-Tyranitar (male), Adamant, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Earthquake, Rockslide (4/252/0/0/0/252)v59
-Infernape (Male), Naive, Close Combat, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot (0/252/0/4/0/252)Lv.56
-Jellicent (male), Modest, Water Spout, ShadowBall, Surf, Ice Beam (Cursed
Body)(Sorry! Forgoten, however 252 in Sp.A and the rest is shared between Spe and HP)Lv63
-Haxorus (female) Jolly, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Brick Break, Dragon Claw (Mold Breaker)(4/252/0/0/252)Lv52
-Terrakion, Adamant, Earthquake, RockSlide, X-Scissor, Sacred Sword (80/252/0/0/0/176)Lv42
-Virizion, Timid, Calm Mind, Hidden Power (Water), GigaDrain, Focus Blast (4/0/0/252/0/252)Lv43
-Terrakion, Rock Polish, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Close Combat (4/252/0/0/0/252)Lv80