Tenth anniversary of 9/11


<Pride> I'm my wildest fantasy
Advanced Member
Today marks the tenth anniversary of 9/11, a day where al-Qaeda terrorist hijacked four passenger jets, two of them crashing into the World Trade Center, another crashing into the Pentagon, and the last crashing in a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Looking back on this disaster, how has it affected your and your families life?
9/11 just caused more and more trouble. Not too much good came out of what our government did afterwards. We got all big and bold and invaded a country that had no ties or links to the people who executed the attacks, then lied about it, and now try to not lie about it as much. We made ourselves look worse and made more enemies a long the way. When I was a teenager I couldn't have fun anymore with pranks and jokes because everything got so serious. Police became paramilitary, nothing as funny, and everything was taken way too seriously for it's own good. Every week the news had some new threat to talk about, some big new thing that could happen, but it never really happened at all. More people have died in these two wars we've had than died in those attacks on 9/11, but the biggest causality was to our civil liberties. Every time someone tries to pull of some sort of attack they find a different way to invade everyone's privacy. I hope no one makes a bomb out of their contact lenses -one more thing to remove at the airport.
Oh wow it's Sunday.

I was in Kindergarten during 9/11, and my school actually closed down about 30 minutes after the attacks. My mom was actually in NY the day of the attacks. Her building was literally right next to the North Tower. So yeah it was a scary day for her, as well as the rest of the country.
I was going to post this, you silly ninja. Anyways, this is a pretty serious date for a lot of people. Although I am not directly related to the event, I consider myself fairly patriotic, so yeah, I feel and pray for the families of the victims. But of course, it happened a good bit ago, but it can still be a big deal. I don't really think any terrorist activites will happen today, but I suppose it is a possible threat.
It's quite strange to think that some people on this site were actually born after 9/11, and they don't remember what that day was like for America. Anyways, I remember that day and what happened at school, although no one actually explained the cause to me until a few days later. It's also funny to me that some people won't shut up about the causes of 9/11 and why it was "America's fault". Get over yourself and actually do something for the thousands of people who's lives were ruined because of the events that transpired on that day. So much hate has been caused by 9/11, and it has been thrown back and forth by both sides of the political spectrum. It's quite sad, really. We even look at Muslims differently now because of a group of Terrorists that hate America for Our freedoms. It is an event that has changed the face of America for generations to come. Every night, my prayers go out to every person who lost something dear to them on that day, and every day since.
Anyone who says that this event didn't affect them is lying.

I'm a Canadian, and I really didn't think that 9/11 had any affect on me until about 5 years. I remember back in Grade 2, my teacher was just about to start the class, when the principal came into the classroom. He stuck an American flag on the back wall. I had no idea what was going on, and no one was telling me. In April, I went back to the school, and the flag was still there.

America has such a large influence on the world. Anything that happens there is echoed all the way across the planet. Once the threat of plane bombs came around, airport security was cranked up. Heck, I can't even take a second pair of shoes in my suitcase when I travel anymore. I suppose its necessary, as the airports want their customers to be safe. That's where they get their money from.

There are lots of people here with stories to share. I look forward to reading some of them.

And to anyone in the NYC area, please stay safe during the next few days. The threat could be a hoax, but its better safe than sorry.
I could be extremely sentimental, but I'll keep this brief.

9/11 changed everyone's lives. The increased security, the little spark of fear, the small things. I was in second grade when this happened, and I really had no idea about what was going on. Now, more mature, it's more shocking than anything else that there are people that would have done this. For me, I question the good in humans. I know there are genuinely good people across the globe, but the scum that would even ponder doing something like this sickens me. I see the pictures that recapture 9/11, and all I can do is shake my head in disappointment.

In school, and at your school too, it's more than appropriate to have at least a minute of silence. The tragedy that rocked the world needs to be recognized, and this day needs to be remembered.

For those that have been affected at a personal level, I wish the best for you, and wish the best for your family.
My dad's friend has a tape about how it's a inside job, though I have never watched it for my self to see if it's true or not.

God bless the families of all the people that died that day. :(
xxashxx said:
The night before the attacks Bush and Bin Ladin talked over their plans and they talk how exactly how to pull the attacks off and it went according to plan as they wanted. This is what Bin Ladin wanted and he and Bush had been planning this weeks in advance before it happened.

I was really hoping not to see any crap like this here, of all places. I'm also not even going to take time out of my day to point out the sheer stupidity of these sentences. It's statements like these that ruins the moral values of America, and before you post even another word, you need to think about what these statements mean to Americans, and to the world as a whole. It not only insults our former president, but America as well. This theory makes no sense whatsoever and totally defies any evidence national investigators have managed to come up with, and even worse, it doesn't even resemble any badly conceived conspiracy I've heard so far. Out of respect for the people that died on that day, please don't post any more crackpot theories (can I even call it that?) in this thread. I would assume this goes for everyone. Thanks.

