Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I just made 1002 posts, then realised I wanted my 1000th to be on a better thread than the aforelinked one (no offence, but it's for 3DS). I wanted to post it on GDI Smeargle. So I deleted my last 3 posts.
Banned because it says you still have 999 posts.

Double banned because I just finished a Documentary.
Banned because congratulations! Doubly banned because I found a lot of things to nitpick in the pages I missed:
Hatman said:
Banned for being a hipocrite.
Banned because it's hypocrite.
catutie said:
banned because its not having a gym leader/E4 avy cause that is just dumb

double banned because it does involving avatars :D
Banned because whilst I'm being the grammar judge, I'll point out that your second ban is horrendous. :p
Guilty spark said:
Banned for being catautie.
Banned because it's catutie. No second a.
Darkvoid57 said:
Banned because I'm going to bed.

Double banned because Good Night everyone.
Banned because my main OC is called Night, and you capitalised it. Reference? :O
Doubly banned because I think everyone I quoted will hate this post. :D
Banned because a Youtuber drew me a Zorua.

Double banned because here's the link to the speed drawing:
Banned because it's nice to know you have fans! :D Doubly banned because I will happily draw one if you want. I need video ideas! I'm probably going to do a Diamond Nuzlocke, parallel to 6-D and LORDYs' Nuzlockes.
ShayminCinccino said:
Banned because I want to know how to get a nyan cat pokemon
Banned because you just find some good graphic designer that can do it. A YouTube friend made mine.
Guy89 said:
Banned because I just went on

Banned because I always go on the simple puzzle that's probably aimed at people half my age, and use the tokens to get almost every existing Poké-Doll. But recentloy with real life, I've not had much time for that.
Banned because I'm on the last 1/4 of the pitcher.

Double banned because I haven't received any trades in over a week now
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