The Report (NJ States 2nd Place):
Warning, I don't exactly remember ever little detail.
Round 1: Zach - Darkrai/Malamar
I am a friend of Zach, and was sad about having to play him.
I was able to get mostly everything I wanted to get 1st game. Hard Charm saved me here. Darkrai's second attack + me being asleep + musclbe band = 180 damage. Houndoom has 170. With hard charm, I was able to avoid the 1HKO, and super scoop a bunch of times. I eventually decked him out. I was able to stall by lysandre'ing up his Malamar with Aqua's Base in play 2-3 times. He played switch once, and then I discarded another with melting horn. I accurately guessed that he only played 2 switch, and was able to stall and win. Game 2 was less memorable. I think that he may have been dead drawing, and I was able to Lysandre Malamar again and take the win.
Round 2: ??? - M Sceptile/M Ampharos/who knows
This was basically a binder drop deck. Ooh, lets put all the EX's into one deck!
It was pretty clunky, and I was able to play 2 games in which I never took much damage at all.
A pretty easy win, with not much worth explaining.
2-0-0, Whoop Whoop!
Round 3: ??? - Jolteon/Magnazone/Rakiou
This annoyed me a lot. The guy (don't remember the name) had like, 20 energy in his deck. All basic. All the crushing hammer in the world aren't going to keep him from attacking. What really killed me were the Pokemon he played. Jolteon EX, Pikachu EX, Rakiou (he only got Magnazone out in the 1st game). They all have (with the exception of Magnazone) 1 retreat or 0. Nothing I could Lysandre that would stay active. I won the 1st relatively easily. The 2nd, I had 1 delinquent in my hand practically the whole game. I clearly lost. Game 3 he set up a Rakiou, and because of me not being able to stall at all with Lysandre, he took all the prizes.
2-1-0, and I'm pretty aggravated about the crazy amount of energy he played.
Round 4: Vishil - M Raquaza
We pretty much had a feeling we would play each other before the parings came out. We talked it over, and considered ID'ing. We were both 3-1-0, and had good resistance. Vishil has the best resistance, as the person he lost to was the only 4-0. The Magnazone player I lost to was 3-1-0, and had lost to a player with a good record too. Expecting to bubble 9th, but happy that Vishil was guaranteed cut, we ID'd.
Waiting for people to finish that round took forever. Talk about sitting around and doing nothing but stressing.
Turns out the guy I lost to also ID'd, so I had good resistance. After waking my dad up and telling him I was 3-1-1 (he somehow fell asleep in that loud room), the results finally came out.
I was one of the first people to see it. I looked at 9th... Didn't see my name. Ok then. Lookedat 8th. Ben Farber. I was really happy about this, as Ben is another good friend of mine. He was playing Flareon/Puroar. I honestly don't know how he made top cut with that... But he did. Shoutout to him for doing a great job.
I looked at 7th and almost screamed. I actually shouted YES. I was 7th seed going into top cut.
I got my deck checked, but turns out a lot of the sleeves i had were slightly broken in the corners. I had to get new ones.
I ran outside, down the road, and into the comic shop. It was Timewarp Comics, and the event was actually held in the library practically next door.
I bought some nice sleeves the color of my room (a dark turquoise), and sprinted back. After changing out the sleeves, we began.
Top 8: Zach - Darkrai/Malamar
Yup. Same guy as 1st round. He had won out after the 1st round, and was 2nd seed.
I won the first game with relative ease, and I don't remember much. I was still panting from sprinting to the store and back. Being no athletic has its drawbacks...

Anyway, the second game was incredibly close. He, after being thwarted by hard charm as explained earlier, decided to start attacking with Malamar. It worked a lot. However, he failed 2 Max elixir, and I got pretty good mills. He 1HKO'ed a Houndoom after flipping 3 heads. His luck then ended. He flipped 3 tails, then 2 tails the next turn (I discarded his DCE, and he attached a second). He, with 2 cards left in his deck, lysandered up my Shaymin and attacked. 1 heads. He had 1-2 prizes left... Aqua's base was in play...
But I had a card up my sleeve. Or in my hand really. I'm not a cheater.
My 1-of AZ!!
I AZ'ed, put up bunnelby, decked him out.
Top 4!
I played against night March. I won the flip and went second. My very first turn of the game, I started with Houndoom, attached hard charm, attached fire energy. Melting horn. Discarded (insert spoiler tag that I don't know how to make) 2 DCE!!!!!!
I was like. Oof. That sucks. I'm sorry.
After I enhanced hammered another DCE of his after he KO'ed Houndoom, he conceded.
Game 2, I was able to easily discard DCE the turn after he played them. Knowing I had won, he conceded.
Top 2!!!
I was playing Diggersby/Puzzle of Time.
Something I had never ever heard of.
Crazy far-out decks in the final ftw!
His deck was like the exact counter of mine. Everything I discarded he could get back and use. He then stalled with bunnelby. I would melting horn, he would rototiller. Seeing that I could not win under that situation, I conceded game 1.
Game 2 was the most boring game of Pokemon I have ever played in my life. It was more boring that online matches where the opponent doesn't do anything. Everything was happening, and nothing was happening. I would attack, flare grunt. Attach, flare grunt. Attach, flare grunt. Happened about 4 times. Crushing hammer also took away all my energies. I snuck a look to my dad who was proudly watching. I shock my head like, nope.. can't win...
I conceded after he discarded my 5th of 6 energy, and I had already used super rod.
I got a mat with "Finalist" (a polite way of saying: "You made it to the final match! Then got your butt walloped!"), gold hoopa sleeves, 90 championship points, and 2 booster boxes of Breakpoint!!!
I was happiest about the packs. I had 0 championship points and wasn't going for my invite (I never really do, I'm not great).
FA Skyla (!)
FA Ho-oh (A FA Phoenix for Phoenix15!!!)
FA Manaphy
FA Espeon
M Scizor
M Gyarados
SR Gyarados (!)
Raticate BREAK
Golduck BREAK
Trevenant BREAK
Luxray BREAK
2 Holo Meganium
2 Holo Garchomp
1 RHolo Garchomp
2 Holo Slowking
1 Holo Aegislash
1 RHolo Aegislash
3 Holo Garbodor (lol)
2 Greninja
Shout Outs:
1) Shout out to my friend Ben for also making Top Cut! (He lost 1st round)
2) Shout out to my friend Zach for making Top Cut! (Lost to me...)
3) Shout out to my new friend Vishil for making Top Cut (lost to night March)
4) Shout out to my friend Sebastian, for making Top Cut in Juniors!
7 players from my league went.
1 Junior
4 Seniors (I'm a Senior)
1 Master
4/7 of us made top cut!
EDIT: I realized I totally forgot round 4. I labeled the ID as round 4, but it was really round 5.
Round 4: Andrew (maybe?) - M Glalie
In the first game, I was able to discard a ton of energies. He conceded towards the middle of game, when I discarded basically all of his energy.
Game 2 was pretty much the exact same thing.