BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

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OK, I don't exactly do this very often, but... I'm gonna ask for a match. Standard rules (including Hax Item Clause, which doesn't seem to be on the front page), and with no Deoxys-S - I'm looking to try a team for the PB Tourney, and Deo isn't allowed there :p

FC is in sig.
On the lookout for a game if available. Same as last time - PM or post or w/e if you want a go.
Lol, all the battlers are on when I'm asleep -_-

I have one other match I need to see about getting done first, before I PM you MCD. I'll look into getting that done now, so I can get back to you :)
I don't suppose anyone is around to have a go at this, are they... ? You know the drill by now.
OK, well, if you're still around, lemme finish up on MK Wii first, then I'll get a team out to play you.
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