Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I can finally eat food now.

Double banned because I had to fast for three days for a school project.

Triple banned because never again.
Banned because I have a girlfriend, A class girlfriend, and she sits next to me in 4 of my classes.
MrGatr said:
Banned because.
*MrGatr searches matches for Afro*

Banned because that post pretty much completely explains why....

/me is forever alone ;_;
crystaltheumbreon said:
Banned because I feel your pain...
Double banned because I don't have a boyfriend... :(
Banned because you know how I feel apparently, double banned because maybe we can be forever alone together, :3 triple banned because you not having a boyfriend is different, quadruple banned because I'm older...

Banned because I don't know what I'm waiting for...
Banned because all you guys just need to get out of a shell, and go ask a girl out... It isn't that hard.
Banned because it's kind of hard when I literally don't have a girl to ask, =P double banned because the life of a home schooler... *sigh*
ShadowLugia said:
Banned because I lol'd at all of these school posts.
Banned because you have every right to.
MrGatr said:
Banned because all you guys just need to get out of a shell, and go ask a girl out... It isn't that hard.
Banned because apparently...the shell part is hard. And how did we get on this topic (edit: Again) ? Topic Switch! I demamd Topic Switch!
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