*PhantomHaze, bbninjas, Brave Vesperia and GM Draclord have joined Mario Bandstand
<PhantomHaze> So, what’s the holdup?
<Brave Vesperia> Let’s get this party started! :U
<bbninjas> Yes, yes
<bbninjas> They’re backstage practising etcetera
*Mora, Keeper, scattered and Xerneas have joined Mario Bandstand.
<scattered> Pssst
<scattered> We’re ready!
<bbninjas> …And it appears our contestants are ready for the perfomance!
/bbninjas ducks behind curtains
/curtains open
*Speaker Voice has joined Mario Bandstand
<Speaker Voice> Ladies and gentlemen - welcome to Mario Bandstand!
<Speaker Voice> Give a hand to these contestants who will entertain you tonight! *cue applauds and music*
*Music for a few minutes
<Speaker Voice> Well well, it looks like the contestants have finished their piece!
<Speaker Voice> Let’s give another hand! *cue applaud*
<GM Draclord> That was entertaining. :3
<bbninjas> Did anyone stand out?
<PhantomHaze> Mora, Keeper and Xerneas were all pretty good.
<bbninjas> Whattabout me? ;_;
<PhantomHaze> You were fine. :U
<Brave Vesperia> I liked Mora and Keeper the best.
<GM Draclord> Mora and Xerneas struck my heart.
<GM Draclord> I’d score Mora 1,572,870; Keeper 1,432,982; Xerneas 1,232,689; and scattered 14,525 (n.n

<bbninjas> Why the big numbers? o.o
<GM Draclord> idk - felt fitting
<bbninjas> Ah, okay then n.n;
<bbninjas> But let’s go with those scores, cause they work!
<bbninjas> Meaning Mora performed the best and has gained 10 more coins! Hooray :3
<steffenka> Hooray indeed!
<steffenka> Now let’s get on with the game.
/Mora rolls a 3.
<steffenka> Low numbers certainly doesn’t deter Mora!
<steffenka> She’s cannonballed to the Red Moderator’s Base 2!
<steffenka> And look at that - she’s landed on a minigame space!
<Mora> ;D
<bbninjas> A minigame? That’s my cue!
<bbninjas> I just completed building this tower and put a treasure chest on tomp.
<steffenka> Why?

<bbninjas> I was bored, k?
<bbninjas> My boredom has led to a minigame, k?
<bbninjas> It’s called Knock Block Tower!
<bbninjas> All Mora needs to do is reach the treasure chest by punching and breaking the wooden blocks!
<Mora> What are these blue things that are moving up and down?
<bbninjas> Oh, you mean thwomps?
<Mora> Yeah, those. Why the heck are they here?
<bbninjas> I ran out of blocks. >.>
<Mora> I don’t buy it.
<bbninjas> Aaaaaaanyways… they really don’t like getting punched.
<bbninjas> They’ll probably launch you off the platform if you punch one of them, so don’t punch ‘em.
<Mora> Nice tip >_>
<bbninjas> Thankyou! ^^
<bbninjas> Now, let’s get to it!
<bbninjas> You’ve got 15 seconds :v
*Mora has joined Knock Block Tower
/Mora jumps and punches Wooden Box 1
/Mora jumps and punches Wooden Box 2
/Mora jumps to reach treasure chest but misses
<bbninjas> :O
<bbninjas> A few seconds left now!
/Mora jumps to reach treasure chest and reaches it!
<bbninjas> :O!
<bbninjas> You can have all the coins in the chest, if you’d like!
<Mora> ^____^
/Mora gains 10 coins
<steffenka> Well, that was excite.
<steffenka> Let’s get on with the moving.
*scattered rolls a 2.
*Keeper rolls a-
<steffenka> What’s this?
<steffenka>The rolling block is green - a different colour to the norm!
<Keeper> It won’t warp me, will it? :L
<steffenka> I don’t think so…
<steffenka> Actually, I just got word that it is a ‘Speed Block’!
<steffenka> You can only roll 8, 9 or 10 with it!
<Keeper> The odds are with me. =D
*Keeper rolls a 10!
*Keeper is shot by the Red Moderators to the Black Member’s Base 1!
<steffenka> And he’s still going!
*Keeper is shot by the Black Members to the Red Moderator’s Base 2!
*scattered rolls a-
<steffenka> It’s another different coloured block!
<scattered> Uh oh, it’s red.
<scattered> That doesn’t sound inviting >_>
<steffenka> It isn’t inviting either!
<steffenka> You will lose coins equal to the amount you roll!
<steffenka> At least you get to move n.n;
<scattered> :/
<scattered> Low number pls
*scattered rolls a 2.
*scattered loses 2 coins.
<steffenka> That’s just enough to reachV om!
<steffenka> Oh wait a second
<steffenka> You didn’t submit any action :U
<steffenka> Well, you can just steal from the player with the most coins.
<steffenka> That is, Mora.
*Vom steals coins from Mora
*scattered recieves 2 coins from Vom!
<scattered> Only 2?
<scattered> Lame.
<steffenka> Srry e.e
<bbninjas> Looks like Vom was a bit busy xD
<bbninjas> And our contestants are just about to get busy!
<bbninjas> Cause it’s time for the next minichallenge!
<bbninjas> I’ve just discovered a I’ve got quite a few keys
<bbninjas> And Celever has just discovered a secret vault
<bbninjas> Guarded by the evil Cypher333!
<bbninjas> Without doubt I have the keys to unlock the vault.
<bbninjas> Thus you contestants must choose keys, avoid Cypher333’s evil minions and reach to the vault!
<bbninjas> You must work together on this, of course.
<bbninjas> However, if you make a single mistake, the evil minions will catch you and you will be eternally shamed.
<bbninjas> And get no spoils, which would be unfortunate.
*bbninjas gives keys to Mora
<Xerneas> Why does Mora get the keys?
<bbninjas> The program said so :U
- Contestants must work together in this challenge! bbninjas has a pile of keys (see spoiler below). Contestants will need to each choose four keys from this picture and submit these choices to bbninjas and Celever.
- Each player must submit the exact same choices. The choices must also be listed in the exact same order. There is also one key that must be in the submitted choices. Mora knows which key this is.
- Any submissions may not be edited, changed or altered once submitted.
- Keys can be listed as a submission by marking the keys on the picture or providing detailed descriptions of each key. The word restrictions listed below does not need to be followed in submissions.
- If any contestant submits a key different to another contestant, each of the four contestants will together fail the challenge. They may or may not be a penalty for failing.
- Of course, doing choosing keys is pretty easy, so we’re gonna make it a bit harder. Players can only communicate about this minichallenge in this thread until bbninjas has confirmed the minichallenge to be over. Any outside communication (Quicktopics, Skype, etc) will result in a potential forfeit of the offending contestant for the entire The Challenge.
- Contestants may not post pictures in thread of any sort throughout the duration of this minichallenge. Contestants also may not use the following words/groups in-thread through the duration of this minichallenge:
“Key”, any colour (including black, silver and white), “middle”, “between”, and “next to”
- Contestants may not attempt to bypass these restrictions by using a synonymous word as listed by Thesaurus.com, or highlight the restricted word inside another word. For an example, players may not use “lockkey” or “monkey” to bypass the use of “key”. “Keychain” is fine for this example.
- Players have until the Friday the 25th of September 7PM AEST to complete this minichallenge.