EDIT: And he deleted his post. What an ingrate. You don't even have the nerve to stand by what you said. Pathetic.
I'm not from the States, I'm from Europe... But images of that day will never disappear from my head.

I was watching Tom and Jerry while suddenly it was interrupted by breaking news, about Twin Towers crushing down. I saw all the rush, tears, disaster... I'm 21 now, and I didn't forget those images.

9/11 changes us all. That organization killed many many innocent people, taking away their most basic right - that to live. And if here are any people who's relatives or parents or brothers or sisters or grandparents, or whoever who they loved died that day - receive my sympathy.
People are entitled to their own opinions on the matter, as long as things don't turn into a flame war @SL

Condolences to those who lost a loved on in the crash.

*Puts on Flame Suit* Although 9/11 is nothing compared to some of the other things people have done to America, and even less compared to some of the things America has done to others. Not taking away anything from those who lost their lives, but facts be facts.
Sorry about that JC, it's just when someone says something as ridiculous as that and backs it up with no support/opinions whatsoever, it gets me a little irked. And then they say they're praying for those affected by the tragedy? It just doesn't make sense. I know I'm being a jerk, I'm just tired of hearing stuff like this every hour of every day for 10 years. It can really wear down on a fella. I don't want to make this a discussion about politics, but if that's how some people want to play it, then I can play right back. And the real sad part is that xxashxx probably didn't even mean anything offensive by it, yet it makes me really upset. As I said before, I'm just tired.
I was in 4th grade on that day and my 4th grade teacher told us about it, as there was a small TV in the teacher's lounge. When were released for recess, some kids were talking about it on the playground.

And, when I got home it was all over the news, and I was just shocked that this happened. Looking back on it, it still feels me with sadness that we lost so many innocent lives on that horrific day.
I'm not gonna lie, I don't remember 9/11. I was 4, I didnt pay attention to the news.

The first time I actually saw footage of it was in 7th grade. I was horrified. The fact that humans could cause all of this to other humans is terrifying. The towers collapsing, the fireballs, they were awful images. And to think that many people's last decision on earth was whether they were going to die by the flames or by jumping, it's heartbreaking.

My prayers go out to everyone affected by that awful day.
xxashxx said:
The night before the attacks Bush and Bin Ladin talked over their plans and they talk how exactly how to pull the attacks off and it went according to plan as they wanted. This is what Bin Ladin wanted and he and Bush had been planning this weeks in advance before it happened.

I know JC said not to turn this into a flame war, but are you kidding me...

Flight 93 remembered. If they hadn't been brave enough to charge the hijackers, there would have been a lot more people killed that day.

@Pokefan4000-we really need a like button
Bush and Bin Laden caused it? Wow. Whatever information your hearing, has to be incredibly idiotic.

9/11 was a hard time for our country, my dad was about a block away when it happened, luckily, besides being covered in dust he wasn't hurt. To anybody whos family was hurt by the attacks, my heart reaches out to you. Although the US may have apparently "caused" it by invading and accusing them of housing Weapons Of Mass destruction, it was the faulty information that caused us to that.
Juliacoolo said:
People are entitled to their own opinions on the matter, as long as things don't turn into a flame war @SL
Julia, this isn't a matter of opinion. xxashxx is spouting inane facts with absolutely no evidence. He's almost as bad as FOX.

9/11 has been a terrible day, no doubt. Innocent lives taken for a justification that I find completely invalid. As obviously said before, 9/11, however, is not the worst that happened to America, but it's the most popularized, which is completely silly as we're going to stick to a racial discrimination as long as we keep that event in the back of our heads.
I was in kindergarten when it happened....
We were sitting in class and over the intercom the principle told the teachers to turn their T.V.'s to the news and we saw the towers burning in real time. Both planes had already crashed into the towers... We just sat there and no one said a word. It wasn't till about the eighth grade that I actually saw a video of the planes crashing into the towers and I remember getting extremely sick to my stomach because it was like a bad dream that I already knew how it would end and I just wanted to stop it from happening...
I did not know what 9/11 was until about 3rd Grade (I was 4 at the time of the attacks). Even then, I did not fully understand it til about 6th Grade when I saw the memorials on T.V. It's terrible to think that humans would purposely take an aircraft and slam it into a building, attempting to kill as many possible. It's just inhumane and horrible. I think the saddest part of it (to me) was seeing people on the top floors jumping because it was too hot and didn't want to catch on fire. My heart goes out to all the men and women who lost their lives and to anyone who lost loved ones as well. You and your loved ones did not deserve this. And, to the people who fought the hijackers and had the plane crash near Shanksville, you are probably some of the bravest people I have ever heard of.