Community The Beach Member Picture Thread

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Phaaze22 said:
This is a picture of me from a bit earlier in the year.

Note: I don't actually live in London, I like in the UK but in the Midlands. I was just on holiday XD

Saying "on holiday" makes me more inclined that you actually are British....and that is awesome to me

I took this pic because I wanted my gf's opinion on the pink tie....because if my colors clash then people notice and they say I have bad fashion sense...why do I care? Well I don't so what evers dudes and dooders.


Hmmmm yes I regularly wear suits...I also regularly wear my doctors scrubs that I got from my friend who is a heart surgeon....HECK I'm wearing them now....I used to have a pink shirt that went with that tie but the shirt became too small so now I got a silverish grey shirt that works with the tie...I was told by my expert women opinions mirror can never be clean. My cousin was over the day before that pic was taken and dirtied up my window...he has no respect for anyone's things so I'm not surprised.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


There's me, posting from my new laptop with a Steel Arceus plush in the third one. Gotta love that webcam...


And my cat, Scooter. He had a fine Christmas.

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Arceus Of Heaven said:
There's me, posting from my new laptop with a Steel Arceus plush in the third one. Gotta love that webcam...

And my cat, Scooter. He had a fine Christmas.


Dude. I'm jealous. Your cat looks like a total pimp.

Please don't quote images. ~KA
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Phase, you look a lot like Blake Johnson A.K.A "Bravo"

Not sure why my hand is up

RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

On my way to prom in february '11 :3
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

I love your hair :D
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Mina said:
On my way to prom in February '11 :3

Mom was a white square... Dad was a black rectangle.... And that's my friend! :D

Just kidding. But really, you look nice! That is some looooong hair!
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

JaySee; Thanks :D

Rikko145: Hahah, yeah x)
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Phaze looks like me like, 2 years ago, kinda strange but awesome.

Just for the sake of compairing him to me now, :3


and then something outside my usual bathroom:


I was back in my scv for a bit, and adventured to the apple store :b we couldn't download the picture from the computer, so i had to take a picture of it on my phone, if that explains the glare. haha
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Is the first pic what you looked like before your parents shaved you in your sleep?
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

JaySee said:
Is the first pic what you looked like before your parents shaved you in your sleep?

man, you really gotta work on the dry humor..but no because they haven't shaved me in my sleep, thats just kinda what happens after 2-3 days now..
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


Who is a faster picture taker - the 3DS or the computer? The computer won.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

It would be cool if we could see your face Flamingdriscoll :p

You look familiar from a tourney tho...
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


You might have seen me at Nats or Worlds or something, JaySee. :]
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


Has finally joined the camera on phone to mirror craze. New sweatshirt. Tried to do me without my smile. If someone posts after me at reply to this photo, I'll take a picture of me kissing my girlfriend. :eek:oooooo

Oh, and it's not Cardboard Curly Brace. Definitely not.
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Wow, T. Growing out your hair again, huh? Looking all punk with that pimp sweatshirt. ;D
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)


I lied. I did kiss cardboard Curly Brace :3

Nah, Nigel. Although at league someone did change "he" into "she". The hair isn't too...attractive if I look like a girl loool. I won't cut it just yet.

Lol I'm no punk. But thanks :p When'd you get the hat?
RE: Beach Member Picture Thread (Please don't quote images!)

Here is me! Look at the spoiler. See my avatar picture too....

***Also.... I am just gonna post all this on this thread instead of making a new thread... -_- Anywayz I need costume ideas for Acon. FINALLY going for the first tiiimmeee!! ^-^ I dont think that I look like an anime/ video game character because im " too white" ethical descent mostly being at least 60% German around 35% English and the rest a small Scandinavian percentage. So im pretty white and have no good features. I MUST dress up for my first A-con!!! ^-^ I have a horrible [ :p ] squarish shaped face, dark blue eyes, dyed burgundy layered hair, and im pasty pasty white. I thought about going as N, a mew mew girl, or something else. Idk if theres any make-up tricks to make me look more asian- i never wear makeup and im 20 T-T lame... i know... so if anyone has any ideas... please please pm me! ^-^ thanks! Here are my photos below. I just took these so ppl can examine my ridiculous face shape! lolz hehheee im actually in my pokemon jammies! That means... I didnt dress up, do my hair, or put on my beauty mark =3

Halo Thar~!