Wi-Fi Trades The 4th & 5th Generation Wi-Fi Battle Now Thread

RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

I'm looking for a shiny Gyarados, Tornadous and an UT Jirachi; I only trade legit stuff. PM me with what you're looking for.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Would anyone here happen to have a serious, quirky, hardy, docile, or bashful Tynamo and Deino preferably between lvls 1-20? If you do, please pm me. I don't have much to offer but maybe we can work something out. Thanks!
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

ES: Did you get my PM XD? You can catch these dudes within White XD.:)
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Just a reminder that although I'm not as actively playing the VG's, I plan to start back up a bit with RNG'ing / EV'ing... So LMK if you guys want / need anything specific.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

I am in need of Happiny egg or a level 1 happiny. I don't know what you would actually want in return for this. But i am ready to offer

xx Happiny egg or level 1

Level 81 Rayquaza From Emerald
attack 281
defence 162
spattack 292
spdefence 185
speed 201
hyper beam
extreme speed
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

I'm in need of an emergency Drizzle Politoed, so if anyone can spare to breed one that I can have, I'd really REALLY appreciate it. You can either pm me or reply here if you want anything specific for it, I have more than I can really mention.

(I need it by Saturday.)

Thanks much.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

XXPokemonXX, I would happily do that trade. Do you have Black/ White?
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

I'm looking for a UT Mew, Neutral nature. I'm willing to trade my UT GAMESTP Celebi or possibly something else. PM me if you're interested.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread


I have alot of pokemon on offer, so if you need anything I can breed them for you.
I will take almost any unhacked pokemon in return, so, here is the list!
I will also train them to any level in the 1- 30 range. Sorry, but no EV/IV training.
I can also TM these if you would like. Either Gender pokemon are available.
We DO NOT offer shiny pokemon. Most Of These will have pokerus, If you do not want pokerus, please say in request. Dream World Abilities Will be notified by a DW by its name- Eg. Poliwag Lv1 DW but none are available as of now. *=Shiny

Lapras Lv 1
Any nature
Water Gun
Surf/ Choose Your Own

Oshawott Lv 1
Any Nature
Swords Dance/ Retaliate (Retaliate For Limited Time Only!)

Zorua Lv 1
Any Nature

Snivy Lv1
Any nature

Eevee Lv 1
Any nature
Tail Whip
Helping Hand

Phione Lv 1
Any nature
Water Sport

Elekid Lv 1
Any nature
Quick Attack
Ice Punch

Aipom Lv 1
Any Nature
Tail Whip

Lv1 Gible, Scyther + Bagon Available!
Lv1 DW Poliwag (F) Now available!

Emolga Lv100 (F)


Raikou* Lv30- Event
Rash Nature
Weather Ball
Zap Cannon
Aura Sphere

Mewtwo Lv70 @ King's Rock -Event
Nature- Mild
Shadow Ball
Aura Sphere
Electro Ball

Zekrom- Spring 2012 Event
Bashful Nature
Fusion Bolt
Bolt Strike

Most Pokemon Are Available, Just Request One if it is not on my list.
As I said, most pokemon will be accepted.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Update: Still need a poliwag/politoed with drizzle, but no rush, and I'd prefer female if possible.
I can offer pretty much anything. I have a lot of event Pokemon.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

I have a trained Politoed with drizzle. Its a timid nature, 252HP, 144 Spe, 108 SpA. It served a purpose on an old VGC team that is strange, thats why it has the given EVs.I have a few Lv.1 ones but breeding good IVs etc is up to you. If your still interested, PM me.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Looking for Female Dream World Poliwags/Vulpixs with the Modest Nature.

I can now breed Dream World Eevees, and will trade a female one for it.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Well, I'm back.

Offering: UT Arceus (You pick Nature if before April 29th).
Desire: UT Timid Darkrai (Willing to consider other trades).

PM to discuss further, but hurry. I'm catching an Adamant should nobody respond before April 29th.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

I'm simply looking for someone to compose trades with. Both for receiving Pokemon for breeding (Since I had to restart my game, and traded Pokemon disobey you at early levels in the game), and for Evolution Purposes. At this time, I have a Graveler who wants to be a Golem, but can't since I sold my Pokemon Platinum so I can't trade myself.

I have no real preference for Pokemon, but a Charmander or Jigglypuff wouldn't be a terrible thing :3
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread

Hello people.

If you need to know, I have a love of Gliscor. My Pokesona is a Gliscor. And in the Dream World, I can never find a female Gligar to breed to a perfect one.

This is why I'm applying to your help this morning/day/evening/night, good people of Pokébeach. This time, I need an Adamant Gligar which is female, and from the Dream World. I can tell if it has Immunity. The Gligar must have an IV of 31 in at least of one of the following stats: HP, Attack, Defence, Special Defence, Speed.

In return, I will give a female Dream World Abilty Eevee or Dratini with 31 IVs in (Special, for Eevee) Attack and Speed.

