Finished The Ban Game

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RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

^^ Banned because it's an EXP bar. Fail.

^ Banned because your signature is a truly awful pun.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned because it looks like an HP bar lol
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because it's "Tuez"day(tuesday).
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you have a picture of a Team Plasma member in your signature.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

dragonexpert said:
Banned becuase you have a picture of a Team Plasma member in your signature.
Banned because...guess why.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned 'cause you broke a rule.

RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because if one of us edits your post, generally all posts are reviewed that were in the thread.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I can't tell if your banning SR or Tortonic.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because a bunch of posts are just plain missing.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I got a raise at work.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I am to young to get a job even though I only have to wait 2 more years which is not fair.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I have a special Excel Document next to me.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because Excel is my life and I use it every day to help make my game.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned because excel is frustraiting and i would rather use word :p
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I wanted to ban Giratina487 to tell him I have a team that complies with the VGC 2011 rules.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I wanted to tell DE that I wanna battle him ;D

Naw, banned because of cube fist.
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