Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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Mora || Xerneas || Keeper || scattered



Inflation Factor: 6

- x2 purple, pointy rocks
- x3 smooth, brown rocks
- x3 smooth, grey rocks
- x3 rough, white rocks
- x3 brown, pointy rocks

Inflation Factor: 2


Inflation Factor: 9

- x2 purple, pointy rocks
- x3 smooth, brown rocks
- x2 smooth, grey rocks
- x2 brown, pointy rocks

Inflation Factor: 3
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Keeper throws a smooth, brown rock at Button D but the rock slips a bit higher and hits Button A instead... but nothing happens!
Keeper throws a smooth, brown rock at Button G but the rock slips a bit higher and hits Button D instead! A sucking noise can be heard... but nothing happens!
Scattered throws a rough, white rock at Button A but gets caught in the wind and hits Button B instead! After a few seconds, a blowing noise can be heard and scattered's balloon inflates by 1!
Also, I'll be out for potentially the night from about now, so don't expect a response any further for the moment.
Keeper throws a smooth, grey rock at Button B but the rock slips a bit higher and misses the buttons altogether!

Keeper throws a smooth, grey rock at Button B ... but after a few seconds, nothing happens.

Keeper throws a smooth, grey rock at Button B and after a few seconds, buttons A, B and C become disabled for three turns.
Scattered throws a purple, pointy rock at Button I, a blowing noise can be heard and Keeper's balloon inflates by 1!

Scattered throws a smooth, grey rock at Button G, a blowing noise can be heard... but nothing happens!

B..but I threw the smooth grey rock at button G.. :[
Whoops, I calculated as G just forgot to change it from I. >_>

Scattered throws a white, light rock at Button H but gets caught in the wind and hits Button I instead! A blowing noise can be heard and Keeper's balloon inflates by 1!
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