that can hit for 50 and has no power/body. Such as almost all SP engines. The best I have in my Magnegatr is... Croconaw. 50 damage, no retreat, 3 energy. Yipee.
Use anything! Why not use a Magneton? Anything that can hit for more than 30 is just fine, because time is on your side when you aren't being stalled.
An umbreon? Really? You're worried about a 90 hp evolution. You'll KO it before it KO's you as long as you do more than 30 damage to it.
Yeah, I don't have enough space for that now in my deck... woohoo... I can't run fighting energy AND relicanth too, it just wouldn't work.
I will continue to use the Croconaw if the need arises: 50 damage, if I have Feraligatr Prime out, I can get energy onto it really quickly and attack that turn. But Magnezone has a hefty 3 retreat cost, so I'm dead there unless I can get one of two warp points in play... and then Croconaw goes w/ 80 HP and gets OHKO'd by Umbreon's 2nd attack plus E-belt and a lucky coin flip, and I'm stuck with nothing. Well, shoot...
A stage one is just as capable of attacking as a Stage 2. Belt it if you have to. If they need to wall you, that means they need set-up time. They won't be able to return the KO.
(Rikko145) said:
An umbreon? Really? You're worried about a 90 hp evolution. You'll KO it before it KO's you as long as you do more than 30 damage to it.
its not hard to get umbreon to have 130 hp and hit for 60 .-.
I think he might be referring to 120hp when using the prime? please clarify. I run 3-3 Umbreon UD and you know how to max its HP to 130, I'm definitely interested
Wow, you need all of these cards for a tech as far as you're saying:
1-1 Umbreon
1-1 Umbreon MD
1-1 Espeon
Energy for attack

That's 8 cards.
^ You don't need Umbreon MD, a 2-1-1(evee, Umbreon UD, Espeon MD) eveelutions, a special dark energy, and a belt with most decks already run.
2+1+1+1=5 cards
I know that Umbreon UD can be incredibly frustrating, so what I do is I try to work around it as best I can.
One of my decks is a Regigigas build that can circumvent Umbreon with the use of either Drag Off or a non-X'd Dialga G (although I prefer Drag Off because it disrupts the opponent more). My other deck is Blastoise in which I don't need to worry whatsoever (I standardly play anti-meta decks).

In any case, the best thing to do, if you are running something with a power or body, is to use something like Cyclone Energy, Warp Point, Reversal, Bright Look, or anything else that shuffles around the opponent's field. Failing that, you can just snipe around it (with something like Dragon Rush).
^^ sounds like a good strat there, but what if an Umbreon UD opponent purposely plays with an empty bench?