Finished The Ban Game

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Banned because I have good grammar. :)
Double banned because I think I had a 30% warning once, but I don't remember what it was for.
Banned because I dislike people saying "banned for", double banned because I'm thinking about requesting a banner from Infinity.
Banned because I dig, yo.
Double banned because EAST SIDE
Triple banned because I have the coolest avatar of all time, ever.
Banned because he's a little conceited.
Double banned everyone's in the same percentage of human beings as everyone else. Nobody's a better person than someone else. :D
Banned because I'm making a car that runs off of people stating the obvious. Please come with me. You can help solve the energy crisis :p
Banned because you went too far. XD
Double banned I could make you break the rules with the click of one button.
Banned because everyone has their own sense of humor and that gave me a good laugh BRoken lol and Double banned because you wont click that button!
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