BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

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Anybody want to battle my friend? He hasn't played in a long time, 6 on 6, 2 vs 2. No ubers of Legendaries. FC is 1031-8582-5555
Furroshi said:
Anybody want to battle my friend? He hasn't played in a long time, 6 on 6, 2 vs 2. No ubers of Legendaries. FC is 1031-8582-5555

I will, or if anyone else is looking for a battle
Furroshi said:
friend. good game. can my friend just go into trade? we just wanna check legitness

Do you honestly think I hack pokemon? NO I DO NOT. I will not go into a trade because your friend doesnt have a decent scarfgar counter. Do some calcs using the EV spread of a standard scarfgar and you will see that my stats are legit. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm trying to cover something up, but I'm not. Good day to you sir, and gg.
Edit- Gengar stats if you really wanna see
sorry, but he just didnt see how a 350 spd max gengar couold outspeed a 408 spd ninjask. i wasnt accusing you of anything i was just wondering. Really wasnt trying to accuse you of something
Furroshi said:
sorry, but he just didnt see how a 350 spd max gengar couold outspeed a 408 spd ninjask. I wasnt accusing you of anything I was just wondering. Really wasnt trying to accuse you of something

Ok well sorry if I flipped out. Speed is 319+Choice Scarf= Speed stat of 478
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