Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Hmmmm all this picture posting...I feel the need


We were at a party. Lets start right to left yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh

Left we have my small frand Nathan. He likes but hates me lol. Then behind his hand is my other friend Mithzy who is hilarious. She has a 3.9 grade point average but is not street smart at all...I convinced her that I swallowed my adams apple....

Under Mithzy is Carmen. She I guess. We don't hang out too much but shes fun

Then me in the black sweatshirt...I remember we played baseball before that and my shirt got really REALLY dirty so I just put that on...also that was the night me and my friend Kasey walked home and witnessed a drug deal...oh the fun of Vegas at night....
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


You must duel me if you wish to pass.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Catutie has his directions mixed up.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

I do....argle...I'm sick with a sore throat don't make fun of me :p
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

I'm sorry that you people had to see my face. But not sorry enough to not post a picture. Forgive me. :X

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Looking good Shannon. I gots a cool new camera too.

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Hiding most of your face much?:p The camera was in the way. As Professor Oak in Pokemon Snap would say "You were close, but it would have been better if more of you would have been in the photo."
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

:p I was trying to get it to focus on my iris, but it didn't :(
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Hangin' out in front of the Louvre. Nbd.

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Anthony faux hawks are sooo0o0o0o0o 2010.

I hate that "have to post a picture when you post unless you posted a picture like a week ago" or something like that. if that still even is a rule..

This was a pic i developed in my photo class. :> scanned it and uploaded it, haha.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

This is how you drive in heavy traffic.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

That's how I normally drive RB.

Blake: Posting pics with your ex is so0o0o0o0o00o0o0o...well...I guess that's 2011 for ya.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

JaySee said:
That's how I normally drive RB.

Blake: Posting pics with your ex is so0o0o0o0o00o0o0o...well...I guess that's 2011 for ya.

i took that picture like 2 weeks ago, and maybe she isn't ex anymore hmm? fail. -.-
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

If she's not still your ex I'm dumping her for cheating on me. Chicks and open relationships these days....





Made these today :)
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

LOL you wish you could call her an ex. and that last line was such a reference to winn and kayleigh i love it xDDDD oh and what are things, flowers? or is this another one of your play toys... -.-
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

I don't like how I look but here's a picture anyway hah.

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Haven't been on this website in... Forever. This was before my fourteenth birthday. Take care!
