Finished The Ban Game

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RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I got a warning and I didn't notice it for a day and a half (Been Stuck at 0 for so long)
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I will never forgive you Guy. NEVER.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I didn't do anything bad, Joeypals!!, for you not to forgive me.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because oh, let me count the ways. As the show title goes, there are at least 10 Things I Hate About You (and what you have done) Guy.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for referencing a show.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I would prefer it if Joey keeps his personal problems out of this thread. Please stop.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned because i just loled at joeypals
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for laughing at me. Double banned (at TDL) because you seem to not want to hear me express my opinion at all. But fine, whatever.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you have a chat quote with weavile1 in your signature.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I don't care. Double banned because Guy explained it all to me through PM. Triple banned because you're really acting immature about the whole situation.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because needs to add fifth generation Pokemon to the list of favorite Pokemon options.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because I agree.
@TDL: Banned for getting ninja'd.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you people don't know the half of it. Double banned because I may as well not even post in this thread because I'm yelled at every time I decide to play. -_-
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because of internet yelling.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because things shouldn't be taken as seriously in this thread.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned (at DE if I get ninja'd) because it stretches way out of this thread. Double banned because I realized I need to delete someone from the friend list in my bio.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

banned for continuing to make me laugh and double banned for still posting here even though you said you wernt and triple banned for taking things so serious chill out
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned because you spelled "weren't" wrong.
RE: The Ban Game (Open. YPPY) Please read the rules. :/

Banned for repeating yourself. Double banned because tell me something I don't know. Triple banned because I have a sense of pride and utilize, even with the rude people who float around. Quadruple banned because this is my sort of lightened attitude. Quintuple banned because I think theis is the highest ban in the game, almost all at catutie. Hextuple banned for laughing at me... again!
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