I could be extremely sentimental, but I'll keep this brief.
9/11 changed everyone's lives. The increased security, the little spark of fear, the small things. I was in second grade when this happened, and I really had no idea about what was going on. Now, more mature, it's more shocking than anything else that there are people that would have done this. For me, I question the good in humans. I know there are genuinely good people across the globe, but the scum that would even ponder doing something like this sickens me. I see the pictures that recapture 9/11, and all I can do is shake my head in disappointment.
In school, and at your school too, it's more than appropriate to have at least a minute of silence. The tragedy that rocked the world needs to be recognized, and this day needs to be remembered.
For those that have been affected at a personal level, I wish the best for you, and wish the best for your family.