Round One: George L. With Turbo Tina
This was definitely a great matchup. I discarded double tina and hoopa turn 3, after he started lone shaymin. Basically, I just lysandre'd and giratina/ his second hoopa and won easily. Pretty straightforward.
Round 2: Calvin M. With Fighting/ Mane /Bats/ Smeargle
This is quite a popular deck in my area. It's really quite easy, and this game was too. He starts lone Lucario. I go second (which I always advise with this deck) and quickly discard his strong while getting 2 more Houndoom set up. I keep going, milling joyfully, until he has taken 1 Houndoom KO and 1 shaymin KO. With 7 cards left in his deck, I head ringer a shaymin and Team Aqua's secret base (TASB, arguably best card in the deck) and hope he doesn't hit one of his last 2 DCE for game (retreat/KO with lucario). I trick shovel, discard VS Seeker and Melting Horn. I discard the last 2 DCE off the top of the deck and he concedes.
No Show
I start lone bunnelby and get donked. Yipee.
I'm up against Night March, which should be one of my best match-ups. It is, as he prizes 2 DCE and Concedes, as he wants to leave (he was 2-2, I was downpaired)
4-1, 2nd seed in Top 4
Top 4:
Same entei as earlier. Game one, he forgets I don't have TASB in play and forgets to retreat for 7-8 turns, allowing me to pick up the easy win as he milled himself.
Game 2: This game was really close. I got Houndoom Turn one with assault vests. He immediatly gets turn 2 Entei with Double Muscle and no DCE, taking the KO. I turn around, lysandre shaymin, and literally melting horn for the entire game. It was close because he almost attached 2 energy but I got quatruple heads.
Finals: (Vs. Seis/ Mane/ Bats)
Game One: I'm not sure how I won this series. Game one was literally 12 turns of draw pass before I hit Head ringer and energy to mill his active seismetoad out.
Game 2: He Batted me for shaymin ko and Houndoom KO with Toad. However, I used my 4 grunts and didn't let him power up. I missed an energy for a bunch of turns before finally hitting one and melting for for a turn before he conceded. His Manetrics were his last 2 prizes attachFull9483
There you go, Friends attachFull9484 enjoy