Tenth anniversary of 9/11

I was 2 years old when it happened, and I really didn't understand what it was until around 4th grade. It's a horrible horrible thing for somebody to do something like that. It directly affects just because I live in NYC, and that my parents lost some friends on that horrible day.

My heart and prayers go out to those affected by 9/11
I'm pretty sure I posted this on the on some of the older 9/11 threads, but I remember watching this happen in preschool. My teachers turned on the T.V. just in time for me to watch the second plane hitting the building. After that, I was deathly afraid of planes (I've been on a plane once, and that was before 9/11). I still don't plan on flying. My family was supposed to go to Disney World in Florida for my birthday, but because all of the planes were grounded for a couple days we couldn't go.

Also, my 7th/8th grade science teacher lost her son-in-law. If I remember correctly, she said he was working in the North Tower when the plane hit. So even though I live in Ohio, 9/11 affected many people here.
I feel old. I was in 10th grade when the towers fell. I thought it was a joke at first when I was hearing it word of mouth, but when they wheeled in the TV to the library and I saw the actual footage my heart sank and I immediately got chills. It hasn't stopped me from flying though. I was on edge about getting on a plane shortly after the attacks but I eventually got over it and have been on quite a few flights since 2001. Here's to hoping nothing like that ever happens again...
I was four on 9/11, and all I remember is my mom carring my little brother, then stopping in front of the TV in shock. On friday I saw a documentary about and realized how ignorant I was about this. I didn't know that there were two planes. I didn't know they were ten minutes between eachother. I didn't know some people saw two versions of death in there face and chose one for themselves.

I cannot believe the cruelty of this event. But what this also makes me think of, is how we have done that to other people. Think about Hiroshima. Or about how we've scarred the Middle East. We didn't even attack the right country, and we don't even admit it to ourselves. We did and do some awful things, and on 9/11 we got a taste of our own medicine.

I feel so sad and hurt for anyone who was killed in a way like that. Whether it happened one-hundred years ago or just ten.
I don't necessarily know what happened during the day of 9/11 since I was two. But from what my mom has been telling me and the World Trade Center Documentaries I watched with my dad, everyone was affected by this from Al Queda. My mom and dad were affected and we live in Texas. My dad was getting ready for work (He had a mid-day shift) and was told not to go to work by his boss. My mom came home early and we all watched this tragic news on television. I don't remember much, but when I saw the World Trade Center Movie, I knew more details of this tragedy. God Bless anyone who died and anyone who was affected.
Uh...I didn´t really knew about this until about 1 or 2 years ago (Um...I am Mexican)
So well, yesterday I was at a ranch with a Paintball course, meanwhile I was horse riding. After a while of horse riding, I got a little bored and decided to go to the Paintball Waiting Room/Eating Room. Then on the TV there was a movie based on the events from 9/11. I was just watching the movie around the end, and I didn´t realize what the movie was about after a while. After a little watching on the movie, I saw how the crew of Flight 93 was trying to stop the Al Queda terrorists. I was just skeptical. After the crash, I just had a frown on the face. But I didn´t really know that they were FOUR planes, and how the the terrorists in Flight 93 was trying to hit either the White House or...Another place I don´t remember.

After the movie, I just got outside and started talking to myself: "Wow, I didn´t really know all the details about that...But it really must feel sad for all the people in USA, and people specially on NY. Really, stupid re---ded terrorists...But did they really commited suicide just to cause misery, pain and sadness to everyone there? My god, that is just stupid..."

Well, since they planes crashed I suppose the terrorists also died(obviously), that´s why I thought they commited suicide. But seriously, I hope this doesn´t happen on the USA or ANYWHERE at all...We already have gave out many tears; we don´t need to give out more.
God enlightens the hearts of the families affected by this tragedy, but the people itself will never forget this. Mis condolencias para todos los que fueron afectados por esta tragedia...

Remember ten years ago,
Some men, obsessed with anger and and hate,
Hi-jacked, and crashed some planes,
One of which sealed the Twin Towers fate.

Remember the firefighters,
The men, and the cops,
Who kept the death ratio,
From 80,000 to 6,000 tops.

Remember the men and woman,
Remember the lives given away,
Remeber the attrocities that took place,
Remember the event, honor the people today.
Excellent poem. Just noticed an error in the first stanza. Not sure if it was intentional or not, so I fixed it just in case.

Remember said:
Two of which sealed the Twin Towers fate.
I don't remember this day too well since I was so young when it happened, but regardless, it's one of my more vivid memories from when I was 5 or so.

