Finished The Challenge: Season 6 - The Winner Crowned!

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Before I spend anymore time on this, are we sure that all of the errors have been corrected? No misspelled words, no more missing pieces?
I do believe the entire point is that the code is full of errors that we need to fix.
He just missed an image link.
Anyone else besides the winner is even slightly close to know what to do? :(

Post .gifs!

<Mora> Sweet, coding!
<scattered> What is this even. ._.
<Xerneas> *yawn*
<Keeper> I don’t even know what I’m doing \o/
<bbninjas> e.e;
<Keeper> Ohey!
<Keeper> This is not art related!
<Mora> Your point?
<Keeper> I’m gonna stay up all night just so I can beat you! >:]
<Mora> Rude.
<steffenka> So, Keeper manages to predict the future, stay up all night and find the treasure.
<Keeper> That’s right!
<Keeper> I mean, I did, you know, lose some sleep over this
<Keeper> *shades*
<bbninjas> Whatever
<bbninjas> Keeper gets 10 coins blah.
<bbninjas> And now that that is done, let’s get rolling.
<steffenka> Right on it!

*Mora rolls a 6.
*Mora reaches Celever!
<Celever> Sup
<Mora> bb is making so many mistakes these past few days
<Mora> You need to up his game.
<Celever> Okay!
<Celever> Ohey
<Celever> You’re doing really well!
<Celever> Like, you’ve won nearly all of the minichallenges so far xD
<Celever> So have 10 more coins lol
Mora> Awww, thnx
<Celever> Welcome!

*scattered rolls a 4.
*scattered reaches Celever!
<scattered> o/
<Celever> \o
<scattered> Got any, ya know, coins left?
<scattered> I heard you just gave some to Mora
<Celever> Oh yeah
<Celever> Do you want some?
*scattered receives 10 coins from scattered.
<scattered> ^_^

*Keeper rolls a 1. :/
<Keeper> lol my run of high numbers appears to have dropped.
<Keeper> Totally should lose more often.
*Xerneas rolls a 4.
<Xerneas> Well, that was boring.

<bbninjas> Quite right!
<bbninjas> But wait no longer!
<bbninjas> Let’s play Balloon Burst!
<bbninjas> There are a bunch of balloons on the opposite side of that canyon.
<bbninjas> The canyon is joined by this rotten, woode-
<bbninjas> Uh, Celever, why are you playing with matchsticks by the bridge?
<Celever> Oh, I’m an arsonist.
*Celever strikes a match.
<Celever> See? It’s pretty. ;3
<bbninjas> Ahaha, just don’t drop it okay?
<Celever> Drop it, did you say?
<bbninjas> Yeah
<Celever> Okay, I’ll drop it.
<bbninjas> WAIT-
*Celever drops matchstick
*Bridge burns up and is no more
<bbninjas> -a second.
*bbninjas sighes
<bbninjas> Whelp, we’ve got no bridge anymore.
<Celever> Hey, it’s not my fault! D:
<bbninjas> Yes, well, lucky you, cause I installed nifty buttons that can control the inflation and deflation of these balloons.
<Celever> Oh cool!
<Celever> I’ve got a lot of stones here; you could set the buttons off using them.
<bbninjas> Good idea.
<Xerneas> You people are weird.

Balloon Burst
  • Well, uh, Celever burnt the bridge… so it looks like the contestants are gonna have to throw rocks.
  • Each contestant has their own balloon. The aim of the game is to burst your balloon first by inflating it. If no balloon is burst by the deadline, the contestant with the most inflated balloon will win. In the case of the tie, the player that reached their inflation factor first will win.
  • Balloons begin at an inflation factor of 0. Balloon inflation cannot become a negative, as that would be weird. A balloon bursts once it hits an inflation factor of 10.
  • Balloons are inflated (or deflated!) by throwing a variety of rocks at a variety of buttons. These buttons are spoilered below. Each button has a different effect, which could be either positive, negative or neutral.
  • Each player has 15 rocks in their possession, 1 of which is used up on each throw. When I say 15 rocks, by the way, I mean 3 of each of the following:
    - A purple, pointy rock.
    - A smooth, brown rock.
    - A smooth, grey rock.
    - A white, light rock.
    - A brown, pointy rock.
  • Each rock acts different. As in have different properties when you throw them.
  • Players must choose to throw rocks at buttons in thread. To do this, contestants must use the following format: I throw [ROCK TYPE] at [BUTTON].
  • Contestants may throw rocks at any time throughout the challenge. Keep in mind that throwing all your rocks at once is not necessarily a good idea, especially as contestants don’t actually know what these buttons will do.
  • When a contestant has no rocks left, they cannot throw further. Contestants also may not throw a rock type that they no longer have in their possession.
  • bb and Celever will try to update with results as soon as possible, although with time zone things this may be a bit difficult. e.e;
  • Contestants have until the 2nd of October, 7PM AEST to try and burst their balloons.

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