Finished The Ban Game

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Snivylover555 said:
Banned because my wining team on the battle subat double battle is a shiny Stoutland, Porygon-Z, Seaking, and Liepard. Thats how come I'm on the super battle double train

banned because im using a tyranitar excadrill combo xD

double banned because for some reason i dont think it will work D:
Banned because I can never get Aipom's hand on his tail right. Double banned because I never really knew Gale. Triple banned because I think I'll be off to play Minecraft now.
Banned because PMJ shows up as an Smod again. Double banned because this is weird. Triple banned because I know who snivvy lover is talking about.
Banned because I want Esperante, KG, and Joeypals back. Double banned because if dA isn't working, use Imageshack.

EDIT: Ninja powah! Anyways....

Banned because
Banned because I'm 2 posts off 1000, and I'm also on a 0% warning and have been for a few days.
Banned because you are now one post off, P0KEVORTEX, double banned because I'm going to try to start posting on this game more often, triple banned because I miss banning you guys. ;D
Banned because I fixed a problem with my computer.

Double banned because I'm going to go watch my 9th documentary this week on Netflix now.
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