Such a scary thing to have happened - it's really just horrible that people could do this to one another. The sense of fragility 9/11 brought the US has been unparalleled by any event in the last ten years, so it's a destructive attack in more than one way.

It seems like it was yesterday, but I guess it will always seem that way.
I was in seventh grade Civics class. My teacher put on the news, and then we saw the second plane hit. After the first tower fell, we had to turn off the TV.

I wasn't living in Ohio at the time, actually. In 2001, my family was living in Northern VA just about twenty minutes south of DC. I had friends whose parents worked at the Pentagon -- in fact, a buddy of mine's father had an office there which was (thankfully) being renovated -- it was on the side where the plane hit. Had it not been being renovated, his father might not be here.

I also have family around NY. My cousins had a few friends' parents die in the attack.

I can't believe it's been ten years...I remember thinking how soon just a year felt after the attacks.
Its sad, to think about the many people who died... And it wasnt their fault... I feel... Anger, almost... Firefighters, and Police officers... All those hard working men and women who died... Its just... I dont know... Frustrating....

@SlickMario: Thanks man, and yeah, I messed that up...
I was in grade 6 when it happened. It was only the first week of school in a brand new city and I had pretty much jammed it into everyone's head that I come from an Afghan family. After the shocking event occurred I definitely wished I kept my mouth shut cause now everyone would look at me funny or bully me. Thankfully I was supported by many of my classmates and I don't seem to recall any sort of bullying going on. Sure there may have been an insult or two thrown at me here or there but insults are thrown all the time. It wasn't until I graduated from high school when I started feeling the negative effects though. Just gotta keep your head up though and be strong. Cannot believe it's been 10 years though, man oh man has time zipped by.
Guys I did not even delete my post. I don't want to start a fight. I am being civil on these grounds Believe it or not according to George Bush's book which we have and also ABC news. Bush and Bin Ladin really did discuss how things were going to be planned for the next day. This news was not leaked until 2004 or 2005. If you guys still do not believe me look it up and you will find out that the discussed their plans over dinner. This i all I am going to say. As I said I don't want to start a fight so I am going to leave it here. No farther. I am done with this thread and I don't want to dig a hole like last time.:(
You already dug your hole by posting really dumb things without backing it up with any facts/links/evidence. And there has been no proof of Bush and Bin Laden ever "discussing their plans over dinner". That is just plain ridiculous, and again you find yourself having no earthly clue what you're talking about. I'm extremely happy you decided not to post anything else in this thread, it's well rid of you.
Hold on: Shadow: Here is a link to what might have happened during his last days and hours.


It does not mention everything I am trying to point out but because this was a secret hidden thing that it is not within this article. Be cause that I remembered that this was a secret planned night that ABC and the other news channels obtained it was not discussed on any news show but ws mentioned at one point. I will keep trying to find more information so that this will be resolved. Relax Shadow there is no reason to treat me like dirt man. I will edit this as soon as I find more info. Thanks.:(

Here is another link explaining how the Bin Laden and Bush family knew each other personally but it still does not explain the dinner the night before.

Here is the 2nd link:


I would appreciate it if you guys can step up and help me find the information about the secret dinner that took place the night before the attacks. This we may not be able to find online but if you buy George Bush's book it explains everything about the Bush family and some things you guys need to know about them along with the Bin Ladens. If you guys checked this stuff frequently you would be surprised. I happen to know some things about this that most do not know about and the secret dinner was one of the secret things that did happen. I would like you guys at least to try and help rather than saying I am wrong about it. I am not a very good ex-plainer. I never have been able to explain things right because that part of my brain is just not there. I cannot help that I can't explain everything right so if you guys can step up and help it will make things a lot easier on me and we do not have to start a flame war. Thanks.:( At least I have a start here anyway.:(
So much for not posting in this thread again. :/
The fact that we knew where he was (allegedly) before the 9/11 attacks is irrelevant. The statement you are making suggests that the American government knew and planned the details of 9/11 along with Bin Laden the night before over dinner. Until you get irrefutable proof of these accusations, I will disregard anything else you say. And I seriously doubt a 29 year old spending time on a Pokemon forum has proof of this. I don't want to "treat anyone like dirt", but blatantly spouting nonsense about conspiracy theories in a thread that is dedicated to those we lost that day and the struggles America has faced since is just straight-up offensive. I know you don't mean anything by it, but please, don't continue this charade. Just leave your respects (as you already have, which I thank you for) and be done with it.