Grass/Rock Larvitar
Around 10 years ago, there was a cave known for the battles between Larvitar and Geodude that happened at the entrance. The Pokémon who lost has to leave the cave to prevent the cave from being full with Pokémon. Larvitar often lost these fights. There was one female Larvitar that didn't accept the fact that he lost. She wanted revenge. So she decided to live in the forest, where she slowly turned into a Grass/Rock type. She wanted to come back into the cave, but it was guarded by Geodude. So she waited until it was the right time. 4 months later, she attacked the Geodude that were guarding the cave. She won the fight and was allowed back into the cave. She went to one of the deepest parts of the cave and fell asleep. She was ready to evolve..
Larvitar / HP: 70 / Grass
~ Basic
[Ability] Revenge
If 1 of your Pokémon was Knocked Out during your opponent's last turn, you may search your deck for a Pokémon that evolves from this Pokémon and put it onto this Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[G][G][C] Leaf Snipe
Put 5 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like.
Weakness: [R] x2
Retreat Cost: [C][C]
Around 10 years ago, there was a cave known for the battles between Larvitar and Geodude that happened at the entrance. The Pokémon who lost has to leave the cave to prevent the cave from being full with Pokémon. Larvitar often lost these fights. There was one female Larvitar that didn't accept the fact that he lost. She wanted revenge. So she decided to live in the forest, where she slowly turned into a Grass/Rock type. She wanted to come back into the cave, but it was guarded by Geodude. So she waited until it was the right time. 4 months later, she attacked the Geodude that were guarding the cave. She won the fight and was allowed back into the cave. She went to one of the deepest parts of the cave and fell asleep. She was ready to evolve..
Larvitar / HP: 70 / Grass
~ Basic

[Ability] Revenge
If 1 of your Pokémon was Knocked Out during your opponent's last turn, you may search your deck for a Pokémon that evolves from this Pokémon and put it onto this Pokémon. Shuffle your deck afterward.
[G][G][C] Leaf Snipe
Put 5 damage counters on your opponent's Pokémon in any way you like.
Weakness: [R] x2
Retreat Cost: [C][C]
Water Furret
A group of Furret and Sentret lived near the sea. They loved to swim, but they couldn't find anything to eat in the water. Until one of the Furret found out that when you go further into the sea that there were lots of Remoraid to eat. They couldn't hunt as fast in the water as on land though. But they loved eating Remoraid a lot more than Rattata. After a while they fully adapted to the water. Now they were faster at hunting in the sea than there were on land. They even started building nests on rocks in the sea, so that they could feed their young more easily.
Furret / HP: 90 / Water
~ Stage 1 | Evolves from Sentret
[Ability] Quick Search
Once during your turn (before you attack), if this Pokémon is the Active Pokémon, you may flip a coin. If heads, switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Basic Pokémon with 1 his or her Active Pokémon.
[W] Hydro Constrict [30]
The Defending Pokémon can't Retreat during your opponent's next turn.
Weakness: [G] x2
Retreat Cost:
A group of Furret and Sentret lived near the sea. They loved to swim, but they couldn't find anything to eat in the water. Until one of the Furret found out that when you go further into the sea that there were lots of Remoraid to eat. They couldn't hunt as fast in the water as on land though. But they loved eating Remoraid a lot more than Rattata. After a while they fully adapted to the water. Now they were faster at hunting in the sea than there were on land. They even started building nests on rocks in the sea, so that they could feed their young more easily.
Furret / HP: 90 / Water
~ Stage 1 | Evolves from Sentret

[Ability] Quick Search
Once during your turn (before you attack), if this Pokémon is the Active Pokémon, you may flip a coin. If heads, switch 1 of your opponent's Benched Basic Pokémon with 1 his or her Active Pokémon.
[W] Hydro Constrict [30]
The Defending Pokémon can't Retreat during your opponent's next turn.
Weakness: [G] x2
Retreat Cost: