The Casey Anthony Trial - NOT GUILTY

This sums up pretty well why the current system (and people IN the system) are stupid.
gengar the baller said:
If Casey Anthony didn't kill the baby, then who supposedly did?

According to the defense itwas an accidental drowning and casey just freaked out and covered it up
Honestly (As I've said previously) I think she did kill her, but there wasn't enough evidence. and I've followed the trial and am even watching a full repeat on court TV.
So am I.

I think she did kill her, but in all the pictures/videos it looked like Casey was having so much fun with Caylee...
Yeah she probably killed her, but this is a momentous victory for the court system.

The point is that the EVIDENCE of any murder was lacking. The prosecution's case was in shambles the whole time, what with dubious evidence surrounding the scent of a dead body. The court system works when jurors act based on the evidence and not emotion. They did the right thing; the evidence was inadequate for a conviction. Bravo.
But the problem is who used the duct tape to cover her mouth and nose so she could not breathe? Also there was no evidence on the child at all because they suspect surgical gloves were used because Casey is a surgical nurse/party girl and according to some sources some suspect she did it to be able to party and live life without interference of any kind. She got no guilty because there was no evidence to show how Caylee died but they know someone did it so she blamed her whole family and lied to police about what really happen. What made it worse was inexperienced layers and let alone jurors also so that explains why she got free. Her layer used to be a bikini salesmen had only 3 years experience at law and probably liked her too. Who knows. Don't take the last line seriously as it is a possibility.:(
The reason is because this was a case that was 3 years in the making and was already serving time and had to wait for her trial and it had been delayed a few times but I can't remember why. This all happened in 2008. The media has been tracking this case for that long. The news always keeps tabs on things like this until the mystery of the case is solved. Just like the other mystery cases that are now in the process of being solved right now. This case is now pretty much solved except she has to testify on the 19th 2 days after she gets out of jail. She gets out on the 17th which is Sunday XD.:)
she was oviously not could have been ne1 out of the 6 million ppl in the world that killed her kid!!! it wasn't her

Please use proper spelling and grammar. ~Hyperbeem
Casey Anthony is now out of jail She has already left and only a few people know where but she or anyone she knows will not say where. However on Tuesday she is supposed to be in court to testify again but she might not show up which means there might be a bench warrent for her if she does not show up. She is going to change her name and looks as well so she will not be able to be noticed. We will see what happens though. Looks like she is heavily guarded too XD.:)
There's reports that she'll end up around my hometown, because her aunt and uncle live in a town over. Terrific, eh?
She is not going to where everyone thought she was going which was Porturico. She is not going there. No one will know for a long time XD.:)
On the news, they say the only way she'll be able to escape the media is to either go to a place without TV (Yeah, that exists in America >_> )

Or South America.