RE: .::The Card Shoppe; H: RH SP stuff, Uxie Lv.X, Gengar Prime, *s, more!!::.
KwiksilverT - Nah, sorry. I actually value T-Tar Prime at around $7, so that would throw stuff off balance.
mlouden03 - Not offended. $70-$80 is a fair price range, but as I already have one Umbreon *, I can't trade a ton of stuff to get another. Thanks anyway, good luck with your VS app.
VidFox - Kingdra's been traded... I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that anyway. I'd give you the Electrode and Typhlosion.
Yoshidude10 - Sounds good, thanks.
Spyked - Well, the RH Unown Q has been traded. I know this is going to come across as picky, but I'd value the Cities Dratini at around $6 or so, well above a throw-in. Also, only mildly interested in the Call Energy. If you were to take another * and do the Uxie Lv.X, what would the * be? Lemme know, thanks.