I will need it soon, as I'm trying to build a team with Gliscor.
RE: The Master Wi-Fi thread


Ugh, sorry guys and gals, my Wi-Fi id busted and I need to get it fixed pronto. Will be back within a week. :)
OT:Michael ID: 48954 Other: Wayne, Event Names, Random names.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00)
Friend Code: White 4942 7156 6246

I accept;
-Legit looking hacks
-Shiny (duh)
-Ramdomly Trained Pokemon (eg. Chimchar with a Quirky Nature, with 13/14/16/68/90/134EVs and/or 30/12/31/20/25/15IVs
-EVd and IVd Pokemon

I don't accept (the usual stuff, unless asked for);
-Bad hacks (eg. Darkrai caught in Route 214, Charmander caught on Route 3)
-Hacked shiny Pokemon (legit only)

NOTE: None of these have been IVd (yet)
None are Hacks (unless specified)(might not be aware)


-BAGON(Bagon) (female) Jolly, Hydro Pump, Rain Dance, Lv1

-Zorua (male) , Timid, Snatch, Dig Lv1
Had PokeRus
No PokeRus
- Ferroseed (male) Careful, GyroBall

-Krokorok (male) Adamant, Lv36 (Likes to Thrash about)

-Cobalion (none) Adamant, Lv42

-Virizion (none) Adamant, Lv42

-Blitzle (male) Adamant, Lv10 (Quick to flee)

-Klink (none)(!SHINY!) Modest, ThunderBolt, Flash Cannon, Sandstorm (Minus)Lv1 (no offers ATM please, Reshiwott is desperate)

-Oshawott (female) Hasty, Surf, Ice Beam Lv1 (Quick to Flee)

-EEVEE (Eevee) (male) Modest (Run Away)lv1

-Victini (Liberty Garden) Modest, Psychic, ThunderBolt, Searing Shot, Energy
Ball Lv15

-Victini (Liberty Garden) Hasty Lv15

-Mewtwo (BW WiFi) Timid Lv70

-Entei (Shiny Beast Event) (2)Lv30

-Suicune (Shiny Beast Event)Lv30

-Pidove (male) Jolly, Morning Sun (Super Luck)Lv1

-Gible (Male), Jolly, (Dragon Claw, Aerial Ace, Earthquake) (2) Lv1

-Frillish (female), Bold, Surf, Recover (Water Absorb) Lv1

-Solosis (male), Modest Hidden Power, Psychic (Magic Guard) Lv1

-Drilbur (male), Jolly (Sand Rush) Lv1

-Zorua (male) Adamant, Snatch Lv1

-Reshiram (BW Movie Event) Hasty Lv100
-Victini (Shiny), Modest

Had PokeRus
-Tyranitar (male), Adamant, Dragon Claw, Crunch, Earthquake, Rockslide (4/252/0/0/0/252)v59

-Infernape (Male), Naive, Close Combat, U-Turn, Shadow Claw, Grass Knot (0/252/0/4/0/252)Lv.56

-Jellicent (male), Modest, Water Spout, ShadowBall, Surf, Ice Beam (Cursed
Body)(Sorry! Forgoten, however 252 in Sp.A and the rest is shared between Spe and HP)Lv63

-Haxorus (female) Jolly, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Brick Break, Dragon Claw (Mold Breaker)(4/252/0/0/252)Lv52

-Terrakion, Adamant, Earthquake, RockSlide, X-Scissor, Sacred Sword (80/252/0/0/0/176)Lv42

-Virizion, Timid, Calm Mind, Hidden Power (Water), GigaDrain, Focus Blast (4/0/0/252/0/252)Lv43

-Terrakion, Rock Polish, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Close Combat (4/252/0/0/0/252)Lv80
-Kyurem, Timid, Blizzard, Ice Beam, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast (4/0/0/252/0/252) Lv93

-Zoroark, Hasty (!SHINY!), Night Daze, Flamethrower, U-Turn, Focus Blast (0/4/0/252/0/252) Lv100

-Victini, Jolly (Movie Event), V-Create, U-Turn, Fusion Bolt, Searing Shot (4/252/0/0/0/252)Lv100

-Zoroark, Naive, Night Daze, Flamethrower, U-Turn, Focus Blast (0/4/0/252/0/252) Lv66
-Rayquaza, Adamant, Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Extreme Speed, Outrage (4/252/0/0/0/252)Lv100

-Garchomp, Jolly, Brick Break, Dragon Claw, Fire Fang, Earthquake (Sand Veil)(4/252/0/0/0/252) Lv63

-Reshiram, Timid, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Blue Flare (4/0/0/252/0/252)

-Zekrom, Jolly, Dragon Claw, Bolt Strike, Fusion Bolt, Outrage (4/252/0/0/0/252)

-Excadrill, Jolly, RockSlide, Earthquake, Brick Break, X-Scissor(Sand Rush)

-Arceus, (Dream World), Timid, Recover, Judgment, Thunder, Calm Mind (252/0/0/4/0/252
-Empoleon (Shiny) Lv100
-Sceptile (Shiny)Lv100
-Tyranitar Lv100
-Giratina (JPN) Lv100
-Terrakion (JPN)Lv100
-Tyranitar (JPN) Lv61
-Infernape Lv100
-Nintails (NARUTO)(JPN)Lv57
-Heatran Lv100
Shiny list (excludes hacks and events)
-Klink UT
-Zoroark EV
-Empoleon HT
-Scolipede HT
-Sceptile HT
-Abra UT
-Nidoking UT (Adamant)
-Terrakion UT
-Mr. Mime T
-Beautifly UT
-Sawk T
-Purugly T
-Gastrodon T
-Cherrim T
-Darmanitan UT
-Maractus UT
-Watchog HT
-Scrafty HT
-Glaceon T
-Timburr T
-Throh T
-Gigalith UT
-Porygon-Z HT
-Excadrill T
-Gliscor HT
-Machamp T
-Snivy UT
-Reuniclus HT

All untouched unless specified
-Timid untouched Thundurus (preferably good IVs)
-Any Shiny not listed above (I might already have, if you offer, a profile comment will be issued saying I have it)
-Evd Pokemon (LC/RU or above)
-IVd pokemon (LC/RU or above)
-Event Pokemon (Early Gen4 and Gen3)

If there is a Pokemon with stats that you want just ask, however, NO DW POKEMON(yet)